[Talk of seeing OK Go on VH1 Web Junk countdown] [embedded HIGA vid]
Now not only is that cool, but it TOTALLY cleared up an episode of Las Vegas for me. Now I get the whole Sam on the treadmill with some punky looking guys. "You know, Mary, it's not easy walking backward on a treadmill."
Bahahaha "does Mary know?" "You know, Mary, it's not easy walking backward on a treadmill."
It surprises me every time someone says they haven't seen "the treadmill video." Like, DO YOU ENJOY MISSING OUT ON LIFE?
haha yes its so sad. one person said to me (as i was wholeheartedly trying to convince her that OK Go really is quite the popular band), "Who goes on YouTube??". um....
I'll wait for you all to tell me what happens. I watched that TV show when Duran Duran was on it. Totally, pissed me off. Not only did I have to watch the entire program to get to see them at the very end, but then they panned to someone being beaten to death to the sound of their song "sunrise" which is supposed to be uplifting and positive.
Sickening. That was an hour of my life I'll never get back.
They better not do that to OK Go. I just can't bring myself to watch. Ihave7stars, thanks for trying to post it on youtube though. Somebody post after it's over for me, please.
It first aired months and months ago, so there's probably plot details in the first few pages of this thread. Nothing exciting happened, they taught some ditz how to ride backward on a treadmill.
Hungry, it's on va.okgocentral.com in "Television appearances" if you want to take a peek. Worth watching since they're actually in a couple scenes, as opposed to the Duran episode. HILARIOUS.
haha i bet they all were until it was over and i think Andy would have had second thoughts haha but his part has risen a few giggles so he should be proud! i have acually used tims line a couple times haha
[Talk of seeing OK Go on VH1 Web Junk countdown]
[embedded HIGA vid]
Now not only is that cool, but it TOTALLY cleared up an episode of Las Vegas for me. Now I get the whole Sam on the treadmill with some punky looking guys. "You know, Mary, it's not easy walking backward on a treadmill."
Whew. Sure I will sleep better at night now.
It surprises me every time someone says they haven't seen "the treadmill video." Like, DO YOU ENJOY MISSING OUT ON LIFE?
It surprises me every time someone says they haven't seen "the treadmill video." Like, DO YOU ENJOY MISSING OUT ON LIFE?
haha yes its so sad. one person said to me (as i was wholeheartedly trying to convince her that OK Go really is quite the popular band), "Who goes on YouTube??". um....
Thu Aug 23 (or late Wed night Aug 22, depending on how you want to look at it)
12:00 AM ET
Last night of summer vacation = ok go on Las Vegas
Sickening. That was an hour of my life I'll never get back.
They better not do that to OK Go. I just can't bring myself to watch. Ihave7stars, thanks for trying to post it on youtube though. Somebody post after it's over for me, please.
Especially if you wrote it!!