I've promissed I'd start this one on the "beautifull people thread" so here it goes (hopefully not again).
I'll just name a few of my favourite at the moment:
1- House M.D. (it hasa everything a Tv series should have! blood, hospitals, cute guys and an amazing script)
2- Supernatural (the reasons are simmilar except for the hospital part of course

3- Criminal minds (psicology can actually be usefull...)
i can't remember the name of much more right now, so give me your opinion about your favourites!
But my favourite of all time is Green Wing. It's hilarious, at least three of the doctors are cute, there's a mad Scottish lady and other nuts people, and there's a really sweet romantic story behind it all as well
And everything's totally random (camels wandering around hospital corridors, radiologists eating gallbladders...)
love that show, but I'd say arrested development is my favorite show EVER!
Nothing beats Dwight battling the bat.
hooray for The Office!!!!!!!
And also, Seinfeld and King of Queens
love that show, but I'd say arrested development is my favorite show EVER!
"i blue myself, just incase the blue man group called"
"tobias, tried to cross the road hoping to not be seen, however it was dusk, and he couldnt be seen"
*gets hit by a car*
easly the greatest comedy of all time
my fave tv show of all time is Quizmania
which is now dead..
but if we are talking shows that still exist id have to say my favourites right now are:
^ colbert report!
^and the LUDA and Jenson show!... actually the formentioned Supernatural... i just put this photo because i thougth it was humorous
And I see an odd theme of hospital shows in my life, even though I've never been to one.
edit: I liked Dark Angel too. There were reruns on this summer on the SciFi channel that I watched. I don't think I ever saw the finale, though, either time it was on.
Lol I watched the Episode of Aressed development about "lessons" Last night!
And thats why you always leave a note!
I had a dream that my sis' and I were walking when we saw Rain aka Dwight walk into a coffee shop all sweaty and tired like he ran there... so we stalked him as he went to a table and met some dude and got a photo with him. When I looked at the photo Jim was in the backround making "the face". Wow.... I think that dream means I'm insane.
What obsession of House's are you referring to? I watched it but I don't remember what you're talking about.
And thats why you always leave a note!
i love that guy w/ the one arm
Oh, and when gob and michael try to teach george a lesson. awesome.
Hes like so obsessed with that chicka doctor that he has a crazy dream about one of her old boyfriends and goes through all this agony... all because of his subconcious?
thats obsessed.
I love house though. First I couldn't get over his resemblence to Michael McDonald from Mad TV but now I've fallen for House.
Hmmm Ugly betty is pretty effing funny...however i dotn watch tv if there is a hockey game on
BTW - leafs lost last night...and now my heart is broken
*broken emo heart*
i got to watch the whole jim/pam kiss which i missed b4
and OH MY GOSH Supernatural was INTENSE....i was "EKKK"ing the whole time
dean you are too tortured
im quite looking forward to this - we should have an office viewing party
I also watch Jeopardy and Antiques Roadshow with my parents, haha.
I've been watching Robin Hood on BBC America...
and I also watch Firefly and Soap on dvd.
that's about it.
i got to watch the whole jim/pam kiss which i missed b4
and OH MY GOSH Supernatural was INTENSE....i was "EKKK"ing the whole time
dean you are too tortured
What happened??(here is just way too delayed!!i can't stand it just once a week!!!)