Annnddd when you sign onto the boards enough to have figured out that it's easier to open the login link in a new tab and then refresh the page you were on than it is to just click the login link and have to go through all of hte other pages again...
I DO THE EXACT SAME THING!!!!! hahahahahaha
I never thought to do that! Wow. I'm stupid.
- You know you're obsessed when an internet friend makes a group for OK Go fans on DeviantArt with you in mind.
- When your avatar on DA says 'OK GO ROCKS'.
- When you're wearing an OK Go shirt right at this moment. Oh yes.
DJRose said:We used to shout "Run's House" in response to "Whose House" in Oh Lately It's So Quiet. That was originally my husband's idea, but I kind of took it to a whole new level of ridiculous. It used to make the guys laugh but they've heard it so many times they got over it.
Hahaha, that's fantastic too. xD
Aaaannnnnd YKYOW you're making "My art school rocks" cards cuz there's nothing better to do for that twenty minutes at artschool, and after putting tape on your paper in a wholelotof random ways (red, blue, green, and yellow, btdubs. ;)), you decide to write: "*Insert art school name here: What amagic combination."
And thenlaugh at your "cleverness"(loserliness) that nobody else gets.
I feel like the boards are the only place where all we boardies get to be together and share our OK Go awesomeness. Like I'm always reading things on the board that go along the lines of "and I laughed because no one else got it" or "I instantly thought of OK Go but no one else knew what I was talking about". How awesome would it be if we all knew each other irl and then we could just hangout. All we would talk about is OK Go and how amazing they are XD
and YKYOW every time your friends try and tell you something new they learned about OK Go, your response is always "I knew that." What can I say, I'm an expert...
How awesome would it be if we all knew each other irl and then we could just hangout. All we would talk about is OK Go and how amazing they are XD
Stick around, because that's totally what happens.
"I wish we could all get along (...) I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...
Oh wellz. MY BIGGEST DREAM RIGHT NOW, besides someday going to London and Edinburgh, is to go to an OK Go concert with at least one of you awesome people <3
YKYOW thinking of getting a better job will not at all be because you need to buy more stuff or help out at home, it's because you want to build a 'OK GO CONCERT SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD' fund.
Oh wellz. MY BIGGEST DREAM RIGHT NOW, besides someday going to London and Edinburgh, is to go to an OK Go concert with at least one of you awesome people <3
YKYOW thinking of getting a better job will not at all be because you need to buy more stuff or help out at home, it's because you want to build a 'OK GO CONCERT SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD' fund.
That's not obsessed, Laeticia, that's just smart. It's practical planning. Isn't it?? (She asks in hopeful tones because she is about to take on some drudge work that is WAAAYYY beneath her skill level, and laughably low-paying, to start the very same sort of concert fund!)
YKYOW you worry that having an OK Go concert fund, separate from the regular "Christel's Concert Fund", makes you officially obsessed.
YKYOW thinking of getting a better job will not at all be because you need to buy more stuff or help out at home, it's because you want to build a 'OK GO CONCERT SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD' fund.
That's not obsessed, Laeticia, that's just smart. It's practical planning. Isn't it?? (She asks in hopeful tones because she is about to take on some drudge work that is WAAAYYY beneath her skill level, and laughably low-paying, to start the very same sort of concert fund!)
YKYOW you worry that having an OK Go concert fund, separate from the regular "Christel's Concert Fund", makes you officially obsessed.
Yeah, totally practical planning! If I have to wait for them to come back here, I'll probably be waiting forever because I know they only came to Brazil because MTV called them in. The shows did pretty well and critics were very like "look at what came to our town, freaking impressive, if you missed it you're a douchebag!", I was so happy about that. But I don't think it is enough for bringing them back. But I have hope.
But having hope does not mean I really do believe in it. LOL
Hopefully I want to see them in either NY, Chicago or Washington - that always looks like fun.
- YKYOW the conversation at lunch with your two OK Go obsessed friends goes something like this(Friend #2 started drawing Damian, and it was only half of him so far):
Me: So you drew half of his body, like half the head and one leg and one arm and so forth?
Friend #2: No! Like the bottom half of his head and like that.
Me: Darn! If you did it the other way, it would be half of Damian for you and half for me.
Friend #1: What about me?! Wait- I want his hands!
Me: His hands? Fine, you can have his hands, but I get half of Damian!
Friend #1: Wait, isn't Andy your favorite? What if you get the whole of Andy, and then Friend #2 can have half on Damian and I can have half of Damian.
Me: Very true. Okay then, it's decided. You each get half of Damian, and I get Andy.
Or something like that. It was really close along the lines of that.
I received an email this morning that announced, "...The Monkeys Are Back!"
And I thought, "OH GOOD!" Then I preceded to giggle (rather appropriately, I think) for several minutes. The giggling has subsided for the moment, but it could very easily begin again.
