DJRose said:I wanted to embed this photo, because it's so gorgeous, but the settings wouldn't let me. And it's of all 4 boys, but really Damian is the reason to post it at all (because the article isn't worth posting):
Aww...the photo is amazing!! Good find!! It's another photo of their photoshoot with Jeremy and Claire Weiss, right??
I'm still looking for the other ones they've taken from OK Go!! :D
DJRose said:I wanted to embed this photo, because it's so gorgeous, but the settings wouldn't let me. And it's of all 4 boys, but really Damian is the reason to post it at all (because the article isn't worth posting):
I missed this until today.
Though the picture is fabulous (ARoss looks, well, you have eyes. He's gorgeous!), I'm embarrassed by the blurb that accompanies it as well as the article that the blurb links to. It's just bad form. That sort of inattention to basic details, and the bad habit of cobbling information together without checking it for error (or citing sources!), gives good writers a bad name (And in full disclosure: yes, I'm also irritated because people got paid for that poor excuse for journalism, and I can't afford to buy groceries or repair my wheelchair properly).
Why were we not told of this? Or maybe you were, and I need to ask why was I not told of this? It was on Ustream live.
Damian (aka Special Distraction) is at 1:57:38 (Neil Gaiman is at an hour and 30-ish. I'm just scanning through, haven't yet watched the whole thing.).
"I only live on the internet. The songs are basically just a vehicle for me to distract people with internet videos"
Why were we not told of this? Or maybe you were, and I need to ask why was I not told of this? It was on Ustream live.
Damian (aka Special Distraction) is at 1:57:38 (Neil Gaiman is at an hour and 30-ish. I'm just scanning through, haven't yet watched the whole thing.).
"I only live on the internet. The songs are basically just a vehicle for me to distract people with internet videos"
TELL ME ABOUT IT! I found out about this completely randomly and by accident at about 10:30 PM that night, either right as it was ending or right before it ended. If I would have had my car I would have driven down there just to see if I could have gotten in for the last possible minute. It's only once in about every 4 YEARS or so that they come to Minneapolis, so it was kind of heartbreaking to find out about this and be powerless to get to it!
I was soooo frustrated that I hadn't heard about it sooner, and kind of surprised that any of them were here (in mpls) the night before the show.
I have some concert photos I will post as soon as I can.
See, now, if I had seen this thread first, I might have been prepared for that shot. Or at least, considering the thread title I'd have been aware of my risk!
I found it really really strange that there was no mention of the WITS webcast, even after it started. I can undertstand maybe not wanting to pull focus from the event's other guests by announcing it early (besides, DK was a surprise guest of sorts) and having throngs of fans appear (in person or on the site), but after it had begun? And days later now no mention from anyone with the band about the archived stream.
And no amusing back and forth on Twitter with, or about, Hodgeman, either. Frankly, I'm disappointed...
Ah, the boys and team okgo can't make it easy on us all the time! Who knows, maybe they got a call that day and it was totally spur of the moment. I don't think that was his guitar that he played.
I like Damian being called the "Special Distraction." OH, yeah, he's some kind of distraction! =D
Why were we not told of this? Or maybe you were, and I need to ask why was I not told of this? It was on Ustream live.
Damian (aka Special Distraction) is at 1:57:38 (Neil Gaiman is at an hour and 30-ish. I'm just scanning through, haven't yet watched the whole thing.).
"I only live on the internet. The songs are basically just a vehicle for me to distract people with internet videos"
He talked about the Last Leaf video! With food! Dan mentioned a video with toast. Could this be the one? I'll have to look for that article.
I just can't imagine Last Leaf with toast (or any food for that matter).
He talked about the Last Leaf video! With food! Dan mentioned a video with toast. Could this be the one? I'll have to look for that article.
I just can't imagine Last Leaf with toast (or any food for that matter).
And hello ChristelAdina!
Hello Snack_Cakes!
As soon as Damian said it, I knew he wasn't totally kidding. Even before he said he wasn't kidding! LOL I began to picture animated food and trying to apply the visual to the song. I keep thinking of things like the video for Peter Gabriel's "Big Time" or the old California Raisin commercials when I was a kid. Or, you know, Schoolhouse Rock type things. That's what "animated food" means to me. Or like Store Wars.
