^^^ awww, omg, that really sucks ambie!! *hugs* and yes!!! i have no idea what i would do without a car - well, i dont drive, but idk what my mom would do without a car, haha.
Stubborn is an understatement. Let's bust out my SAT vocab synonyms for stubborn shall we? Recalcitrant, obdurate, obstinate, fuck I can't remember any others. great. No wonder I did so poorly on my SATs and got stuck at UCSD.
Aw thanks guys, you all are so lovely. i totally forgot there was a song called obstinate! Anywho, yes I suppose ucsd is fine, as long as I get to go to England for grad school...
I also wish to complain about how dead this place is right now. Wake up, people. It's like day time in the US right now, yes? How dare you have lives. It's 3am, I must be lonely.
I also wish to complain about how dead this place is right now. Wake up, people. It's like day time in the US right now, yes? How dare you have lives. It's 3am, I must be lonely.
wow, it's way past lunch time here! I have to go...bye God!
awww, omg, that really sucks ambie!! *hugs*
and yes!!! i have no idea what i would do without a car - well, i dont drive, but idk what my mom would do without a car, haha.
hmm, ur dad seems a lot like my dad...stubborn
Let's bust out my SAT vocab synonyms for stubborn shall we?
Recalcitrant, obdurate, obstinate, fuck I can't remember any others.
awww, obstinate [aka in transit] is one of albert's songs...ok, sry about that, but as a crazy strokes fan, i have to...
omg, and USCD is a fucken good school!! i saw the list...#38 or something. thats sexy! ur so smart ambie!! u shouldn't say things like that!! <3
awww, obstinate [aka in transit] is one of albert's songs...ok, sry about that, but as a crazy strokes fan, i have to...
omg, and USCD is a fucken good school!! i saw the list...#38 or something. thats sexy! ur so smart ambie!! u shouldn't say things like that!! <3
hahahaha i thought of that too!
and yeah vinnie, you tell her!
i don't know anything about your school but i do know you're smart. so there
i totally forgot there was a song called obstinate!
Anywho, yes I suppose ucsd is fine, as long as I get to go to England for grad school...
You're living in Hansons debut major label album? How peculiar.
wow, it's way past lunch time here! I have to go...bye God!
I always feel obligated to go to bed when the sun starts to rise, therefore I dislike the warmer seasons because my night is cut short.
I strongly dislike the daytime, for the record.
i cant begin to imagen how bad the hanson thread is for it
cause no one likes that person..