YKYOW, upon seeing that subject line, instead of thinking of your own pre-OK Go monkeys-are-back reference, you immediately picture Damian.
I'd love to go to a show with any of the boardies Unfortunately I live in Ontario so the only American shows I can reach are ones in New York or Detroit, unless I went on a random road trip somewhere! Oh.. ideas.
YKYOW, you find out that the Pixies are doing a show in your city (!!!) and the first thought that enters your mind is "Wow, OK Go would be so proud! My musical tastes have expanded so much." or something like that. I find it ironic how even though I should be all excited about seeing the Pixies, my train of though always manages to find its way back to the boys.
Hopefully I want to see them in either NY, Chicago or Washington - that always looks like fun.
Yep, those are where I would suggest. DC is *always* a good time and Chicago seems to be too. I know I had a great time at my Chicago show.
Yeah, I hear it's always fun there, so that should be a place to go... besides, freaking Chicago. I want to go there since I've ever studied the United States (probably since I'm around 13,14 years old).
Totalgeek42 said:
Duuuude, come to NYC, and tell me when you do. *nodnod*
Also, that's a fantastic idea. xD
Duuuuuuude, if I ever come to the NYC I'LL TOTALLY TELL YOU
and I'll hang with you so I won't be lost or anything like a freak searching everything on Google Maps and worrying about my English getting all nervous and no one understanding me XD
ahhhhhhh massive amounts of nostalgia coming through, don't worry, it'll clear out in a minute.
no but really though, it's been a very long time since I started this thread. And a very long time since I've been on the boards at all. FJkdfhgk. Failure.
I want to say that I'll try to be on more but considering how much my life has fallen apart, I don't think I can promise anything. But wowowowowowow.
YKYOW you're sad you missed your 5-year boardversary?
YKYOW your gut hurts when you find out that I Love You, Man is on TV and you start screaming.
(I was home alone at the time but the dorkiness is the same, just less creepy)
YKYOW You tell 12 year old Justin Beiber fans that you are a fangirling veteran and that they should bow down to you.
YKYOW You open your locker to OK Go photos and suddenly a little "EEP" or an "AAH" slips out of your mouth unintentionly.
And finally,
YKYOW you go into the weight room at school for the first time and while the gym teacher is talking you just can't stop staring at the treadmills with a huge grin on your face.
YKYOW you go into the weight room at school for the first time and while the gym teacher is talking you just can't stop staring at the treadmills with a huge grin on your face.
- YKYOW you couldn't stop staring at your orchestra teacher's t-shirt because it was black-and-white-striped.
I've been noticing those kinds of shirts ALL THE TIME. GOD.
- When someday you want to go into a gym and run fifteen minutes on the treadmill and then go read People magazine.
- When you were at Ikea today and you had to get a trashcan, so you got a white one that looks like( and maybe is, did they go to Ikea for the buckets) the ones from the White Knuckles video.
My family called me 'too obsessed' and Dinky Demian laughed at me. Pff. I don't believe there's such a thing.
ahhhhhhh massive amounts of nostalgia coming through, don't worry, it'll clear out in a minute.
no but really though, it's been a very long time since I started this thread. And a very long time since I've been on the boards at all. FJkdfhgk. Failure.
I want to say that I'll try to be on more but considering how much my life has fallen apart, I don't think I can promise anything. But wowowowowowow.
YKYOW you're sad you missed your 5-year boardversary?
The woman, the myth the legend! Okay, I don't know you, but I though that sounded good.
Hopefully this can still be a place to get away a bit from so-called real life and put a smile on your face.
I never thought to do that! Wow. I'm stupid.
- You know you're obsessed when an internet friend makes a group for OK Go fans on DeviantArt with you in mind.
- When your avatar on DA says 'OK GO ROCKS'.
- When you're wearing an OK Go shirt right at this moment. Oh yes.
Hahaha, that's fantastic too. xD
Aaaannnnnd YKYOW you're making "My art school rocks" cards cuz there's nothing better to do for that twenty minutes at artschool, and after putting tape on your paper in a wholelotof random ways (red, blue, green, and yellow, btdubs. ;)), you decide to write: "*Insert art school name here: What amagic combination."
And thenlaugh at your "cleverness"(loserliness) that nobody else gets.
Bahaha that's great!
I feel like the boards are the only place where all we boardies get to be together and share our OK Go awesomeness. Like I'm always reading things on the board that go along the lines of "and I laughed because no one else got it" or "I instantly thought of OK Go but no one else knew what I was talking about". How awesome would it be if we all knew each other irl and then we could just hangout. All we would talk about is OK Go and how amazing they are XD
and YKYOW every time your friends try and tell you something new they learned about OK Go, your response is always "I knew that." What can I say, I'm an expert...
