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OK Go on VMAs



  • I..was being sarcastic. My point was that rebellion and crudeness is the only reason people got so excited about it in the first place.
  • I think A7X just like being assholes. even though I like their music fine, I would never expect them to be nice and generous, just cause I can see that they'll never be like that in a million years. It doesn't mean I like their music any less, it just means I won't ever become obsessed with them the way I am w/ Ok Go. And I'll never understand someone who is really obsessed with them, because I feel taking care of your fans is an essential part of being the sort of band I would really like. It's dissapointing, but not anything to worry about in the case of A7X. or anyone else, for that matter.
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Sep 2 2006, 01:35 PM)
    I..was being sarcastic. My point was that rebellion and crudeness is the only reason people got so excited about it in the first place.

    I guess it went over my head due a combination of tiredness and the fact that the internet deprives us of key aspects of communication (ie body language and voice tone). I'm gonna go get me some caffiene.
  • QUOTE (Jellobomb @ Sep 1 2006, 08:19 PM)
    lol YES, man claymates kill me.
    God, I work with one.

    Which makes me want to tell a story.

    We give her a lot of crap about Clay. She takes it in stride. Well, one day I created a "hot-off" between Alex Kapranos and Clay (this was when I was completely Franzified--it was pre-OK Go for me) to drive home the point that she was the only human in the department who found Clay attractive. (Btw, the name of where I work is actually on there after "First Annual"--I covered it up when I scanned it here--and there's no actual school--that's just a joke, like they were gonna rumble, lol) I passed it out to everyone and took votes--Clay lost, like 15 to 1 (the Claymate in question being his vote, of course). Okay, that was funny. But the funniest thing is that I actually took it with me to my Franz show this year and told Alex the story and asked him to sign it. A bunch of girls nearby heard it and thought it was hilarious. He had no idea who Clay Aiken was (I figured he wouldn't) and took one look at him and said, "From that picture, it wasn't much competition." LOL I was like, "YES, exactly!" So he signed it, actually wrote "No competition," then started to give it back and then stopped and crossed out Clay's face.

    This was about a year after the Hot-Off happened. So to actually have the man himself see it and sign it after it had been a joke at work for that long--it was just priceless.

    LOL Soooo flipping funny!!! I'm such a dork.

    But note my shirt.

    And back to the VMAs, thanks for posting all those pictures!!
  • ^^ laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif that's amazing!

    and nice shirt =P

    Q: was she upset when Clay came out as being gay?
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Aug 31 2006, 11:41 PM)
    Damian looks like a cute rocking pig
    Pig in the City? laugh.gif

    QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Sep 1 2006, 01:50 AM)
    I LOVE Damian's face here biggrin.gif Andy's awesome, too. And seeing Tim in the t-shirt & stuff in this group of pics--he looks so much younger! It makes you realize, yes, those t-shirt & jeans days were only a couple years ago. I wonder if Damian, or Dan for that matter, would suddenly look younger if we saw him in a t-shirt & jeans these days.
    In Milwaukee, Tim came out on stage to do something with his bass awhile before the band actually came on to play--he was out there for a few minutes, and he had "normal" clothes on. And it was such a trip--he just looked like a completely different person.
    QUOTE (e 5170a @ Sep 1 2006, 01:46 PM)
    i dunno...i think the guys will always try to be accessible to fans.
    I think so too.
    QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Sep 1 2006, 02:10 PM)
    Doesn't Trish look absolutely stunning in that dress?!
    She looks great!
    QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Sep 1 2006, 02:23 PM)
    Is Damian wearing a velvet suit? Because it looks like velvet, or a rip-off of.
    The same one from the Colbert Report maybe?

    QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Sep 2 2006, 01:31 AM)
    ^^ laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif that's amazing!

    and nice shirt =P
    LOL, thanks biggrin.gif

    Q: was she upset when Clay came out as being gay?
    He hasn't come out. Or did he do it in, like, the past day? I'm sure it would have been news all over work if he had. lol
  • He hasn't come out yet lol. I would say I don't think he will, but then we just had Lance, so who knows if he is or not.
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Sep 2 2006, 01:57 AM)
    He hasn't come out yet lol. I would say I don't think he will, but then we just had Lance, so who knows if he is or not.
    Oh, I'm betting he is--I just wonder how long it'll take him to say so.

    Reminds me of another something funny: the Claymate at work used to mention a guy named Nick a lot, who is a good friend of Clay's who works (or at least did) as kind of his assistant, and she would always refer to him as Clay's "right hand man," because apparently that's what Clay has referred to him as. So I of course said, "Who's his left hand man?" LOLOL

    And then we all found out from her that Clay himself is left-handed, which left us all pissing our pants laughing. laugh.gif laugh.gif laugh.gif He doesn't need a left-hand man--he can do it himself. Oh, goodness.

    The best part of it all is that she's very innocent in a lot of ways. She doesn't get a lot of our dirty jokes. A couple weeks ago (I don't remember what the conversation was about), I said, "Ward, you were a little hard on the Beaver last night ..." and everyone just started dying laughing. And a few minutes later, she actually said, "Why did Sheri say that about the Beaver?" Which made everyone die all over again, even worse. I was crying I was laughing so hard.

