May 16th - Chicago, IL Manifest Urban Arts Festival Grant Park, 8:00PM This show is a free event for Columbia College Students. Good news though, because we love you, we got them to hold some extra tickets. E-mail if you want one. A creative or friendly email might even get you an extra for friend. We've only got a few, so don't dally.
So, any of youse in Chicago that needs a ticket, email. Email now!
Tickets can be picked up:
Thursday 5/15/08: 623 S. Wabash 1st floor Database from 9:00am - 5:00pm Friday 5/16/08: 640 S. Wabash (outdoor stage) from 9:00am - 5:00pm
Please have a valid ID and each person is allowed 2 tickets.
For more information please contact: 312-344-7188
OK Go will play at Upper Hutchinson in Grant Park, TOMORROW, Friday, May 16th at 8:00pm. Tickets are FREE but YOU MUST HAVE A TICKET TO ATTEND. Also, keep in mind, BAGS ARE STRONGLY DISCOURAGED from the event. For more info, see the original OK Go ticket instructions.
If it weren't for the fact they play in the early afternoon the next day (and I didn't have to drive back so late the night before), I would be at Manifest quicker than.......quick.
Sorry about the delayed response and all; finals were this week which made me super busy [but I'm done finally!]
As for security, I asked my friend and he said he didn't know for sure. I'm calling him when he gets to work tomorrow around 10 to see what's up with it. He's working the ticket office tomorrow.
My other friend is working the VIP guest list, so she's going to try to get me in on that.
But when I know what's going on I'll let you all know. It won't be that hard to hide a camera if it's small enough.
Sorry about the delayed response and all; finals were this week which made me super busy [but I'm done finally!]
As for security, I asked my friend and he said he didn't know for sure. I'm calling him when he gets to work tomorrow around 10 to see what's up with it. He's working the ticket office tomorrow.
My other friend is working the VIP guest list, so she's going to try to get me in on that.
But when I know what's going on I'll let you all know. It won't be that hard to hide a camera if it's small enough.
currently listening to 'the fix is in' and dying a little inside...
You were oh so missed!!
Show was A-mazing.
- However, people pushing me into the gate in front of the stage so hard that the gate broke, so not cool.
- Girl dry humping me from behind, also not cool.
- Gestapo need to die. Die, die, die.
- Damian eye contact for an entire refrain of It's a Disaster, completely amazing.
- Being remembered... OMG!!!!
Pics and flicks will probably not be broadcast until late Sunday / midday Monday as I'll be in Indy tomorrow and in Louisville on Sunday. Same goes for a write-up. Let's hope I remember everything I know I'll at least remember three things
- Damian eye contact for an entire refrain of It's a Disaster, completely amazing.
- Being remembered... OMG!!!!
Pics and flicks will probably not be broadcast until late Sunday / midday Monday as I'll be in Indy tomorrow and in Louisville on Sunday. Same goes for a write-up. Let's hope I remember everything I know I'll at least remember three things
Two more things before I hit the hay.
- Dancing robots. Yes. Dancing robots.
- A Damian game.
I was so scared about the gate, especially when it broke and then Damian got on it
I agree about Gestapo! And I am SOOO jealous of you! Andy totally made a "hey" kind of gesture at you during the concert and then after he remembered your name! That's awesome!
And YAY for the Damian game!! I definately need to write it down so I don't forget how to play it
Alright, This is going to be kinda long. So I had an awesome time at the concert. They were amazing as usual
It could do without the moshing though. They really didn't need to shove forward so much that it broke the gate!
But anyways, we got there about 5ish maybe, I don't really remember. We sat in the grass right outside the fence of the park for a little bit. While we were sitting there Damian came walking out and walked past us. He was walking with some guy and talking to him though, so I didn't say anything to him. Then the rest of them all came out a few minutes later. Andy waved at my sister when she called his name. But then we walked around the festival for a while. We played "musical chairs" randomly. At one time there was a zombie trying to play, he was a little too slow though. After a while we went to go sit in the grass right outside the park again.
We still had about an hour or so until they would let us in, so we tried to play some games. First we tried duck duck goose, but a couple of us didn't want to play, so there weren't many people which made it not as much fun to play. So then we tried playing Heads up Seven Up. But we didn't have that many people so it was more like Heads Up Two Up. Then while we were playing that Tim and Damian came out of the park again together. We said hey and asked if they wanted to play. Damian said that he didn't know how to play Heads Up Seven Up. So I asked him if they wanted to play duck duck goose, cuz we tried that earlier but it didn't work. And he pretty much said no. I think they were on their way somewhere. But then he said, "I've got a game if you're looking for something to play" or something like that. And then he wondered if he had enough time to explain it. So he spent like 5-10 minutes explaining this game to us. And then him and Tim had to leave, so we tried out this new "Damian Game" and it was actually pretty fun. I don't know if I could really explain it very well, but I might end up explaining it later.
