There has got to be someone you can contact. There's always some nice old woman at the University with whom you can talk (it's just a matter of finding her). I'm sure application fuck-ups happen all the time and, if you're a good student (which you are) and if it's not your fault (which it isn't), they should know better than to let an awesome applicant be lost because of a slight deadline mishap.
Agreed, there have to be cock ups like this that happene very year. There's always a second option that no one ever tells you about until you really need it and I'm sure it'll show itself to you soon.
I hate this city so much. It's impossible to find work unless all you want to do is work in sales, food or tourism. And I don't want to work in any of those damn fields.
Stupid tourist city. That's all we are is one gigantic tourist location.
I would also like to complain about the fact an old friend of mine likes me and i hate that. I do not like being liked by people I do not like. It creeps me out and makes me want to stay the fuck away from them which is unfortunate but damnit I really don't like people hitting on me. I don't want to have to come right out and say, Hi, I am in absolutely no way attracted to you because I make figuring that out pretty damn interesting. If I like you, I will tell you. If I dont' tell you, it's because I don't like you.
I'm in a seriously bad mood right now. I have a feeling my Uni has cocked up my graduation and have to run down to Admin to sort it out. Unimpressed like whoa.
I would also like to complain about the fact an old friend of mine likes me and i hate that. I do not like being liked by people I do not like. It creeps me out and makes me want to stay the fuck away from them which is unfortunate but damnit I really don't like people hitting on me. I don't want to have to come right out and say, Hi, I am in absolutely no way attracted to you because I make figuring that out pretty damn interesting. If I like you, I will tell you. If I dont' tell you, it's because I don't like you.
uuuuugh I know. I always feel like a douche for saying it, but it sucks. I always end up hoping they don't bring it up (ever) and we can just go on being friends. It never works.
^^^ agreed, except the only boys that have ever done that to me were not only 'just friends', they were downright icky. in the nicest way possible and all, but seriously.
i just completely lost my voice in four hours. i was fine at 7 (pm), and then at 10 I had no voice. none. This happens to me every single time I get a cold, and I hate it. I have to do a presentation for English class tomorrow, too. my luck sucks.
uuuuugh I know. I always feel like a douche for saying it, but it sucks. I always end up hoping they don't bring it up (ever) and we can just go on being friends. It never works.
Ugh I know. It pisses me off because I feel like I lose a friend the minute I realise what they're doing. I don't want to talk to them anymore, I don't want to hang out with them and it's like, well this is just great. I know it's lame of me to not want to be near them anymore but when they're constantly dropping hints and just ugh. I just don't want to give them any opportunity to try to do something.
I once was at a party with a group of friends and one close friend wasn't taking my insanely not so subtle hints that I didn't want to share the fold out bed with him. Fucking asshole tried to spoon, next thing I knew I was chucking a sickie and bolting out of the house at 5am, driving home and praying there was no alcohol left in my system so I could just make the five minutes home. Haven't spoken to him since.
Of course if you're hot you can try it as much as you like. In fact, you're encouraged to do so. But you'll KNOW if I think you're hot. 'Cause I will say, "Oh Aaron, you're such a pretty boy, hold me plz," or something along those lines. If I do not say this it means i do not find you attractive. Like really. I'm that open about my attractions you'd have to be an idiot not to know.
i have a ridiculously HUGE exam tomorrow, for a class i would LOVE to do well in because the stuff is fascinating... pragmatics and speech and all that amazing stuff... but its SO deep and there is SO much to know... i'm so nervous. first exams are always tough
and on top of that, a friend of mine left me a fairly nasty voicemail at 5:15am this morning, and it basically fucked up my head all day, and i still haven't really gotten to talk to her about it. it was a pretty one-sided route of communication today. i called her and left her VM asking for her to return the call, i also sent a text, as well as an IM. took her all night to call me, and all she did was come out to the coffee joint to join my other friend and i and nothing was resolved... the message she left me was really hostile, about how i saw maroon 5 last night, and that i didn't care about her, or jessie or caitlin (my other two roomies) or anybody else for that matter. and that she and everyone had been including me on Friends (yes, the tv show) jokes, since forever. it was basically a drunken angry rant, but not knowing where this hostility is coming from is totally unsettling. part of it is because i'm growing closer with one of her friends, who has become my friend over the last year. this friend and i are the ones who share the OK Go bond/obsession and everyone finds that to be clique-y, but annoys the other friend the most b/c she feels i'm "taking her away"... which isn't the case at all. it's just our silly bond together, which i carry something special with all of my friends... however, i can see where she's coming from. but everything else? i don't get it..
