In this Discussion

Grant Park May 16, 2008



  • QUOTE (beckysioux @ Apr 25 2008, 06:53 PM)
    Info has finally been posted on how to get tickets here.

    -I am not a current student/faculty/staff- how do I get a ticket?
    The Manifest website will update on May 15th to let the general public and our community know if there are any tickets left. If there are, they will be distributed on May 16th somewhere on campus- the location will be announced on the website May 15th

    Here's to hoping there will be tickets left.
  • I wish I could go up there on the "hope" there may be tix, but with gas and probably zero hotel rooms, I will have to forgo. That SUCKS.
  • QUOTE (toiletdog @ May 7 2008, 11:51 PM)
    I wish I could go up there on the "hope" there may be tix, but with gas and probably zero hotel rooms, I will have to forgo. That SUCKS.

    If you were able to get in, you can crash at my house.
  • if it's a nice day i'll probably head up there, and if i can't get into the show, i'll just go to the sears tower and see if i can spot ok go from 100 stories up, haha...
  • I was actually thinkin' that if I couldn't get in to see the show, I could at least hang out around the area as it's an outdoor venue. So, I wouldn't be able to actually see the guys, but I could certainly hear them.
  • QUOTE (beckysioux @ May 8 2008, 09:14 AM)
    If you were able to get in, you can crash at my house.

    Given my spontaneity, I may take you up on that. wink.gif You never know; I may head up to Chi-town on a whim.
  • QUOTE (toiletdog @ May 8 2008, 02:29 PM)
    Given my spontaneity, I may take you up on that. wink.gif You never know; I may head up to Chi-town on a whim.

    Allergy alert: I have two cats.

    I'll PM you my cell.
  • i don't think i'm going to be able to make it anymore... sad.gif to this OR indy...
  • QUOTE (katieyellow @ May 9 2008, 08:36 AM)
    i don't think i'm going to be able to make it anymore... sad.gif to this OR indy...


    OK, just read why.

    That sucks.
  • sad.gif I know... I'm supremely bummed... I COULD swing it, but be left w/ NO spending money for the next two weeks, and. Yeah, it just sucks. sad.gif
  • I love, love, love my friend James. He got me a ticket to the show!!! I wish he scored me two, but I'm grateful that he even went to so much trouble for little ol' me.

    *phew* I can breathe again.

    Maybe not, ticket says no cameras allowed. Boo-urns. *grumble, grumble, grumble* And I just emailed to see if it's actually going to be enforced. Will update if/when I get an answer.

    Their response is below:

    Hi Becky,
    Cameras are not allowed into the concert. We did just increase the number of tickets to 4 per student and we will be handing the extra tickets out the day of manifest. Check the website thursday night to see where we will be handing out tickets if you need anymore.

    Big Boo-urns. About the camera situation, not about the extra tickets.
  • That's lame. I hate when they ban cameras
  • It's Columbia . . . student "security" will probably be checking bags, and they really won't give a shit if you have a camera or not.

    I'll ask for sure to see who is checking bags at the entrance.
  • It's Columbia . . . student "security" will probably be checking bags, and they really won't give a shit if you have a camera or not.

    I'll ask for sure to see who is checking bags at the entrance.
  • That would be really great if you could do that. I'm pretty sure I could sneak in my smaller camera that doesn't take quite as good pics as my super-fantabulous Kodak does.

    And the whole no bag thing. Gah.
  • Just shove the camera down your shirt tongue.gif
  • The good camera's a tad too big to do that. If I did, it'd look like I had three boobs.

    However, I can do that with the smaller camera.
  • laugh.gif awww....Maybe if you found a tall hat, you could put the good camera on your head under the hat
  • *cough*tamponbox*cough*
  • They are also strongly discouraging bags. So the box is out too.

    I'm waiting to hear back from Jade, perhaps they'll be a little lenient on the no cameras thing.
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