I mean, the videos rarely have anything to do with even the feeling of the songs anymore (except TTSP, esp. the Marching version. Or is that just me that brims with hope and pride and an indomitable fortitude of spirit–not to mention, a desire to wear epaulets-when I watch it? ). They go with the sounds or the arrangement.
[It occurs to me that this next bit is a rambling, not-quite-formed-thought on the other videos from OTBCOTS thus far, and I wondered if there's other thread for it, as this is the Damian-and-his-fine-from-every-angle-self thread. I looked but all I see are the Boardie video threads and the EndLove or other specific video threads. If this belongs somewhere else, I apologize. However, I AM bringing this traveling circus of a thought back around to the mention of "Last Leaf" at WITS and Damian was there, and, presumably he was hot...
...maybe squashed banana will post a really sexy picture immediately after this post, to balance things out.]
The videos: All the visual echoing and bright colors of "WTF?" goes with the song's distortion, that peircing-but-still-pleasant solo and the bright, punchy mix. Plus, at least for me, that song itself is like a overload (of good things) even without the visual accompaniment. When my brain overloads from stress or excitement or fatigue, I eventually start repeating or say something embarrassing, my expressions get fragmented and surreal and I don't know where one thing stops and another begins (which can be creative but it does make it hard to convince the officers that I'm not on drugs. Oh look, it's happening right now). Obviously, when a computer gets trails and echoes during a freeze, it's because I've given it too much information that it can't make sense of, and it doesn't know where to start (Hey wait. That sounds a lot like what Damian's singing about in "WTF?" This person has him so over-stimulated and distracted he can't figure out what's up… well, that video may be more suited to the song and its lyrics than first thought! ).
And of course, EndLove is the song for a time manipulation video simply because it has all the various percussive accents, the propulsive bass line and other sounds that imply movement or speed (various ticking and alarm sounds, the sped up/increased pitch of the backing vocal at several points and the rapid runs of keys, etc.) Actually, the song reminds me of two things: Sheila E. and '80s movie montages, I'm not sure how Shelia lends credence to "the sounds and not the subject" fitting the image of the the videos, but she does, and how the montages fit it is obvious (Um, hello tracksuits and crane poses).
But animated food? I just can't yet envision the way this could possibly go along with "Last Leaf". But then, maybe the toast Dan mentioned was left forgotten on the breakfast table during the morning rush, and it's leading the rest of the kitchen inhabitants in a somber sing-along lament.
Here's a photo as penance for the misplaced blather above:
From here.
This is a great picture indeed.
Aww...the photo is amazing!! Good find!! It's another photo of their photoshoot with Jeremy and Claire Weiss, right??
I'm still looking for the other ones they've taken from OK Go!! :D
Nothing needs to be said.
Except, THANK YOU!
Haha, you're welcome
I needed a little chocolate and a lie down after seeing that
I missed this until today.
Though the picture is fabulous (ARoss looks, well, you have eyes. He's gorgeous!), I'm embarrassed by the blurb that accompanies it as well as the article that the blurb links to. It's just bad form. That sort of inattention to basic details, and the bad habit of cobbling information together without checking it for error (or citing sources!), gives good writers a bad name (And in full disclosure: yes, I'm also irritated because people got paid for that poor excuse for journalism, and I can't afford to buy groceries or repair my wheelchair properly).
But I love the photo!
Damian at #wits with Neil Gaiman, The Ascots and others singing "Happy Together". Why was I not there????
Oh yeah...
(sorry I can't embed it. also sorry you can barely see everyone)
It occurs to me from reading the prompter screen at the rear of the stage that they could just as easily be singing "I Think I Love You".
Why were we not told of this? Or maybe you were, and I need to ask why was I not told of this? It was on Ustream live.
Damian (aka Special Distraction) is at 1:57:38 (Neil Gaiman is at an hour and 30-ish. I'm just scanning through, haven't yet watched the whole thing.).
"I only live on the internet. The songs are basically just a vehicle for me to distract people with internet videos"
Urgh, hotness...and a random paperclip thing on his shirt
TELL ME ABOUT IT! I found out about this completely randomly and by accident at about 10:30 PM that night, either right as it was ending or right before it ended. If I would have had my car I would have driven down there just to see if I could have gotten in for the last possible minute.

