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You know you're obsessed when...



  • You know you're obsessed when someone says "Okay!" and you respond with - in a rather loud, gleeful shout - "GO!"
  • DJRose said:

    YKYOW you're listening to the Daytrotter session, and your husband responds to "I Want You So Bad I Can't Breathe" with "Underwater."

    That. Is. Awesome.

  • YKYOW you talk about OK Go so much that your friend finally gives in to listen.  And then gets obsessed.  And then shows them to his dad, his other friend, buys two of their cds, learns how to properly capitalize OK Go, knows what you mean by OTBCOTS and TTSP...

    Also, when you say "the concert" and somebody tells you to "stop raving about that!"  (Mind you, I was talking about my school band concert, and it kind of annoyed me, and if I had been talking about an OK Go concert it wouldda been wayyyyy outta context and I'm usually pretty logical in thought progressions, but whatever).

    Also, when you're doing a project with a different friend and listening to OTBCOTS on your turntable (okay that's unnecessary, but I'm in love with it!  D:) and by the last two songs you've both completely given up on doing any work and just started listening, because it gets so intense.  And then you both agree that the next record you put on seems a little bit boring after that.

  • Whenyou come home from school to find out that your sister brought home a toddler to babysit, and his name is Damain. In your head you're go: " OH MY GOD I KNOW A DAMIAN!" and get all excited, but then you find out it's spelled Demien, not Damian. And you're slightly dissapointed.

  • Totalgeek42 said:

    YKYOW you talk about OK Go so much that your friend finally gives in to listen.  And then gets obsessed.  And then shows them to his dad, his other friend, buys two of their cds, learns how to properly capitalize OK Go, knows what you mean by OTBCOTS and TTSP...

    Also, when you say "the concert" and somebody tells you to "stop raving about that!"  (Mind you, I was talking about my school band concert, and it kind of annoyed me, and if I had been talking about an OK Go concert it wouldda been wayyyyy outta context and I'm usually pretty logical in thought progressions, but whatever).

    Also, when you're doing a project with a different friend and listening to OTBCOTS on your turntable (okay that's unnecessary, but I'm in love with it!  D:) and by the last two songs you've both completely given up on doing any work and just started listening, because it gets so intense.  And then you both agree that the next record you put on seems a little bit boring after that.

    Haha that's awesome! And I totally agree with the "next record you put on seems a little bit boring" thing. Nothing else compares to the sweet tunes of OK Go.

  • dunkgreener said:
    Totalgeek42 said:

    YKYOW you talk about OK Go so much that your friend finally gives in to listen.  And then gets obsessed.  And then shows them to his dad, his other friend, buys two of their cds, learns how to properly capitalize OK Go, knows what you mean by OTBCOTS and TTSP...

    Also, when you say "the concert" and somebody tells you to "stop raving about that!"  (Mind you, I was talking about my school band concert, and it kind of annoyed me, and if I had been talking about an OK Go concert it wouldda been wayyyyy outta context and I'm usually pretty logical in thought progressions, but whatever).

    Also, when you're doing a project with a different friend and listening to OTBCOTS on your turntable (okay that's unnecessary, but I'm in love with it!  D:) and by the last two songs you've both completely given up on doing any work and just started listening, because it gets so intense.  And then you both agree that the next record you put on seems a little bit boring after that.

    Haha that's awesome! And I totally agree with the "next record you put on seems a little bit boring" thing. Nothing else compares to the sweet tunes of OK Go.

    hahahaha agreed!

    like, the last thing I found out was this band called Office..and they are exciting but, they are the 1st thing I've like, heard nonstop since OTBCOTS came out...all the rest really got boring after a few minutes, I always have to switch back to OK Go... that why I have like 2,000 plays on from them and the second most played is like, Pixies w/ 100 plays xD

  • Oh, YKYOW you make your sister buy you earrings just because they have the colours and remind you of the OTBCOTS's cover.
  • When you make your best friend film you doing the chair-thing-move in White Knuckles that Damian did.

    My friend made me do that. I still haven't uploaded it yet. She wants me to send it to Damian. XD

  • YKYOW you see this and think of OK Go:

    Then again, it could also be because I still find confetti in the oddest places.

  • Along the same line, YKYOW you've looked for a longgggg time for somebody as energetic as OK Go, and you just can't find anybody.. like I've tried the supposedly most energetic bands ever, and it's just not the same.. oO

    There are like... two bands who might come closeish, and there are a few bands that get as intense but not as dance-y intense, and I like dance-y, dammit!  D:<


    Still love the other bands though.  xD

    HOLYCRAPHOLYCRAPHOLYCRAP.  It's my first 23 in the math!  :D

  • beckysioux said:

    YKYOW you see this and think of OK Go:

    Then again, it could also be because I still find confetti in the oddest places.

    I WOULD instantly think OK Go too! hahahahaha

    that's maybe because I still have a bunch of confetti from their concert because the whole time my purse was open... just when I got home I was like HEY WHAT'S ALL THIS

    YKYOW you cross the list of your books to read in 2011 and replace the number one with OTBCOTS's cd booklet because not only you're an OK Go die hard fan you are basically a linguistics nerd and feel like READING ALL THE GRAPHS

  • YKYOW you play guitar so hard it shreds your fingers and you get bloody, and yeah it hurts, but all you're thinking about is Aleatory's sig.
  • DJRose said:YKYOW you play guitar so hard it shreds your fingers and you get bloody, and yeah it hurts, but all you're thinking about is Aleatory's sig.

    Time to start playing with a pick like a grown up!

    (I don't know how that is related to being grown up, but I'll take your word for it!)

  • Basically what I mean is "you know you have to do this, so stop whining about it and deal."  The "like an adult" part, though, is from this:

    If you don't know what this is from, here: I kind of love Allie Brosh.  I want to be her when I grow up, or regress, or something like that.

  • DJRose said:

    Basically what I mean is "you know you have to do this, so stop whining about it and deal."  The "like an adult" part, though, is from this:

    If you don't know what this is from, here: I kind of love Allie Brosh.  I want to be her when I grow up, or regress, or something like that.

    I like Hyperbole and a Half, Alot. ;P

  • that's oh so freaking hilarious, my friend Ishani showed me that website haha!
  • YKYOW: you make your fellow air travellers listen to Ok Go

    Back story, three people (one of which was me) were on a plane and were suddenly told we were being bumped because the plane was beyond it's weight limit. This left the three of us were sitting in the empty terminal watching what should have been our flight take off as the airline personel scrambled to find us different flights. While we waited, I pulled up some Ok Go for us to listen to to pass the time. Laugh

  • violetchaos364 said:
    DJRose said:YKYOW you play guitar so hard it shreds your fingers and you get bloody, and yeah it hurts, but all you're thinking about is Aleatory's sig.

    Time to start playing with a pick like a grown up!

    (I don't know how that is related to being grown up, but I'll take your word for it!)

    Well, thanks!

    It's funny, I did that the other day. I was bleeding from a finger or two, and couldn't stop thinking about being like Damian...I guess we suffer for our art, right?

    Also, @Amber: It's not the picking hand, generally. Usually (at least for me) it's when the blisters burst on my fretting fingers; playing bass is even worse, although going from guitar to bass after a particularly brutal session is torture. Skinny strings to big fat ones that you have to press when you feel like your fingers are going to fall off... And even when you play with a pick, sometimes you catch a stray cuticle on a string and you rip it off and that's what bleeds (that's how it was in the case of my sig.) Not being condescending or whatever here, just wanted to impart some knowledge of the magical world of guitar-related injuries...

    YKYOW: You build a robot chasse to the tune of Invincible, DWYW, and WK.

    YKYOW: You're watching New Moon with some friends and you only get excited when Jacob and Bella are building the motorcycles because Shooting the Moon is on in the background (or when you're making jokes about Charlie having a rapist moustache, but that's unrelated...)

  • YKYOW you put "Louisiana Land" as your ringtone, but then decide you will have to change it because instead of answering it, you shake the thing like it's a tambourine.
  • Oh, heavens, no, I don't think you were being condescending or anything! I genuinely don't know. I thought that playing until your fingers bleed, ala Summer of '69, was, well, hyperbole! (Which I also like… alot.) I'm visual, not auditory (and my husband is auditory, not visual – that's fun on ice sometimes, lemme tell ya!) and music is kind of a mystery to me.  (BTW, OWWW on the fingers!)

    Speaking of visual:

    YKYOW: Your husband is watching some game or another and he's fast forwarding through commercials – and you see confetti. Shouting STOP, your husband jumps, then goes backwards, but so fast you only see that flash of confetti again. Demanding the remote gets you nowhere, even though you can't quite articulate what you are looking for. But! Finally!!! It's the boys' Flip commercial! All three seconds of it! Woooooo!!! Husband smiles, shakes head, and goes on with his game. =D TRUFAX! I'D RECOGNIZE THAT CONFETTI ANYWHERE!

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