For serious. I can't wait to try the famous Jamba Juice!
They have them in AZ. If you like them in Cheekago, try them in Zona the following week. There will be no difference, except that if you like it once then you can get your fill twice before going back to your Jambaless land.
Any advice as to what to pack for Chicago in April?
Well, it could be 32 degrees out or 78 degrees out, depending on the wind. I'd say, don't pack clothes until a day or two before and check the weather channel. I'd bargain it'll be in the 60's.
Yes, living in Chicago gives you a chance to experience all 4 seasons. Sometimes even in one day. And sadly, I'm not exaggerating.
Hahaha, Becky, you're very Chicago-esque in this thread. One minute you're telling us to start packing, the next you're telling us to hold off until we know the weather!
Hey, girls, I'm thinking about getting a room at a decent hotel in Lincoln Park for Saturday night.
Toiletdog and I have stayed there before (twice for me). It's a nice/decent hotel, clean, safe, convenient to the venue, in a good neighborhood, and close to the red & brown El lines. Plus there's a Jamba Juice NEXT DOOR!
If four of us split, it's only $40/night. Can I get three of you to go in with me?
FYI, according to Metro's web site, this is an "early show" which means it should be over by 10pm. I don't know what we'll feel like doing afterward, if anything, but it seems we'll have some time before we all collapse into bed.
Also, just a heads-up: Metro says you have to show TWO forms of federal- or state-issued photo ID if you want to drink alcohol. Sheesh.
Hey, girls, I'm thinking about getting a room at a decent hotel in Lincoln Park for Saturday night.
Toiletdog and I have stayed there before (twice for me). It's a nice/decent hotel, clean, safe, convenient to the venue, in a good neighborhood, and close to the red & brown El lines. Plus there's a Jamba Juice NEXT DOOR!
If four of us split, it's only $40/night. Can I get three of you to go in with me?
FYI, according to Metro's web site, this is an "early show" which means it should be over by 10pm. I don't know what we'll feel like doing afterward, if anything, but it seems we'll have some time before we all collapse into bed.
Also, just a heads-up: Metro says you have to show TWO forms of federal- or state-issued photo ID if you want to drink alcohol. Sheesh.
$40? I'm in. I need to give you a call! My kids are just so loud it makes talking on the phone unpleasant. I can't get away from them, wherever I go they follow me. It's kind of neat having an entourage though. : )
It's me! It's me! It's sunnyside1334! Except it's just sunnyside now. I am the member formerly known as sunnyside1334. I messed up my original log-in somehow.
"you have made this trip faaaaaaaaar too tempting for me! When do you need to know by? Let me see if I can work something out. $40 seems awesome."
Ideally, I'd like to know two weeks out. At least give me an update on your status/likelihood of coming around April 1-2. Could you do that?
I've already made the reservation, and I can cancel up to 4pm the day prior (4/16) without penalty. My plan B is to stay in a cheaper hotel further out of the city, but that's no fun.
I'm in, though I wasn't sure if we were crashing at Becky's (not to invite ourselves, or anything; sorry!)? If not, that's a-OK too. This is beginning to sound like a midwestern sleepover! :)
I'm in, though I wasn't sure if we were crashing at Becky's (not to invite ourselves, or anything; sorry!)? If not, that's a-OK too. This is beginning to sound like a midwestern sleepover! :)
No, it's fine, I thought people were gonna crash here, I just didn't know who. I have an inflatable mattress, a couch, floor space, and a ton of pillows/comforters/sleeping bags/etc.
If people would rather hotel it, totally fine. There are actually three hotels within walking distance of my house (sometimes it pays to live near a Naval base). I thought we could at least all have breakfast together and hang out post-show. I make a pretty mean bowl of oatmeal. Otherwise, there's restaurants, also within walking distance. And a Jamba Juice, sadly, not within walking distance.
becky, I hope I didn't mess up any plans - I didn't think you'd have room for so many of us, and in any case, I kind of need a hotel and a bed (I'm old), and it's worth it to me to pay something for that. I'm just trying to spread out the cost & let more of us stay in the hotel who want that kind of accommodation.
I had not thought about the next morning/day. Sounds like you'd pictured us all having breakfast together, which is still doable, but it is unfortunately far out of the way for us driving south that day. :( I don't want to make this difficult! I don't know what the solution is yet.
becky, I hope I didn't mess up any plans - I didn't think you'd have room for so many of us, and in any case, I kind of need a hotel and a bed (I'm old), and it's worth it to me to pay something for that. I'm just trying to spread out the cost & let more of us stay in the hotel who want that kind of accommodation.
I had not thought about the next morning/day. Sounds like you'd pictured us all having breakfast together, which is still doable, but it is unfortunately far out of the way for us driving south that day. :( I don't want to make this difficult! I don't know what the solution is yet.
Don't worry about it. If anyone wants to crash at my house, room is available. If people would rather hotel it, that's fine, too. I'm just trying to help by cutting down on the cost.
My other idea was to get a block of rooms and commandeer a floor or something. But I wasn't sure how many people would be able to afford the travel to Chicago, the tickets, food and lodging. I can help with the transportation (within the city) and lodging, but not the rest.
YoDoofball! said:
Are we still doing that whole reppin-those-that-can't-go thing? Signs? Stick figures?
Sure, I can help with that. What did you have in mind?
