In this Discussion

You know you're obsessed when...



  • read on here about reading things in Damian's voice to remember them and decide to try it...only I used Tim's voice instead. It actually did work, but after awhile I'd start laughing so it ended up making me look creepy (I was sitting on a bench waiting for my 1:20 class).
  • YKYOW:
    You have a conversation with your friend that goes like this*:

    You: soooo what did you get me for my birthday?
    Friend: I'm not telling you, but it's better than OK Go!
    You: You mean you got me nothing? *pout

    *this happened ages ago but I just remembered it
  • YKYOW...You're writing an essay comparing Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal and Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Women and without realizing it you saved it as "women and cannibalism what a magic combination -- tada". Clearly it is not a magic combination but it definately made me laugh.
  • ^^^

  • YKYOW:
    You have a truly awesome class president named Tim. During a lunch meeting of our class, I started playing with a microphone, and to get everyone's attention directed to our class prez, I said, "All Hail Our Tim N---Tim (last name) our esteem marvelous class president." Yep, I almost introduced our class pres as Tim Nordwind instead of Tim (last name) laugh.gif

    BTW, our teacher that makes us call him Dr. Tim has a lab coat that says "Dr. Tim" embroidered on it. I will not have this! You are the wrong Dr. Tim! So what if you are older and probably was a Dr. Tim before THE Dr. Tim.
  • QUOTE (newslang89 @ Jan 31 2008, 12:15 AM)
    YKYOW...You're writing an essay comparing Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal and Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Women and without realizing it you saved it as "women and cannibalism what a magic combination -- tada". Clearly it is not a magic combination but it definately made me laugh.


    wow, I JUST read A Modest Proposal in english, like literally 2 days ago. Soooo weird.
  • ^^ hah so did I
    ...creepy haha

  • I'm taking an etymology class and on our tests, we have to use ten words given in a story. I always write about Tom Norwood. laugh.gif

  • Online Today

    Guy I Like: i'm watching this hockey game on TV and okgo is playing in the background of the stadium
    GIL: yeah... so now whenever i hear okgo i think of you
    Me: believe me, you're not the first one.
    Me: let's hope you're never with me if we encounter okgo in the public
    Me: i do this seizure thing and start screeching.
    GIL: yeah i never hope to see that either.

    While having my hands in a patient's mouth today, I told a joke today which surprised the patient. Only to realize I started to quote "I'm just kidding I do that," and went into a bit of a Dr. Tim existential moment. I wanted to slap myself.
  •'re math teacher tells you about a contest where you have to create something that represents how big a million is, and you immediately want to do an AMW-themed project but you're not sure how. sad.gif

    I know I'll think of something, though! hopefully! I just wish I had OK Go-obsessed friends to enlist for their help, since you can work with a partner.
  • YKYOW...

    You notice that Special K has a new granola snack bar thing called "Bliss" and it makes you think of Becky's undying love for Bliss in Silver Pants smile.gif
  • QUOTE (Beasle @ Feb 5 2008, 02:27 PM)

    You notice that Special K has a new granola snack bar thing called "Bliss" and it makes you think of Becky's undying love for Bliss in Silver Pants smile.gif

  • When I was at Trader Joe's today, I saw these ice cream bars that said blissful on the package and it made me think of Becky too!

    YKYOW...your sister, the person that introduced you to OK Go, tells you that you shouldn't even think about going to South Africa because you'll scare the guys by constantly stalking them in other countries. But J0rge did say, "Feel free to join them." (My mom may have been kidding, but she said that if I had told her earlier and she had found cheap airplane tickets, she would have taken me. I guess her policy is if OK Go plays in a country she's never been before, I can go.)
  •'re way overly excited at the thought of being able to sing OK Go. biggrin.gif

    My friends and I have been doing this thing...we sing a different Beatles' song every day, partly because it seems to realllyy piss off people (I don't know why) and partly for our own entertainment. Anyways, Monday was Hello, Goodbye, Tuesday was All My Loving, and today was Eight Days A Week. But, one of my friends suggested we break the mold and sing HIGA tomorrow. I almost died. XD I said, "Really?!?! I love OK Go!!" And she just kind of laughed and stared at me, so I said, "omg! Do you know all the words?! I do." And she said, " I just know, 'here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again...'" And I said, "Ah! I do! I know the whole song!! *proud*" I think she was...overwhelemed, haha.

    but I'm so excited! I get to display OK Go love publicly tomorrow! *dances* my friends are going to memorize the song. I don't care if we're super dorks, singing in harmony is waaay too fun to be embarassed.
  • You saw an AsianDamian at school today and I was so excited i slipped and fell, and now my knee is swollen and ihave a giant bruise just because he looked so much like Damian.
  • YKYOW:

    You see a shop assistant who looks JUST like Damian, so you and your mom follow him as discreetly as possible around the store for a while to absorb the hotness.

    And you are extremely proud of your little sister, who had been mocked by her friends for liking a "nerdy" band like OK Go, and who has now converted every single one of those brats into OK Go lovers!! YAY! biggrin.gif

  • So, I was wasting study time (as usual) and instead of reading the Constitutional Court's approach on how wages ought to be payed on Sundays, I picked up a random book dealing with homeopathic treatments for dermatological diseases from one of the nearby shelves and began browsing it...

    YKYOW when you get to the subject of a condition called Papulopustular rosacea ...and you immediately think, "hey! ...HEY! THAT'S what Rusty's got!'s not acne after all!". So you read the whole title dealing with this subtype of rosacea and learn:
    1) This condition mainly affects fair skinned adults of north-western European descent.
    2) Symptoms include: redness just on the central parts of the face - for example, on the cheeks or/and forehead, nose, around the mouth and/or chin along with lumpy red spots which look similar to acne. Also, there's abnormal immune reactions in the skin which leads to inflammation.
    3) Stress, alcohol and caffeine worsens this condition.
    4) Homeopathic tratment includes solutions of belladona and sulphur.
    5) Patients are advised to follow a pescetarian diet (vegetarian +fish).

    AND after reading that last part you can't contain a smile of glee because you yourself follow a pescetarian diet, and somehow it seems this study period wasn't wasted. smile.gif

  • QUOTE (Electra @ Feb 7 2008, 03:27 PM)

    You see a shop assistant who looks JUST like Damian, so you and your mom follow him as discreetly as possible around the store for a while to absorb the hotness.

    And you are extremely proud of your little sister, who had been mocked by her friends for liking a "nerdy" band like OK Go, and who has now converted every single one of those brats into OK Go lovers!! YAY! biggrin.gif

    Dear Marina,

    I am now bringing you extra peanut butter cups from the US when I am there next month.

    Love, Rachel
  • QUOTE (DJRose @ Feb 7 2008, 08:54 PM)
    Dear Marina,

    I am now bringing you extra peanut butter cups from the US when I am there next month.

    Love, Rachel

    Dear Rachel,

    Just doing my OK Go fan duty.
    But thanks! wub.gif

    Love, Marina
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