In this Discussion

shut up and kiss me



  • *hugs* No more drinking for a long time.

    Have you found out any more about what happened or why people know?
  • *sigh*
    Well, apparently, he went straight downstairs and told everyone. Classy guy tongue.gif
    And someone saw us. And then closed the door. I dunno, but I'm pretty sure that nothing else happened with him. So it's all alright I think. I saw him today and it wasn't that awkward. Thanks for asking, QueenofthePosers smile.gif

    Did your friend ever find out about you and that guy?
  • QUOTE (Electra @ May 14 2007, 02:36 PM)
    Well, apparently, he went straight downstairs and told everyone. Classy guy tongue.gif

    SOOOOOOO typical... alcohol makes me do absurd things too. whoops. especially when it comes to my self control with a person i used to date
  • stop drinking ladies!!!!
    gaahhhh so many regret stories are caused by drinking its sad!

    okay i'll stop talking like an old geezer now...
  • That was nice of him... rolleyes.gif I hope it works out for you!

    No, she hasn't found out.
  • To drunk to drive home sad.gif

    I know it's not relationship related but the topic the evils of alcohol has been brought up, I thought why not.
  • Thanks guys!
    Haha it's alright really. Of all of the stupid things I've done while drunk, this is the least dumb. Seriously. So it'll be cool. The worst thing is people asking how it physically worked, seeing as I'd need about three step ladders to get any where near to his height. And then the profuse blushing that always comes with being a redhead... hahaha.

    Oooo, QotP, glad it'll work out alright smile.gif
  • Argh. My friend, who I see a lot, both at school and out of it, and I were on the bus on the way home from the pub tonight (can't believe I got in lol), and he kept kissing me on the cheek, getting closer and closer to my mouth. So I got a bit worried that he was just drunk and trying it on, even though I'd had more than him...

    Then I asked him to stop and he got all upset, saying "Fuck. I love you too much.", which is fucking well news to me. I didn't know he liked me or anything. And he kept asking me for "just one kiss", which I declined, so he got all awkward and weird... I tried to say it was probably just the alcohol, but he mumbled that he wasn't drunk and then said it didn't matter and now I'm totally confused. I don't like him in that way. I don't want anything to happen with him. And I'm worried things are gonna be really awkward from now on. sad.gif

  • Ouch! That's the worst, it puts the friendship on a really awkward imbalance. Hopefully there's chance he'll find a girl soon, then the playing field will level again.
  • This article discusses some alternatives for people who don't want to break up in person.

    What you do think?

    It's over, baby
  • hahaha amusing, but also kind of wrong at the same time... while i would probably use a text message break up, or use a friend, i think i'd flip out and call the guy a pussy bitch if he did anything like that to me... hmmmm

    p.s WHY do good guy friends have to RUIN things by saying they're in love with you when you CLEARLY have none back for them?? seriously though...

    or... why do girls go back to the guys that have put them through HELL and when they know better not to repeat history with said guy, but they do it anyway...
  • Katie, I could not agree more with the guy friends crossing the line problem, I think it feels like a violation of trust. As if the friendship may have always been based on attraction from their end. Then I get all indignant, as if I'M not GOOD ENOUGH to be FRIENDS with!
  • AHHH! Thank you!! One of my VERY best guy friends in H.S crossed that line my senior year, like, calling me incessantly (we didn't go to the same H.S thank GOD) but then he invited me to his prom, and then assumed he was coming to mine, and then ALSO assumed he'd be getting a good night kiss... needless to say that KILLED our friendship and until a few weeks ago I hadn't seen him in 3 years... Its like you think they'd know if there was something more there or not... I like to think us girls are a little more straight forward... andyes, you're probably right that there is some attraction on their end because thats seriously just how they're hardwired...

  • Exactly!!!!
    This is exactly my problem!!!

    Why do all guys seem to have too much testosterone? I mean, above and beyond the amount the actually need. Grrr..
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ May 19 2007, 07:34 AM)
    p.s WHY do good guy friends have to RUIN things by saying they're in love with you when you CLEARLY have none back for them?? seriously though...

    or... why do girls go back to the guys that have put them through HELL and when they know better not to repeat history with said guy, but they do it anyway...

    i had a guy friend who asked out the same girl four times even though we ALL were like DONT DO IT..
    first of all we dont even know why he likes that girl cuz shes fucking annoying and even he gets annoyed by her and she totally uses him all the time.. and then yeah he asked her out like every year of high school or something i forgot.
    but yeah people need to assess situations and use better judgement.