sorry if NONE of that made sense. but i'm just frustrated and i have no idea what to do. especially on the eve of a HUGE exam.
i just completely lost my voice in four hours. i was fine at 7 (pm), and then at 10 I had no voice. none. This happens to me every single time I get a cold, and I hate it. I have to do a presentation for English class tomorrow, too. my luck sucks.
awwww, that really sucks milky *hugs* i hope you feel better and your presentation goes well
QUOTE (amberdino @ Oct 1 2007, 05:17 AM)
Linear Algebra.. This stuff is WEIRD. Matrices and such.. I'm quite inexperienced with them.
Calculus and Stats are way better than this rubbish.
I'm scared for this class!
omg,'re a little math genius. i'm sure you'll do fine
ahh, it's almost 11 at night and i haven't started any of my homework!! well, that's not true, i've answered 2 questions hahah i'm the worst kind of procrastinator!!
i just completely lost my voice in four hours. i was fine at 7 (pm), and then at 10 I had no voice. none. This happens to me every single time I get a cold, and I hate it. I have to do a presentation for English class tomorrow, too. my luck sucks.
lol it could be worse. You could have to sing in public (I once lost my voice for the entire run of our school musical I was broken hearted).
Besides, isn't getting out of a presentaiton a good thing?
Linear Algebra.. This stuff is WEIRD. Matrices and such.. I'm quite inexperienced with them.
Calculus and Stats are way better than this rubbish.
I'm scared for this class!
really??? I looove algebra! calculus is just the total opposite of algebra...if you need any help/advice, just say so, i've done that class last year... (meaning I have usefull notes and exercises that are already solved )
Thanks to everyone who was giving me advice and trying to calm me down! Today I found out that everyone else who is applying to Oxford or Cambridge feels completely lost as well, as we haven't really had any support. I spoke to a teacher about the mess up, who said that I had until the end of the week to get my application in. She got angry at me for being annoyed about it, because it turns out she's best friends with the bitch who made the mess in the first place. Cow. And I phoned Cambridge to explain the mess and ask for a new form, and they said they understood and were sorry that my school was so useless, so they've sent me a new form, first class. Woooo!!!
God - Sorry about the lack of work, that sucks. And I know how you feel about the guy liking you when you don't like them back - it can be really difficult to get them to leave you alone sometimes. I tend to try to explain that I don't feel the same, and if the persist and creep me out, I act coldly with them until they return too normal. Harsh, but it can be effective!
Phantommilk - argh, hope your voice returns soon! Have you tried a spoonful of honey? That works for me!
Ambers - you're a maths genius, you can do it!!! And algebra can be fun. If i can help at all, I'll try, if you like
Katie - Oh wow, that's seriously complicated, love! I guess it's not the kind of thing you can pass off as drunken crap, huh? *hugs* My poor baby - good luck with the exam, wifey!!
Eeek, sorry I went on a bit there. It's just that so many people helped me, I wanted to return the favor
Thanks to everyone who was giving me advice and trying to calm me down! Today I found out that everyone else who is applying to Oxford or Cambridge feels completely lost as well, as we haven't really had any support. I spoke to a teacher about the mess up, who said that I had until the end of the week to get my application in. She got angry at me for being annoyed about it, because it turns out she's best friends with the bitch who made the mess in the first place. Cow. And I phoned Cambridge to explain the mess and ask for a new form, and they said they understood and were sorry that my school was so useless, so they've sent me a new form, first class. Woooo!!!
Glad to hear it all worked out! But seriously lame about that other teacher who got annoyed with you for being annoyed with the teacher who caused the whole mess in the first time. lol at Cambridge apologising for your school sucking, though.