Stick around, because that's totally what happens.
Oh wellz. MY BIGGEST DREAM RIGHT NOW, besides someday going to London and Edinburgh, is to go to an OK Go concert with at least one of you awesome people <3
YKYOW thinking of getting a better job will not at all be because you need to buy more stuff or help out at home, it's because you want to build a 'OK GO CONCERT SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD' fund.
That's not obsessed, Laeticia, that's just smart. It's practical planning. Isn't it?? (She asks in hopeful tones because she is about to take on some drudge work that is WAAAYYY beneath her skill level, and laughably low-paying, to start the very same sort of concert fund!)
YKYOW you worry that having an OK Go concert fund, separate from the regular "Christel's Concert Fund", makes you officially obsessed.
Yeah, totally practical planning! If I have to wait for them to come back here, I'll probably be waiting forever because I know they only came to Brazil because MTV called them in. The shows did pretty well and critics were very like "look at what came to our town, freaking impressive, if you missed it you're a douchebag!", I was so happy about that. But I don't think it is enough for bringing them back. But I have hope.
But having hope does not mean I really do believe in it. LOL
Hopefully I want to see them in either NY, Chicago or Washington - that always looks like fun.
Yep, those are where I would suggest. DC is *always* a good time and Chicago seems to be too. I know I had a great time at my Chicago show.
Duuuude, come to NYC, and tell me when you do. *nodnod*
Also, that's a fantastic idea. xD
For those of us who have no hope of ever getting to the states
to see them, i just hope they get to the UK this year
Wow, this thread slid down the page...
- YKYOW the conversation at lunch with your two OK Go obsessed friends goes something like this(Friend #2 started drawing Damian, and it was only half of him so far):
Me: So you drew half of his body, like half the head and one leg and one arm and so forth?
Friend #2: No! Like the bottom half of his head and like that.
Me: Darn! If you did it the other way, it would be half of Damian for you and half for me.
Friend #1: What about me?! Wait- I want his hands!
Me: His hands? Fine, you can have his hands, but I get half of Damian!
Friend #1: Wait, isn't Andy your favorite? What if you get the whole of Andy, and then Friend #2 can have half on Damian and I can have half of Damian.
Me: Very true. Okay then, it's decided. You each get half of Damian, and I get Andy.
Or something like that. It was really close along the lines of that.
I received an email this morning that announced, "...The Monkeys Are Back!"
And I thought, "OH GOOD!" Then I preceded to giggle (rather appropriately, I think) for several minutes. The giggling has subsided for the moment, but it could very easily begin again.
YKYOW, upon seeing that subject line, instead of thinking of your own pre-OK Go monkeys-are-back reference, you immediately picture Damian.
I'd love to go to a show with any of the boardies
Unfortunately I live in Ontario so the only American shows I can reach are ones in New York or Detroit, unless I went on a random road trip somewhere! Oh.. ideas.
YKYOW, you find out that the Pixies are doing a show in your city (!!!) and the first thought that enters your mind is "Wow, OK Go would be so proud! My musical tastes have expanded so much." or something like that. I find it ironic how even though I should be all excited about seeing the Pixies, my train of though always manages to find its way back to the boys.
Yeah, I hear it's always fun there, so that should be a place to go... besides, freaking Chicago. I want to go there since I've ever studied the United States (probably since I'm around 13,14 years old).
no but really though, it's been a very long time since I started this thread. And a very long time since I've been on the boards at all. FJkdfhgk. Failure.
I want to say that I'll try to be on more but considering how much my life has fallen apart, I don't think I can promise anything. But wowowowowowow.
YKYOW you're sad you missed your 5-year boardversary?
(I was home alone at the time but the dorkiness is the same, just less creepy)
YKYOW You tell 12 year old Justin Beiber fans that you are a fangirling veteran and that they should bow down to you.
YKYOW You open your locker to OK Go photos and suddenly a little "EEP" or an "AAH" slips out of your mouth unintentionly.
And finally,
YKYOW you go into the weight room at school for the first time and while the gym teacher is talking you just can't stop staring at the treadmills with a huge grin on your face.
Go Ontario! XD
I've been noticing those kinds of shirts ALL THE TIME. GOD.
- When someday you want to go into a gym and run fifteen minutes on the treadmill and then go read People magazine.
- When you were at Ikea today and you had to get a trashcan, so you got a white one that looks like( and maybe is, did they go to Ikea for the buckets) the ones from the White Knuckles video.
My family called me 'too obsessed' and Dinky Demian laughed at me. Pff. I don't believe there's such a thing.
The woman, the myth the legend! Okay, I don't know you, but I though that sounded good.
Hopefully this can still be a place to get away a bit from so-called real life and put a smile on your face.