It's only once in about every 4 YEARS or so that they come to Minneapolis, so it was kind of heartbreaking to find out about this and be powerless to get to it!
I was soooo frustrated that I hadn't heard about it sooner, and kind of surprised that any of them were here (in mpls) the night before the show.
I have some concert photos I will post as soon as I can.
One of my photos from the Rock The Garden show yesterday. I have a lot more that I hope to add soon.
See, now, if I had seen this thread first, I might have been prepared for that shot. Or at least, considering the thread title I'd have been aware of my risk!
I found it really really strange that there was no mention of the WITS webcast, even after it started. I can undertstand maybe not wanting to pull focus from the event's other guests by announcing it early (besides, DK was a surprise guest of sorts) and having throngs of fans appear (in person or on the site), but after it had begun? And days later now no mention from anyone with the band about the archived stream.
And no amusing back and forth on Twitter with, or about, Hodgeman, either. Frankly, I'm disappointed...
Ah, the boys and team okgo can't make it easy on us all the time! Who knows, maybe they got a call that day and it was totally spur of the moment. I don't think that was his guitar that he played.
I like Damian being called the "Special Distraction." OH, yeah, he's some kind of distraction! =D
He talked about the Last Leaf video! With food! Dan mentioned a video with toast. Could this be the one? I'll have to look for that article.
I just can't imagine Last Leaf with toast (or any food for that matter).
And hello ChristelAdina!
Hello Snack_Cakes!
As soon as Damian said it, I knew he wasn't totally kidding. Even before he said he wasn't kidding! LOL I began to picture animated food and trying to apply the visual to the song. I keep thinking of things like the video for Peter Gabriel's "Big Time" or the old California Raisin commercials when I was a kid. Or, you know, Schoolhouse Rock type things. That's what "animated food" means to me. Or like Store Wars.
I mean, the videos rarely have anything to do with even the feeling of the songs anymore (except TTSP, esp. the Marching version. Or is that just me that brims with hope and pride and an indomitable fortitude of spirit–not to mention, a desire to wear epaulets-when I watch it?
). They go with the sounds or the arrangement.
[It occurs to me that this next bit is a rambling, not-quite-formed-thought on the other videos from OTBCOTS thus far, and I wondered if there's other thread for it, as this is the Damian-and-his-fine-from-every-angle-self thread. I looked but all I see are the Boardie video threads and the EndLove or other specific video threads. If this belongs somewhere else, I apologize. However, I AM bringing this traveling circus of a thought back around to the mention of "Last Leaf" at WITS and Damian was there, and, presumably he was hot...
...maybe squashed banana will post a really sexy picture immediately after this post, to balance things out.]
The videos: All the visual echoing and bright colors of "WTF?" goes with the song's distortion, that peircing-but-still-pleasant solo and the bright, punchy mix. Plus, at least for me, that song itself is like a overload (of good things) even without the visual accompaniment. When my brain overloads from stress or excitement or fatigue, I eventually start repeating or say something embarrassing, my expressions get fragmented and surreal and I don't know where one thing stops and another begins (which can be creative but it does make it hard to convince the officers that I'm not on drugs. Oh look, it's happening right now). Obviously, when a computer gets trails and echoes during a freeze, it's because I've given it too much information that it can't make sense of, and it doesn't know where to start (Hey wait. That sounds a lot like what Damian's singing about in "WTF?" This person has him so over-stimulated and distracted he can't figure out what's up… well, that video may be more suited to the song and its lyrics than first thought!
And of course, EndLove is the song for a time manipulation video simply because it has all the various percussive accents, the propulsive bass line and other sounds that imply movement or speed (various ticking and alarm sounds, the sped up/increased pitch of the backing vocal at several points and the rapid runs of keys, etc.) Actually, the song reminds me of two things: Sheila E. and '80s movie montages, I'm not sure how Shelia lends credence to "the sounds and not the subject" fitting the image of the the videos, but she does, and how the montages fit it is obvious (Um, hello tracksuits and crane poses).
But animated food? I just can't yet envision the way this could possibly go along with "Last Leaf". But then, maybe the toast Dan mentioned was left forgotten on the breakfast table during the morning rush, and it's leading the rest of the kitchen inhabitants in a somber sing-along lament.
Here's a photo as penance for the misplaced blather above: