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You know you're obsessed when...



  • QUOTE (beckysioux @ Feb 15 2008, 04:02 PM)
    YKYOW you're thinking of posting the above link on Andy's blog.

    emmm...Becky? are you going to post the link? cause I have a mind to post it too, but if you¨re going to do it then...
  • QUOTE (Surfer Rosa @ Feb 17 2008, 10:04 AM)
    emmm...Becky? are you going to post the link? cause I have a mind to post it too, but if you¨re going to do it then...

    Go for it!
  • ykyow you see an article in the Boston Globe about low-budget music videos, and immediately scan through it to find the Ok Go reference.
    The Ok Go reference which automatically has to be there as a prerequisite of any article about low-budget videos.
    And it was there. I would type it out for you, but it wasn't that exciting, haha.
    biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

  • ykyow...

    you go shopping (grocery store shopping, aka the boring shopping...) and you feel the urge to buy something healthy and see oranges and apples and grapefruits... now, you cannot decide but then confidently go for the grapefruits and without realizing you say "pamplemousse" in the best Damianesque voice you can muster, then hearing what you're saying and starting to fake cough (so it was basically just pamlemchrchrhcrh... charming, isn't it?)
  • YKYOW you're best friend who doesn't even like OK Go but is from Chicago says "hey what if one day when I'm grocery shopping and i'm just browsing the parsnips and the bannanas and I look over and who could be standing in the potatoe and onion isle but OK GO! And then i tackle them bruising my bananas and parsnips"-her "I don't think parsnips get bruised"-me "SHUTUP! thats not the point of the story, you're supposed to be jealous that while i was checking out the parsnips I saw your favorite band!"-her "They live in LA. hands down. Now lets go look up what parsnips are"-me. I know it sounds stupid now, but it was hilarious and the fact that I could so show her up was amazing.
  • I think I go out of my way to say "pamplemousse" at the grocery store as many times as possible. It's such a fun word.

    YKYOW for your etymology test, you have to write a compostition using twenty words given, and you write a three-act play about a certain band...
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Feb 12 2008, 09:15 PM)
    talk about a dilemma

    I guess this is what happens when you're truly 100% obsessed.

    Milky... I agree with you wholeheartedly.
    This happened with another band I was completely in love with. Not to the extent I am with OK Go, but I went to all my surrounding states (Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, etc.) to see the guys. And then, stupid Graham went on a tour and opened for fucking Kelly Clarkson and allllll her teeny fans became OBSESSED (LYKKKEE OHMYGOD GRAHAM IS SOOOOOO HAWT!!!11!!!!). Ruined him for me. He disappeared after that tour and JUST resurfaced this fall, but those fans are still around rolleyes.gif it's good for him though because he wanted to be big and wanted his music heard. it just sucks because it'll NEVER be the same for me. However, I still love him, and his music and that's what really matters.
    But I sympathize with the whole "please don't get TOO huge" sentiment... i really do.

    i'm a total music snob, and i'll admit it.

    sorry for the tangeant.

    you play your new kazoo to any and all OK Go and SDR songs
  • QUOTE (Shalu-lah @ Feb 19 2008, 10:00 PM)
    YKYOW for your etymology test, you have to write a compostition using twenty words given, and you write a three-act play about a certain band...

    ooh, I so want to read that!!!
  • I second that!

    I had a totally random dream last night that Rusty was dating Katharine McPhee. Some boardie sent me an email with these tabaloid photos of them sunbathing at some pool. And there was a picture with Andy tinkering with some electronic device...near the pool. That was the weirdest OK Go dream I've had so far, i think.
  • QUOTE (Tapegrl =D @ Feb 19 2008, 09:10 PM)
    I had a totally random dream last night that Rusty was dating Katharine McPhee. Some boardie sent me an email with these tabaloid photos of them sunbathing at some pool. And there was a picture with Andy tinkering with some electronic device...near the pool. That was the weirdest OK Go dream I've had so far, i think.

    that's weird alright...hey, but that Katharine woman (I just googled her up) is very pretty...and a brunette (just like me smile.gif ); I guess you've got good taste both in guys and girls laugh.gif
  • laugh.gif Thanks...I guess. haha She was an American Idol contestant if that makes a difference. She's made it big anyway, but it was totally random. I just loved how Andy was still playing with his electronics. tongue.gif
  • when you find the letters "DSF" amidst your friend's random illiterate typings, and it makes you smile.

    oh, and, there's some sort of cafe/shop in Salem called Pamplemousse.
    And I think I need to go find it and live there biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Feb 21 2008, 12:14 PM)
    oh, and, there's some sort of cafe/shop in Salem called Pamplemousse.
    And I think I need to go find it and live there biggrin.gif

    Ooo, sounds so pretty for a shop. I have a similar problem. The mother of my grandson is from Montreal. I'm always making her say "pamplemousse" at random. She doesn't understand why I like that word so much. laugh.gif
  • QUOTE (Tapegrl =D @ Feb 19 2008, 08:10 PM)
    Andy tinkering with some electronic device...near the pool.

    like that Teeny picture I drew. LOL, sorry, just what it reminded me of...haha. wake up at 8 AM after getting like six hours sleep (I need like nine to function) and instead of going BACK to sleep like a normal person, you rush over to the OK Go forums...o_O I'm gonna regret this later today.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Feb 21 2008, 02:17 PM)
    The mother of my grandson is from Montreal.

    That sounded like on of those "the daughter of my mother who isn't my sister" things laugh.gif
  • QUOTE (applelye @ Feb 22 2008, 07:11 AM)
    like that Teeny picture I drew. LOL, sorry, just what it reminded me of...haha. wake up at 8 AM after getting like six hours sleep (I need like nine to function) and instead of going BACK to sleep like a normal person, you rush over to the OK Go forums...o_O I'm gonna regret this later today.

    You rock, applelye! I hope you're feeling better.

    QUOTE (Surfer Rosa @ Feb 22 2008, 07:32 AM)
    That sounded like on of those "the daughter of my mother who isn't my sister" things laugh.gif

    Lol, it's so true too. She's not my daughter. In fact she's 4 years older than me, but her child is my grandson.
  • ykyow

    you have new picture frames and you paint them all in different colours, one of them golden and before you realize what you're doing you put the pic of you and Tim in the golden one, leaving the regular coloured ones for other pictures....
    I didn't change it, I like it this way wink.gif
  • YKYOW you take a picture of a Circle K sign because it was written as O K. And this was the first one you'd ever seen (no Circle K's in Australia!)

    YKYOW you're all over the grapefruit that you find while overseas because you don't get them much here only to discover the pure pamplemousse juice is very yuck and bitter.
  • QUOTE (LolaBert @ Feb 24 2008, 05:39 AM)
    YKYOW you take a picture of a Circle K sign because it was written as O K. And this was the first one you'd ever seen (no Circle K's in Australia!)

    The first Circle K I ever saw was in Japan and I freaked out when I saw it.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Feb 22 2008, 07:25 PM)
    You rock, applelye! I hope you're feeling better.

    Why thank you. tongue.gif And yes, I am, thanks. The doctor's got me on antibiotics so I'm clearing up. transcribe an OK Go interview in English for a Japanese fan. and enjoy doing it so much you miss part of the Oscar's. o_O seriously, though, it was fun...hah. I got to listen to Damian's voice over and over again.
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