So, the concert was awesome. Damian brought these people dressed up like robots onto the stage to dance with them. And then Damian put on one of the robots heads It was awesome and hilarious
Oh, and by the way, Rachel, Damian smiled again when we screamed Run's House We didn't get video though, sorry. Stupid guy told us to put our cameras away. Stupid, but I did get some of the concert on tape. And thanks for the hug which I recieved from Becky
And part way through, people started deciding to mosh, and we were being SHOVED against the fence/gate thing in front of us! It got so crazy that the crowd was shoved against the fence so hard and it broke and became unstable! I was so afraid that people were going to break it all the way and we would fall on top of it, which is probably what would happen. So I was leaning back as much as I could and pulling on the gate, to go against the force that was leaning against it. I was really scared when Damian decided to come out and stand on the gate again cuz it was still being pushed! And it was definately going to get shoved more with the people trying to get closer to him. So when he stood up there we were really pulling hard on the fence a lot (to prevent it from moving any more than it already was) so it wouldn't completely collapse with Damian on top of it. And some jerks were actually trying to pull him down. Eventually he got back on the gate, after being pulled on top of the crowd, and then he fell back off of it.
After the concert we saw Andy leaving from behind the blocked off area with two escorts. There was a group of girls pretty much chasing him as he made his way to the van. One girl was actually trying to keep up and talk to him as he just kept walking away. We decided to go off that way, and by the time we got to the street he was already sitting in the front of the van. My sister really wanted to show him her shirt though. It said ANDY on the front with a really cute picture of him, and on the back it said "You're So Damn Hot" It was really cute. And he seemed to like it. She ran over to the van and told him she loved him and showed him it. The van was kind of starting to take off and get onto the street from the side of the sidewalk but it stopped so Andy could see it. And then, I'll let Becky tell her special part of the story
But after my show, my mom couldn't find her lense cap for her camera so she ended up going to the security people and they didn't find it but she ended up getting Damian's water bottle somehow. I ended up getting that. I was very happy. Haha, I'm so lame. But then my sister, Jessie, went up to see if she could get Andy's towel or something but they didn't know where the towels were so she got a set list instead
May 16th - Chicago, IL
Manifest Urban Arts Festival Grant Park, 8:00PM
This show is a free event for Columbia College Students. Good news though, because we love you, we got them to hold some extra tickets. E-mail if you want one. A creative or friendly email might even get you an extra for friend. We've only got a few, so don't dally.
So, any of youse in Chicago that needs a ticket, email. Email now!
Tickets are now open to the general public!
Tickets can be picked up:
Thursday 5/15/08: 623 S. Wabash 1st floor Database from 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 5/16/08: 640 S. Wabash (outdoor stage) from 9:00am - 5:00pm
Please have a valid ID and each person is allowed 2 tickets.
For more information please contact:
OK Go will play at Upper Hutchinson in Grant Park, TOMORROW, Friday, May 16th at 8:00pm. Tickets are FREE but YOU MUST HAVE A TICKET TO ATTEND. Also, keep in mind, BAGS ARE STRONGLY DISCOURAGED from the event. For more info, see the original OK Go ticket instructions.
Tickets are now open to the general public!
If it weren't for the fact they play in the early afternoon the next day (and I didn't have to drive back so late the night before), I would be at Manifest quicker than.......quick.
As for security, I asked my friend and he said he didn't know for sure. I'm calling him when he gets to work tomorrow around 10 to see what's up with it. He's working the ticket office tomorrow.
My other friend is working the VIP guest list, so she's going to try to get me in on that.
But when I know what's going on I'll let you all know. It won't be that hard to hide a camera if it's small enough.
As for security, I asked my friend and he said he didn't know for sure. I'm calling him when he gets to work tomorrow around 10 to see what's up with it. He's working the ticket office tomorrow.
My other friend is working the VIP guest list, so she's going to try to get me in on that.
But when I know what's going on I'll let you all know. It won't be that hard to hide a camera if it's small enough.
and dying a little inside...
I am so bummed about not going. I wish there would have been a way to have gotten tix for certain, then I would have made the long drive.
and dying a little inside...
You were oh so missed!!
Show was A-mazing.
- However, people pushing me into the gate in front of the stage so hard that the gate broke, so not cool.
- Girl dry humping me from behind, also not cool.
- Gestapo need to die. Die, die, die.
- Damian eye contact for an entire refrain of It's a Disaster, completely amazing.
- Being remembered... OMG!!!!