QUOTE (Electra @ Oct 1 2007, 11:28 PM)
God - Sorry about the lack of work, that sucks. And I know how you feel about the guy liking you when you don't like them back - it can be really difficult to get them to leave you alone sometimes. I tend to try to explain that I don't feel the same, and if the persist and creep me out, I act coldly with them until they return too normal. Harsh, but it can be effective!
Bright side: Have job interview tomorrow (or rather, today) and I'm just ignoring all his phone calls and msn messages at the moment. Which drives me nuts 'cause I leave me MSN on 24/7 and he's constantly nudging me and messaging me while i'm trying to pretend i'm not really at the computer, when really i am and have been for a while. But yay, jobs!
I require another candle lit, awesomely bad movie bath with popcorn STAT!!
But I can't have one. I need to work some crazy long day till like 8:30 or something. I doubt I make it that long, but I won't be leaving at 5:30.
I have so much work to do adn it's all due like last week. My sister hates me and won't fucking talk to me. And my leg hurts. I dunno if I explained the whole clot thing over here, but yeah, I have a blood clot, and it hurts. And my sister hates me and wont' fucking talk to me.
Have you ever been so bummed about something it physically hurt?
Not condusive to the 40 bajillion things I need to do NOW NOW NOW NOW.
I wanna sleep for a month.
Did Imention my sister hates me and won't fucking talk to me?
I require another candle lit, awesomely bad movie bath with popcorn STAT!!
But I can't have one. I need to work some crazy long day till like 8:30 or something. I doubt I make it that long, but I won't be leaving at 5:30.
I have so much work to do adn it's all due like last week. My sister hates me and won't fucking talk to me. And my leg hurts. I dunno if I explained the whole clot thing over here, but yeah, I have a blood clot, and it hurts. And my sister hates me and wont' fucking talk to me.
Have you ever been so bummed about something it physically hurt?
Not condusive to the 40 bajillion things I need to do NOW NOW NOW NOW.
I wanna sleep for a month.
Did Imention my sister hates me and won't fucking talk to me?
you should go to the doctor to dry the blood clot...I also have one and HELL it hurts!
about your sister, just let her start realising that she's hurting you, and you'll see that soon she'll be talking to you family almost always sticks together right?
MIA what do you mean "dry" the blood clot? It's inside my vein how do they do that? I did go to the doctor because it's really freaking me out. Clots in the veins can be fatal if they break loose and go to the heart. But they did an ultra sound on my leg and this one isn't in a deep vein where it could that, it's in one the perpherial ones and I guess it's far enough away from the big ones that it's not a danger. It still freaks me out though because I'm 25, I don't smoke, I"m not even obese (but I am kinda close). I don't exercise as much as I should, but I don't think I should be getting clots at this age.
As for my sister, I just don't know. She knows good and well she's hurting me. I think she does things on purpose to hurt me, and then she's all "I knew you'd be like this" when I get mad. Well yeah, you treat me like shit and I"m gonna get pissed off, DUH! And I just know she's telling all her friends what a bitch I am because I get mad when I have every right to be. And family sticking together... eh... we kinda got a fucked up situation going on. It sucks. But she's been like this for 2 years... I don't see it changing anytime soon.
Agreed, there have to be cock ups like this that happene very year. There's always a second option that no one ever tells you about until you really need it and I'm sure it'll show itself to you soon.
Stupid tourist city. That's all we are is one gigantic tourist location.
I would also like to complain about the fact an old friend of mine likes me and i hate that. I do not like being liked by people I do not like. It creeps me out and makes me want to stay the fuck away from them which is unfortunate but damnit I really don't like people hitting on me. I don't want to have to come right out and say, Hi, I am in absolutely no way attracted to you because I make figuring that out pretty damn interesting. If I like you, I will tell you. If I dont' tell you, it's because I don't like you.
I'm in a seriously bad mood right now. I have a feeling my Uni has cocked up my graduation and have to run down to Admin to sort it out. Unimpressed like whoa.
uuuuugh I know. I always feel like a douche for saying it, but it sucks. I always end up hoping they don't bring it up (ever) and we can just go on being friends. It never works.
i just completely lost my voice in four hours. i was fine at 7 (pm), and then at 10 I had no voice. none.
