That was cool. I'd love to hear more Dan solos. We actually have a theremin at school! Our orchestra teacher thought they were cool so he bought a couple and let us try them. It's really hard to get pitches right. and Thanks for telling us what a melodica was. I'm going to tell people I want a melodica for Christmas.
No, that wasn't the way it was in my dream (that's what you're referring to, right?)... in my dream it was a solid block of chocolate into which the picture was carved. In 3D. But that chocolate painting is fantastic... I want to try!!
tempe i lovee you and your kookyness...
side note: theres this new show on the CBC called "MVP" and everytime i see it i cant help but say "MOST VALUBLE PRIMATE!" gah!
I remember seeing a still from that video on her myspace and thinking "could these guys GET any more awesome?!"
A.) Kudos to whom ever took this video, you rock and 2.) I am very jealous you got to see an acoustic version of this song
I found their video I know its been posted b4 but it being my favorite song on the old album and the video being heart warming I have to post it again
I never realized how beautifully Rusty and Tim's voices meld with Damian's before.
Theremins are so ubercool! By far, the best piece I've heard: this has nothing to do with OK Go oops
Holy Shit, guys.
Alice, is this what you meant?
No, that wasn't the way it was in my dream (that's what you're referring to, right?)... in my dream it was a solid block of chocolate into which the picture was carved. In 3D. But that chocolate painting is fantastic... I want to try!!
anyway, this one was new to me! And I thought i had likely seen most of them??!
This video is rated xxx-tra cute
catfight over lentil soup
I am wondering who the vegetarian in the group is?!! (was?)
I should know this!
And I don't know if this has been posted before:
Damian talks opossums.
anyway, this one was new to me! And I thought i had likely seen most of them??!
This video is rated xxx-tra cute
catfight over lentil soup
I love love love that video! It's so cute. I saw it before and immediately saved it to my computer