ok. sooo, i think a long time ago i told you guys about it but, last year at school i had a huge crush on one of my brothers friends, like i fell for him hard. so we talked a good amount, and he waved or said hi and tried to talk to me at school everyday and then all of a sudden he just sorta stopped talking to me, and then there was a winter dance, so i went stag being a dumb teenage girl hoping that he might ask me to dance, but thats not what happened i sat around for about an hour then turns out his date was just late [ by an hour] and i had no idea he was goin to have a date, so i sat there and when i couldn't take it any longer i went into the bathroom and cried til i felt sick.
so then on new years he asked her out [ as i found out from one of his friends] and i thought ya know, i still like him, so i might as well just "wait" for him. so then after a few months i gave up, and i thought i was over him, i felt like i was over him. i told my friends he was an asshole and all this other stuff to make myself feel better. but inside i was actually mad at myself for thinking that he might like me, when he was probably just being nice cuz i was his friends little sister.
so over the summer i didn't think about him and i thought i was over him.
but then today at school he came back [ he was gone the first day cuz he was still on vaca in florida ] and i was walking through the mall at lunchtime heading for the restroom [ our school is connected to a business mall ] and then i see him walking down the mall in my direction, and i see him and he waves at me, i wave back, and then i try not to look at him, but i keep looking up as im walking and he is still looking at me, and then i have this weird flashback in my mind of all the stuff that we talked about together and everytime he waved at me or talked to me, or the time he came over and actually sat with me and my friends at lunch, and how much i like his eyes.. like wierd. and as i go into the restroom it feels like every wound was reopened and the feelings i used to have for him started coming back, such as how funny he was and how he always made me laugh, or how much i loved looking at his eyes which are gorgeous green/blue. and i almost start crying, cuz i don't want this to happen and for me to get my heart broken again because i know he only thinks of me as his friends little sister.
Oooo wait! T, can I come to your school and give him attitude? You know, in the finger clicky "nuhuh you ain't upsetin' mah girl like that, boyyy" Carla from Scrubs kinda way? Always wanted to do that
Oooo wait! T, can I come to your school and give him attitude? You know, in the finger clicky "nuhuh you ain't upsetin' mah girl like that, boyyy" Carla from Scrubs kinda way? Always wanted to do that
Oooo wait! T, can I come to your school and give him attitude? You know, in the finger clicky "nuhuh you ain't upsetin' mah girl like that, boyyy" Carla from Scrubs kinda way? Always wanted to do that
I see you as bodyguard/bouncer.
you are perfectly welcome too!
haha i love you Electra!
lol i did take a karate class back in the day! [ when i was eight]
So, what is this business mall your school is attached to?
well it used to be a real mall with all the cool stores, but sometime a long time ago, it got warped into a business mall full of insurance agency's, offices, and boring stuff. the only good thing is there are some restaurants, so thats why we have lunch. [ we also get to go off campus] our school is where a huge old daycare used to be. but they turned it into our school, so that means little hallways and stuff
but luckily we are going to build a new school building on a 23 acre lot, so hopefully by my senior year i will be in a real school building.
haha yup! i actually quit that class, i got extremely bored with kicking, punching, etc.
Gravitational force.
Haha, understood.
I'm hungry.
Must...practice...singing...but...where? Sisters...might...hear...me...
Geez, I act as if it's a crime. LOL
sooo, i think a long time ago i told you guys about it but, last year at school i had a huge crush on one of my brothers friends, like i fell for him hard. so we talked a good amount, and he waved or said hi and tried to talk to me at school everyday and then all of a sudden he just sorta stopped talking to me, and then there was a winter dance, so i went stag being a dumb teenage girl hoping that he might ask me to dance, but thats not what happened i sat around for about an hour then turns out his date was just late [ by an hour] and i had no idea he was goin to have a date, so i sat there and when i couldn't take it any longer i went into the bathroom and cried til i felt sick.
so then on new years he asked her out [ as i found out from one of his friends] and i thought ya know, i still like him, so i might as well just "wait" for him. so then after a few months i gave up, and i thought i was over him, i felt like i was over him. i told my friends he was an asshole and all this other stuff to make myself feel better. but inside i was actually mad at myself for thinking that he might like me, when he was probably just being nice cuz i was his friends little sister.
so over the summer i didn't think about him and i thought i was over him.
but then today at school he came back [ he was gone the first day cuz he was still on vaca in florida ] and i was walking through the mall at lunchtime heading for the restroom [ our school is connected to a business mall ] and then i see him walking down the mall in my direction, and i see him and he waves at me, i wave back, and then i try not to look at him, but i keep looking up as im walking and he is still looking at me, and then i have this weird flashback in my mind of all the stuff that we talked about together and everytime he waved at me or talked to me, or the time he came over and actually sat with me and my friends at lunch, and how much i like his eyes..
like wierd.
and as i go into the restroom it feels like every wound was reopened and the feelings i used to have for him started coming back, such as how funny he was and how he always made me laugh, or how much i loved looking at his eyes which are gorgeous green/blue.
eh, sorry i needed to get it all out.
I don't know what to say, except that I'm sorry you felt that way.
And we're here for you.
awwwwww, theresa
that sucks ass
i can punch him for u...if u want
Our band will write an emotionally stinging song for you about him.
And we will play it while Vinnie beats him up in the men's restroom.
thanks guys i just really needed to tell someone, and i feel like you guys are my good friends.
[ when i am old enough to drive we should all meet and have a crazy party ]
You may recognise it - I've suggested it before.
We'll get Paolo to go out with you, making the guy incredibly jealous, and wham bam he's head over heels!
Also - could I be your doctor who tours with this band thing you've got going, please?
and electra...u should be our manager cuz u've got all the skillz [yes, with a z, its sexier that way]
Ooh, good plan!
But if Paolo is going out with you, you might not care if he falls for you!
I had a feeling that I had skills, but skillz?
I'd be honored, sweethearts
i wanna go tour and stuff...
what can i be??
T, can I come to your school and give him attitude?
You know, in the finger clicky "nuhuh you ain't upsetin' mah girl like that, boyyy" Carla from Scrubs kinda way?
Always wanted to do that
I see you as bodyguard/bouncer.
T, can I come to your school and give him attitude?
You know, in the finger clicky "nuhuh you ain't upsetin' mah girl like that, boyyy" Carla from Scrubs kinda way?
Always wanted to do that
T, can I come to your school and give him attitude?
You know, in the finger clicky "nuhuh you ain't upsetin' mah girl like that, boyyy" Carla from Scrubs kinda way?
Always wanted to do that
I see you as bodyguard/bouncer.
you are perfectly welcome too!
haha i love you Electra!
lol i did take a karate class back in the day! [ when i was eight]
You took Karate? That's AWESOME!
My sister started taking martial arts lessons once. That terrified me.
well it used to be a real mall with all the cool stores, but sometime a long time ago, it got warped into a business mall full of insurance agency's, offices, and boring stuff. the only good thing is there are some restaurants, so thats why we have lunch. [ we also get to go off campus]
our school is where a huge old daycare used to be. but they turned it into our school, so that means little hallways and stuff
but luckily we are going to build a new school building on a 23 acre lot, so hopefully by my senior year i will be in a real school building.
haha yup!
i actually quit that class, i got extremely bored with kicking, punching, etc.
i actually quit that class, i got extremely bored with kicking, punching, etc.
I'd have thought it would've been fantastic!
Actually, I have my own forms of retaliation *grins evily*