This happens to me every single time I get a cold, and I hate it.
I have to do a presentation for English class tomorrow, too. my luck sucks.
Ugh I know. It pisses me off because I feel like I lose a friend the minute I realise what they're doing. I don't want to talk to them anymore, I don't want to hang out with them and it's like, well this is just great. I know it's lame of me to not want to be near them anymore but when they're constantly dropping hints and just ugh. I just don't want to give them any opportunity to try to do something.
I once was at a party with a group of friends and one close friend wasn't taking my insanely not so subtle hints that I didn't want to share the fold out bed with him. Fucking asshole tried to spoon, next thing I knew I was chucking a sickie and bolting out of the house at 5am, driving home and praying there was no alcohol left in my system so I could just make the five minutes home. Haven't spoken to him since.
Of course if you're hot you can try it as much as you like. In fact, you're encouraged to do so. But you'll KNOW if I think you're hot. 'Cause I will say, "Oh Aaron, you're such a pretty boy, hold me plz," or something along those lines. If I do not say this it means i do not find you attractive. Like really. I'm that open about my attractions you'd have to be an idiot not to know.
This stuff is WEIRD.
Matrices and such.. I'm quite inexperienced with them.
Calculus and Stats are way better than this rubbish.
I'm scared for this class!
and on top of that, a friend of mine left me a fairly nasty voicemail at 5:15am this morning, and it basically fucked up my head all day, and i still haven't really gotten to talk to her about it. it was a pretty one-sided route of communication today. i called her and left her VM asking for her to return the call, i also sent a text, as well as an IM. took her all night to call me, and all she did was come out to the coffee joint to join my other friend and i and nothing was resolved... the message she left me was really hostile, about how i saw maroon 5 last night, and that i didn't care about her, or jessie or caitlin (my other two roomies) or anybody else for that matter. and that she and everyone had been including me on Friends (yes, the tv show) jokes, since forever. it was basically a drunken angry rant, but not knowing where this hostility is coming from is totally unsettling. part of it is because i'm growing closer with one of her friends, who has become my friend over the last year. this friend and i are the ones who share the OK Go bond/obsession and everyone finds that to be clique-y, but annoys the other friend the most b/c she feels i'm "taking her away"... which isn't the case at all. it's just our silly bond together, which i carry something special with all of my friends... however, i can see where she's coming from. but everything else? i don't get it..
sorry if NONE of that made sense. but i'm just frustrated and i have no idea what to do.
This happens to me every single time I get a cold, and I hate it.
I have to do a presentation for English class tomorrow, too. my luck sucks.
awwww, that really sucks milky *hugs* i hope you feel better and your presentation goes well
This stuff is WEIRD.
Matrices and such.. I'm quite inexperienced with them.
Calculus and Stats are way better than this rubbish.
I'm scared for this class!
omg,'re a little math genius. i'm sure you'll do fine
ahh, it's almost 11 at night and i haven't started any of my homework!! well, that's not true, i've answered 2 questions
This happens to me every single time I get a cold, and I hate it.
I have to do a presentation for English class tomorrow, too. my luck sucks.
lol it could be worse. You could have to sing in public (I once lost my voice for the entire run of our school musical
Besides, isn't getting out of a presentaiton a good thing?
This stuff is WEIRD.
Matrices and such.. I'm quite inexperienced with them.
Calculus and Stats are way better than this rubbish.
I'm scared for this class!
really??? I looove algebra! calculus is just the total opposite of algebra...if you need any help/advice, just say so, i've done that class last year...
Today I found out that everyone else who is applying to Oxford or Cambridge feels completely lost as well, as we haven't really had any support. I spoke to a teacher about the mess up, who said that I had until the end of the week to get my application in. She got angry at me for being annoyed about it, because it turns out she's best friends with the bitch who made the mess in the first place. Cow. And I phoned Cambridge to explain the mess and ask for a new form, and they said they understood and were sorry that my school was so useless, so they've sent me a new form, first class. Woooo!!!