    Sometimes I really love my job. laugh.gif
  • Awwww haha
    Where do you work?
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Sep 2 2006, 02:12 AM)
    Awwww haha
    Where do you work?
    I don't really want to say after talking about all the dirty jokes we make. lol

    I fear corporate America. unsure.gif
  • Hahahahahaha understandable.

    OK Go, who wowed the audience with a live performance of their video for "Here It Goes Again," which involves a choreographed dance with six running treadmills, explained why bassist Tim Nordwind lip-syncs in the video rather singer Damian Kulash. "The reason that I don't sing in the video is because Tim has this certain je ne sais quoi," Kulash said. "I mean basically if you compare us, Tim is what you pick. It's not even a question. It's just like, 'That's the dude I want to see talking.'" Can the YouTube viewing crowd expect more of these videos in the future? "I'm not sure how cool it would be for us to keep making videos that were just like this," Kulash admitted after asking if it was okay for him to swear in the press room. "I think it could get kind of boring. So if we get another great idea, we'll make another video. If we don't, we won't."
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Sep 2 2006, 05:21 PM)
    Hahahahahaha understandable.

    OK Go, who wowed the audience with a live performance of their video for "Here It Goes Again," which involves a choreographed dance with six running treadmills, explained why bassist Tim Nordwind lip-syncs in the video rather singer Damian Kulash. "The reason that I don't sing in the video is because Tim has this certain je ne sais quoi," Kulash said. "I mean basically if you compare us, Tim is what you pick. It's not even a question. It's just like, 'That's the dude I want to see talking.'" Can the YouTube viewing crowd expect more of these videos in the future? "I'm not sure how cool it would be for us to keep making videos that were just like this," Kulash admitted after asking if it was okay for him to swear in the press room. "I think it could get kind of boring. So if we get another great idea, we'll make another video. If we don't, we won't."

    Eight running treadmills! Eight!
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Sep 2 2006, 02:21 AM)
    "I mean basically if you compare us, Tim is what you pick. It's not even a question. It's just like, 'That's the dude I want to see talking.'"

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh, man, keep that sentence in the record books! Write that on the calendar! Keep that at hand to remind him of! He said you wanna see someone else talking! biggrin.gif
    Nah, I really like Damian's talkativeness. But that's precious.

    QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Sep 2 2006, 02:21 AM)
    "So if we get another great idea, we'll make another video. If we don't, we won't."
    Ha, he's already said there's another great idea and that they'll probably end up doing it--that the potential for awesome will win out over their reservations.

    I love that he asks if he can swear in every single interview. biggrin.gif
    I like people who say "fuck" a lot.
  • QUOTE (sherib @ Sep 2 2006, 05:29 PM)
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh, man, keep that sentence in the record books! Write that on the calendar! Keep that at hand to remind him of! He said you wanna see someone else talking! biggrin.gif
    Nah, I really like Damian's talkativeness. But that's precious.

    Ha, he's already said there's another great idea and that they'll probably end up doing it--that the potential for awesome will win out over their reservations.

    I love that he asks if he can swear in every single interview. biggrin.gif
    I like people who say "fuck" a lot.

    See, I wouldn't ask. I'd just swear. Especially if I were in America. If I were ever on tv in America I'd cuss up a storm just 'cause I think you guys go overboard with your censors tongue.gif
  • Hahahahah in America, someone will find someway to sue you if you swear.

    I hope he holds off on his great idea till the next cd at least.
  • Yeah, I was just gonna say there's that pesky matter of getting fined. Although maybe that's just big stuff like Bono saying "fuck" on award shows once a year.

    I love you, Bono. smile.gif
  • QUOTE (RejectedSponge @ Sep 2 2006, 05:35 PM)
    Hahahahah in America, someone will find someway to sue you if you swear.
    I hope he holds off on his great idea till the next cd at least.

    Wouldn't I be protected under Freedom of Speech?
  • QUOTE (sherib @ Sep 2 2006, 02:40 AM)
    He hasn't come out. Or did he do it in, like, the past day? I'm sure it would have been news all over work if he had. lol

    I thought he had... weren't some claymates suing him for beign gay and "misleading them?"

    I mean, I don't think that would have happened if he hadn't come out somehow.

    but whatever, maybe I'm just imagining things.
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Sep 2 2006, 12:03 PM)
    I thought he had... weren't some claymates suing him for beign gay and "misleading them?"

    blink.gif Huh?? I didn't hear anything about that!
    Maybe this was something supposedly happening after those guys talked in the tabloids about their secret motel room romps with him? One was a Marine or something ... I can't remember.

    But no, Work Claymate is a serious Claymate and she hasn't said a word about him coming out, and a bunch of us were actually talking about it with her two or three weeks ago and she said he still refuses to say anything either way.

    For anyone coming into this conversation late,

  • oh thanks nvm biggrin.gif
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