I haven't watched that much of the webcast yet, is that what he says?! I mean, Obviously that's what he says. That's amazing. $300-500 a night on confetti.
I wonder if they know we scoop it up and send it to each other in packages... If I were them, that would make me extraordinarily happy.
I haven't watched that much of the webcast yet, is that what he says?! I mean, Obviously that's what he says. That's amazing. $300-500 a night on confetti.
I wonder if they know we scoop it up and send it to each other in packages... If I were them, that would make me extraordinarily happy.
Ok, next boardie who can talk to one of the boys - be sure to let them know that we do that.
We should let them know that we are getting the maximum amount of available happy per pound of confetti.
I haven't watched that much of the webcast yet, is that what he says?! I mean, Obviously that's what he says. That's amazing. $300-500 a night on confetti.
I wonder if they know we scoop it up and send it to each other in packages... If I were them, that would make me extraordinarily happy.
Ok, next boardie who can talk to one of the boys - be sure to let them know that we do that.
We should let them know that we are getting the maximum amount of available happy per pound of confetti.
Multi-coloured confetti, is, after all, the internationally recognized unit of measurement for happiness.
And although Becky linked this under the Orlando show, I'm posting it again. Because it's completely relevant and I LOVE IT!
My fave part of this vid is aross drinking his "root beer".
355. Being able to take the shows home with us via USBs. Even though they joke on stage that they're such huge rockstars you might miss something, you find that when you listen to the USB you actually did miss something.
HAHA, now I'm always looking for A-Ross sipping a beer when Damian does his solo
just because of the ENE interview HAHA
this is the best video of Skyscrapers I've seen online, ever. when I saw this live I actually cried, but it wasn't even close to being this good (Damian sounded tired rather than more emotional that day - but I bet he was tired)
361. You come to terms with the fact that your boardies are almost like your family when you get so happy for them for seeing/talking/meeting OK Go, even though you yourself haven't. :)
I swear to God, any other person who meets them that I don't know makes me hell jealous. but boardies? never.
362. They agree to call you on the phone, even though they're not even allowed to get photos with anybody in the crowd, security is being such a butt.. and then Tim makes a rapture joke..
(Okay here are both my and the friend whose phoen they were on's versions of the story.. Damian was totally teasing me. How meannn!! :3
Mine is similar to Skylar's in that I got to talk to one of them over the phone.
363. I love that you can respond to "Hello?" by saying "I hate you." and they know who you are immediately. Helps that the Cubs got their asses handed to them on 5/20/11 by the Red Sox and aross knows my allegiance to the Cubbies and therefore my fury that they lost.
364. Not only do they pay attention to the fans right in front of them (when they do have the time and opportunity) they take the time to talk to fans on the phones of the fans right in front of them!
Or more specifically, snazzy Italian label Costume National was inspired to create custom monochrome suits for each of the boys, and then further developed individual scents coz he just couldn't get enough of OK Go ;) x
369. I love how even though you're in a family who believes work is work, and that nobody can ever be happy with their job, you can still prove them that they're absolutely wrong, and you're inspired to one day be as happy and successful as OK Go is.
Also, I finally found a friend who I made like OK Go just because she thinks that Damian is hot. She has some good taste.
I wonder if they know we scoop it up and send it to each other in packages... If I were them, that would make me extraordinarily happy.
Ok, next boardie who can talk to one of the boys - be sure to let them know that we do that.
We should let them know that we are getting the maximum amount of available happy per pound of confetti.
Multi-coloured confetti, is, after all, the internationally recognized unit of measurement for happiness.
HAHA, now I'm always looking for A-Ross sipping a beer when Damian does his solo
just because of the ENE interview HAHA
this is the best video of Skyscrapers I've seen online, ever. when I saw this live I actually cried, but it wasn't even close to being this good (Damian sounded tired rather than more emotional that day - but I bet he was tired)
361. You come to terms with the fact that your boardies are almost like your family when you get so happy for them for seeing/talking/meeting OK Go, even though you yourself haven't. :)
I swear to God, any other person who meets them that I don't know makes me hell jealous. but boardies? never.
(Okay here are both my and the friend whose phoen they were on's versions of the story.. Damian was totally teasing me. How meannn!! :3
363. I love that you can respond to "Hello?" by saying "I hate you." and they know who you are immediately. Helps that the Cubs got their asses handed to them on 5/20/11 by the Red Sox and aross knows my allegiance to the Cubbies and therefore my fury that they lost.
The full convo is over here.
Math = 23 ladies and gent!!! woot!
370. That they *keep* coming up with new ideas for their live shows, even after all this time. I don't know how they do it.
371. Pixelsticks on mic stands. Simply brilliant.