God - Sorry about the lack of work, that sucks. And I know how you feel about the guy liking you when you don't like them back - it can be really difficult to get them to leave you alone sometimes. I tend to try to explain that I don't feel the same, and if the persist and creep me out, I act coldly with them until they return too normal. Harsh, but it can be effective!
Phantommilk - argh, hope your voice returns soon! Have you tried a spoonful of honey? That works for me!
Ambers - you're a maths genius, you can do it!!!
Katie - Oh wow, that's seriously complicated, love! I guess it's not the kind of thing you can pass off as drunken crap, huh? *hugs* My poor baby - good luck with the exam, wifey!!
Eeek, sorry I went on a bit there. It's just that so many people helped me, I wanted to return the favor
I love you guys.
Today I found out that everyone else who is applying to Oxford or Cambridge feels completely lost as well, as we haven't really had any support. I spoke to a teacher about the mess up, who said that I had until the end of the week to get my application in. She got angry at me for being annoyed about it, because it turns out she's best friends with the bitch who made the mess in the first place. Cow. And I phoned Cambridge to explain the mess and ask for a new form, and they said they understood and were sorry that my school was so useless, so they've sent me a new form, first class. Woooo!!!
Glad to hear it all worked out! But seriously lame about that other teacher who got annoyed with you for being annoyed with the teacher who caused the whole mess in the first time. lol at Cambridge apologising for your school sucking, though.
Bright side: Have job interview tomorrow (or rather, today) and I'm just ignoring all his phone calls and msn messages at the moment. Which drives me nuts 'cause I leave me MSN on 24/7 and he's constantly nudging me and messaging me while i'm trying to pretend i'm not really at the computer, when really i am and have been for a while. But yay, jobs!
and my computer for randomly dieing on me thinking ive lost everything
But I can't have one. I need to work some crazy long day till like 8:30 or something.
I doubt I make it that long, but I won't be leaving at 5:30.
I have so much work to do adn it's all due like last week.
My sister hates me and won't fucking talk to me.
And my leg hurts. I dunno if I explained the whole clot thing over here, but yeah, I have a blood clot, and it hurts.
And my sister hates me and wont' fucking talk to me.
Have you ever been so bummed about something it physically hurt?
Not condusive to the 40 bajillion things I need to do NOW NOW NOW NOW.
I wanna sleep for a month.
Did Imention my sister hates me and won't fucking talk to me?
Good luck with the work, and I hope your leg feels better and you make it up with your sister soon.
But I can't have one. I need to work some crazy long day till like 8:30 or something.
I doubt I make it that long, but I won't be leaving at 5:30.
I have so much work to do adn it's all due like last week.
My sister hates me and won't fucking talk to me.
And my leg hurts. I dunno if I explained the whole clot thing over here, but yeah, I have a blood clot, and it hurts.
And my sister hates me and wont' fucking talk to me.
Have you ever been so bummed about something it physically hurt?
Not condusive to the 40 bajillion things I need to do NOW NOW NOW NOW.
I wanna sleep for a month.
Did Imention my sister hates me and won't fucking talk to me?
you should go to the doctor to dry the blood clot...I also have one and HELL it hurts!
about your sister, just let her start realising that she's hurting you, and you'll see that soon she'll be talking to you
MIA what do you mean "dry" the blood clot? It's inside my vein how do they do that? I did go to the doctor because it's really freaking me out. Clots in the veins can be fatal if they break loose and go to the heart. But they did an ultra sound on my leg and this one isn't in a deep vein where it could that, it's in one the perpherial ones and I guess it's far enough away from the big ones that it's not a danger. It still freaks me out though because I'm 25, I don't smoke, I"m not even obese (but I am kinda close). I don't exercise as much as I should, but I don't think I should be getting clots at this age.
As for my sister, I just don't know. She knows good and well she's hurting me. I think she does things on purpose to hurt me, and then she's all "I knew you'd be like this" when I get mad. Well yeah, you treat me like shit and I"m gonna get pissed off, DUH! And I just know she's telling all her friends what a bitch I am because I get mad when I have every right to be. And family sticking together... eh... we kinda got a fucked up situation going on. It sucks. But she's been like this for 2 years... I don't see it changing anytime soon.