Pics and flicks will probably not be broadcast until late Sunday / midday Monday as I'll be in Indy tomorrow and in Louisville on Sunday. Same goes for a write-up. Let's hope I remember everything
Two more things before I hit the hay.
- Dancing robots. Yes. Dancing robots.
- A Damian game.
i'm so glad to hear you had fun!!!!
I knew some of the dancing robots. One we call Matt Banana. He was a roommate of a friend last year.
BUT, the show WAS amazing. Definitely a great way to end the semester.
I'll post photos and videos soon . . .
Oh man, I couldn't stop talking about the show all night. They were so good. Can't believe I waited three years to see this band.
- Damian eye contact for an entire refrain of It's a Disaster, completely amazing.
- Being remembered... OMG!!!!
Pics and flicks will probably not be broadcast until late Sunday / midday Monday as I'll be in Indy tomorrow and in Louisville on Sunday. Same goes for a write-up. Let's hope I remember everything
Two more things before I hit the hay.
- Dancing robots. Yes. Dancing robots.
- A Damian game.
I was so scared about the gate, especially when it broke and then Damian got on it
I agree about Gestapo! And I am SOOO jealous of you! Andy totally made a "hey" kind of gesture at you during the concert and then after he remembered your name! That's awesome!
And YAY for the Damian game!! I definately need to write it down so I don't forget how to play it
It could do without the moshing though. They really didn't need to shove forward so much that it broke the gate!
But anyways, we got there about 5ish maybe, I don't really remember. We sat in the grass right outside the fence of the park for a little bit. While we were sitting there Damian came walking out and walked past us. He was walking with some guy and talking to him though, so I didn't say anything to him. Then the rest of them all came out a few minutes later. Andy waved at my sister when she called his name. But then we walked around the festival for a while. We played "musical chairs" randomly. At one time there was a zombie trying to play, he was a little too slow though. After a while we went to go sit in the grass right outside the park again.
We still had about an hour or so until they would let us in, so we tried to play some games. First we tried duck duck goose, but a couple of us didn't want to play, so there weren't many people which made it not as much fun to play. So then we tried playing Heads up Seven Up. But we didn't have that many people so it was more like Heads Up Two Up. Then while we were playing that Tim and Damian came out of the park again together. We said hey and asked if they wanted to play. Damian said that he didn't know how to play Heads Up Seven Up. So I asked him if they wanted to play duck duck goose, cuz we tried that earlier but it didn't work. And he pretty much said no. I think they were on their way somewhere. But then he said, "I've got a game if you're looking for something to play" or something like that. And then he wondered if he had enough time to explain it. So he spent like 5-10 minutes explaining this game to us. And then him and Tim had to leave, so we tried out this new "Damian Game" and it was actually pretty fun. I don't know if I could really explain it very well, but I might end up explaining it later.
So, the concert was awesome. Damian brought these people dressed up like robots onto the stage to dance with them. And then Damian put on one of the robots heads
Oh, and by the way, Rachel, Damian smiled again when we screamed Run's House
And part way through, people started deciding to mosh, and we were being SHOVED against the fence/gate thing in front of us! It got so crazy that the crowd was shoved against the fence so hard and it broke and became unstable! I was so afraid that people were going to break it all the way and we would fall on top of it, which is probably what would happen. So I was leaning back as much as I could and pulling on the gate, to go against the force that was leaning against it. I was really scared when Damian decided to come out and stand on the gate again cuz it was still being pushed! And it was definately going to get shoved more with the people trying to get closer to him. So when he stood up there we were really pulling hard on the fence a lot (to prevent it from moving any more than it already was) so it wouldn't completely collapse with Damian on top of it. And some jerks were actually trying to pull him down. Eventually he got back on the gate, after being pulled on top of the crowd, and then he fell back off of it.
After the concert we saw Andy leaving from behind the blocked off area with two escorts. There was a group of girls pretty much chasing him as he made his way to the van. One girl was actually trying to keep up and talk to him as he just kept walking away. We decided to go off that way, and by the time we got to the street he was already sitting in the front of the van. My sister really wanted to show him her shirt though. It said ANDY on the front with a really cute picture of him, and on the back it said "You're So Damn Hot" It was really cute. And he seemed to like it. She ran over to the van and told him she loved him and showed him it. The van was kind of starting to take off and get onto the street from the side of the sidewalk but it stopped so Andy could see it. And then, I'll let Becky tell her special part of the story
But after my show, my mom couldn't find her lense cap for her camera so she ended up going to the security people and they didn't find it but she ended up getting Damian's water bottle somehow.
the robots are awesome. I wonder whose idea that way...Andy perhaps?
yeah, it was still more than halfway full, but still obviously drank out of
ok..that was a little too much and a lot too gross.
these pictures are freakin' amazing ROBOTS!