    and in regards to the first thing you said, i agree except for one case.. i mean if you really like a friend like a lot a lot and its driving you crazy and you need to get it out for closure or whatever then i think that person has the right to tell the friend if its more of just a hey i know you dont feel the same way but i need to get this out there, rather than like im gonna try to make out with you now.. haha and then afterwards both people should make an effort for it not to be awkward, especially the one who told how they felt.

    okay those are my two cents or two pence or whatever currency you use.
    i don't know what you should do electra thats pretty retarded what he did.
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ May 19 2007, 10:34 AM)
    hahaha amusing, but also kind of wrong at the same time... while i would probably use a text message break up, or use a friend, i think i'd flip out and call the guy a pussy bitch if he did anything like that to me... hmmmm
    p.s WHY do good guy friends have to RUIN things by saying they're in love with you when you CLEARLY have none back for them?? seriously though...

    one of my friends is going through that right now.... and it's really annoying her. Cause she just moved, and he's the only one there she really truly likes so far. and she doesn't want him to ruin it, cause if she loses him then she'd have no one she could really trust, except for the kids back here who are really far away. (she's in burlington, ontario now)
    not to mention the fact that he asked, then got superemo before she even gave him a reply, then said "I wasn't expecting anything, I don't know why I did it... let's just forget", then asked again and got superemo again when she actually said no. I mean, she was gonna say no either way, but he drew it out so painfully and prolly did himself more harm than good.

    urgh.... all my friends are getting boys and it's kinda annoying. I'm happy for them and all, but still... did it have to happen all at once? It's like spring fever or something. mating season. I dunno. all I know is that I have to watch the whole cycle again and I don't really want to get involved but I probably will. and then they'll break up eventually (I'm not being pessimistic, but seriously, it's high school) and I'll still be there.
  • QUOTE (thephantommilk @ May 20 2007, 03:30 AM)
    urgh.... all my friends are getting boys and it's kinda annoying. I'm happy for them and all, but still... did it have to happen all at once? It's like spring fever or something. mating season. I dunno. all I know is that I have to watch the whole cycle again and I don't really want to get involved but I probably will. and then they'll break up eventually (I'm not being pessimistic, but seriously, it's high school) and I'll still be there.

    I know EXACTLY how you feel. All these couples are are suddenly popping up in the playground. I'm not sure if it's mating season or if they all decided as seniors they should be dating now. It's so weird to see people you've known for years, who had never spoken to each other before, cuddling at lunchtime...... huh.gif

    What annoys me at the moment is when boys decide they like when you've never even spoken to them. This one guy who I had never even SEEN before decided he was, and i quote "in love" with me. It's so superficial and odd. Anyway turns out he's just crazy cause he's now "in love" with some other girl and has decided to stalk her instead. phew!

    But, of course, i now have another stalker. He's quite harmless but nevertheless irritating. He asked me out for the fourth time last night (on msn) but he does it slyly like asking "hypothetically" and simply stating that he was going to but decided against it. I found out he actually has a list of other girls who he has been asking out as well......way to make a girl feel special dry.gif
  • i'm feeling rather lonely. sad.gif
    not sure if that should go in here or complaints thread but oh well.
  • QUOTE (sprocket @ May 19 2007, 04:01 AM)
    This article discusses some alternatives for people who don't want to break up in person.

    What you do think?

    It's over, baby

    Let's put it this way: if you ever even seriously consider breaking up with someone via email, text message, or MySpace, you are LAME. End of story. Ladies and gentlemen, suck it up and grow the balls to talk to the person face-to-face. Or at very very least, pick up the telephone- and NOT while you're drunk at a party.

    And remember, what goes around, comes around.
  • I agree with Katy. I hate to compare this to Sex and the City (no I don't; I love Sex and the City), but it's like Berger breaking up with Carrie on a post-it note. Do it in person, or you are an asshole. Really. Though you may not care about the person as much anymore, you still owe it to them to break up with them in a personal, more dignified manner, IN PERSON.

    yesterday, my boyfriend and I went into the city and just wandered the meatpacking district looking at galleries (it's nice to date an artist as it often leads to art-related field trips). We stumbled across a Basquiat exhibit in a gallery that oddly had the same name as the last name of a girl in my town who has, as of now, dated two of my good guyfriends.

    Half-asleep and mildly sick from the damp and walking (and my snotty nose), we made one last trip to the Whitney where Ken wanted to see the Gordon Matta-Clark exhibit, which, though badly installed (it was crowded and crowded the work), was pretty damn amazing.
    He physically split houses that were about to be torn down.

    I fell asleep on the train, overdosed on the city.
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