um sorry i don't know the name of that video, but you guys would know...
the one where Damian tells Andy I think to hold up the sign in the background or something during the interview. doesn't anyone know what i'm talking about? haha
i also like their invincible music video i absolutly love the part where they blow up dans drums, my sister made fun of me bc i showed her and was like "how cool is that" and she said "idk give me a drumset and ill show you"
and you think you can't see anything except (after it loads) you pull the play-bar backwards, you can catch everything lit up in the flashbulb moments.
One caveat - the video ends rather abruptly before the song is done.
If he can't walk or stand, how would he perform on a horizontal playing field? alcohol and sex just don't mix well. I'll just leave it at that;)
Ha I've actually found my being turned off by the drunken amorousness more of a problem than the actual performance :S
QUOTE (Tabetha @ Jul 30 2007, 07:05 PM)
are you guys talking about that vid? But how do you know he was drunk there? Damian always seems hyper and happy and goofy to me- even more so in the old days back when that was made.
I've always thought that, too, about that clip, Sally. I've acted pretty close to that obnoxious without a drop many many times. But who knows.
i dont know just something about this makes me laugh
the one where Damian tells Andy I think to hold up the sign in the background or something during the interview. doesn't anyone know what i'm talking about? haha
LOL YEAH! "Dan, cue New York!"
I also love that one interview with Tim and Andy and the whole "backslash, forwardslash" deal. HAHA that's the "doeeees... Mary know?" vid.
this one is super funny but i dont know if it wasl ike a joke or not
I'm not sure if I did this right,but I like this.
I like this video cause:
A. a drunk damian is a fun damian
B. them jeans are mightee tightee
C. potty all the time
Who's the 5th guy??
Edit: Hah, nevermind.
this is the best interview ever i think
I LOVE IT when Tim sings Santa Baby
I like this one because:
- It's OLISQ (acoustic)
- while they're sitting on a bar
- totally impromptu
- with everyone singing along
- and you think you can't see anything except (after it loads) you pull the play-bar backwards, you can catch everything lit up in the flashbulb moments.
One caveat - the video ends rather abruptly before the song is done.
this is the funniest thing ever is that even them playing??? and i like how to drummer turns around and takes a picture
this is the funniest thing ever is that even them playing??? and i like how to drummer turns around and takes a picture
Goodnames, that's Silversun Pickups, from the last night (I think) of the tour they did with them and Snow Patrol.
oh really thats awesome, thanks.
Damian always seems hyper and happy and goofy to me- even more so in the old days back when that was made.
I've always thought that, too, about that clip, Sally. I've acted pretty close to that obnoxious without a drop many many times. But who knows.
I like this one because:[list=1]
[*]It's OLISQ (acoustic)
[*]while they're sitting on a bar
[*]totally impromptu
[*]with everyone singing along
That's so nice! Thanks for posting that.