I'm new to OK Go fandom, as in, only since Weird Al tweeted the link to the first "This Too Shall Pass" video. Fell in love. Instantly. Every video and creative efforts and songs I see and hear by the guys just make me fall more in love. I live by Chicago and looking through the boards has convinced me to go to this concert!
On a side note, all the rhymes with the short "i" in the chorus of "WTF?" are just EPIC. But I'm a word person so I'm a bit obsessed.
Directions?! Dearie, I'm going with you. We're gonna have a mini Jamba party.
Most excellent! I
For serious. I can't wait to try the famous Jamba Juice!
They have them in AZ. If you like them in Cheekago, try them in Zona the following week. There will be no difference, except that if you like it once then you can get your fill twice before going back to your Jambaless land.
Start packing!
Windbreaker. Most definitely.
Well, it could be 32 degrees out or 78 degrees out, depending on the wind. I'd say, don't pack clothes until a day or two before and check the weather channel. I'd bargain it'll be in the 60's.
Yes, living in Chicago gives you a chance to experience all 4 seasons. Sometimes even in one day. And sadly, I'm not exaggerating.
Toiletdog and I have stayed there before (twice for me). It's a nice/decent hotel, clean, safe, convenient to the venue, in a good neighborhood, and close to the red & brown El lines. Plus there's a Jamba Juice NEXT DOOR!
If four of us split, it's only $40/night. Can I get three of you to go in with me?
FYI, according to Metro's web site, this is an "early show" which means it should be over by 10pm. I don't know what we'll feel like doing afterward, if anything, but it seems we'll have some time before we all collapse into bed.
Also, just a heads-up: Metro says you have to show TWO forms of federal- or state-issued photo ID if you want to drink alcohol. Sheesh.
Toiletdog and I have stayed there before (twice for me). It's a nice/decent hotel, clean, safe, convenient to the venue, in a good neighborhood, and close to the red & brown El lines. Plus there's a Jamba Juice NEXT DOOR!
If four of us split, it's only $40/night. Can I get three of you to go in with me?
FYI, according to Metro's web site, this is an "early show" which means it should be over by 10pm. I don't know what we'll feel like doing afterward, if anything, but it seems we'll have some time before we all collapse into bed.
Also, just a heads-up: Metro says you have to show TWO forms of federal- or state-issued photo ID if you want to drink alcohol. Sheesh.
$40? I'm in. I need to give you a call! My kids are just so loud it makes talking on the phone unpleasant. I can't get away from them, wherever I go they follow me. It's kind of neat having an entourage though. : )
It's me! It's me! It's sunnyside1334! Except it's just sunnyside now. I am the member formerly known as sunnyside1334.
I messed up my original log-in somehow.
"you have made this trip faaaaaaaaar too tempting for me! When do you need to know by? Let me see if I can work something out. $40 seems awesome."
Yay for Sam!
SunnysideHannah, it's easier without the numbers anyway. Now you're the one and only Sunnyside, instead of the 1334th one.
Ideally, I'd like to know two weeks out. At least give me an update on your status/likelihood of coming around April 1-2. Could you do that?
I've already made the reservation, and I can cancel up to 4pm the day prior (4/16) without penalty. My plan B is to stay in a cheaper hotel further out of the city, but that's no fun.
I'm in, though I wasn't sure if we were crashing at Becky's (not to invite ourselves, or anything; sorry!)? If not, that's a-OK too. This is beginning to sound like a midwestern sleepover! :)
No, it's fine, I thought people were gonna crash here, I just didn't know who. I have an inflatable mattress, a couch, floor space, and a ton of pillows/comforters/sleeping bags/etc.
If people would rather hotel it, totally fine. There are actually three hotels within walking distance of my house (sometimes it pays to live near a Naval base). I thought we could at least all have breakfast together and hang out post-show. I make a pretty mean bowl of oatmeal. Otherwise, there's restaurants, also within walking distance. And a Jamba Juice, sadly, not within walking distance.
Countdown is at 27 days.
becky, I hope I didn't mess up any plans - I didn't think you'd have room for so many of us, and in any case, I kind of need a hotel and a bed (I'm old), and it's worth it to me to pay something for that. I'm just trying to spread out the cost & let more of us stay in the hotel who want that kind of accommodation.
I had not thought about the next morning/day. Sounds like you'd pictured us all having breakfast together, which is still doable, but it is unfortunately far out of the way for us driving south that day. :( I don't want to make this difficult! I don't know what the solution is yet.
Don't worry about it. If anyone wants to crash at my house, room is available. If people would rather hotel it, that's fine, too. I'm just trying to help by cutting down on the cost.
My other idea was to get a block of rooms and commandeer a floor or something. But I wasn't sure how many people would be able to afford the travel to Chicago, the tickets, food and lodging. I can help with the transportation (within the city) and lodging, but not the rest.
Sure, I can help with that. What did you have in mind?
Uh, hi! >shyly waves<
I'm new to OK Go fandom, as in, only since Weird Al tweeted the link to the first "This Too Shall Pass" video. Fell in love. Instantly. Every video and creative efforts and songs I see and hear by the guys just make me fall more in love. I live by Chicago and looking through the boards has convinced me to go to this concert!
On a side note, all the rhymes with the short "i" in the chorus of "WTF?" are just EPIC. But I'm a word person so I'm a bit obsessed.