Let's play a game! Let's list all those things which make OK Go the object of our affection. I bet we can get to a thousand in no time!
Da Rules*
A. Just
one detail per post. Let others have their say before you repost, it's just common courtesy.
B. Be specific, we want
C. Be concise, don't bore everyone with long-winded insights.
D. Don't forget to
number each post, this is a list to a thousand and beyond.
I'll go first:
1. Andy gifting guitar pics to deserving fans. (I want one! I want one! A pink one!)

*The Fairly Oddparents rocks my socks!
P.S. You have to admit this topic has a catchy title.
(p.s Angie and I have made a similar, yet still different, list like this)
I guess 14: They're in it for the music, not the fame. They've only had 1 actual photoshoot, which was for the cd cover- which is quite a difference to another band I used to like that had thousands of photos because they spent most of their time getting pictures taken instead of playing music. OK Go doesn't want to be celebrities, but musicians.
I called it first!
15. During the AMW video when they're all pointing (as if holding guns) and they tiptoe in synchronicity 90 degrees counterclockwise...A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
15. During the AMW video when they're all pointing (as if holding guns) and they tiptoe in synchronicity 90 degrees counterclockwise...A-W-E-S-O-M-E!
LoL I could have sworn you had a different answer first... haha b/c your answer was up when I did mine.
19. Their amazing ability to completely transform my terrible mood into a good one... I don't know any other human beings on the planet capable of THAT...