heee, I forget what DPHW actually stands for whoops haha
I just realized that I need to watch the rest of season 3 of The Mighty Boosh, too. I've seen most of them, but I couldn't find the first one and I haven't had time to look for it or for the last two either. hmmmm, this is quite tragic.
haha, me too. it's not our fault! they've been gone for too long.
how have you not see them?!? omigosh. i'm not sure if i posted this in here yet, but it's a GREAT mb: http://ipb.quicksilverscreen.com/ they seriously have EVERYTHING. sexy. if you can't find it, i think i downloaded the 4th and 5th ep. if you need them.
ahhh!! 2 days!!! omg omg omg. i wonder if paulito or danners have changed much...oh, exciting!
heee, I forget what DPHW actually stands for whoops haha
anyways, so you know Torchwood?
I don't want to spoil it for you guys, but they just killed off Owen. I mean, he was my least favorite character, but still. And he was getting better. and akdjfhaljsfhldjfg and it's quite upsetting although he probably won't stay dead, now that I think about it. we would have heard earlier if they were seriously killing off a main character. plus, the next episode is called Dead Man Walking. So I'm thinking he comes back somehow, yes?
DPHW=Dave Pimp Hat Watch. Don't worry, I almost forgot too. It took me awhile to figure out if I was putting the letters in the right order.
DPHW! (NZ and Australian Edition!) February 14 (Auckland) – no February 17 (Perth) – YES!
So, if he keeps up the every other show pattern, that means Jacqui will get to see the hat!
As for Torchwood, I hated Owen (but part of that is because my sister and I don't like Burn Gorman), but I was kind of sad when he died. I also couldn't believe that Tosh actually asked him out, but I guess they had to do it since Owen dies later. But yeah, he has to come back, especially if the episode is called Dead Man Walking.
I would definitely die from happiness if that ever happened.
Yeah, I just need to get used to it. I mean, I don't hate it, but I don't know if I like it either. I miss the mustache, but mostly because I just like mustaches in general. He definitely looks a lot younger without it though.
2 more sleeps Jacqui!!!!
I haven't been working on the DPHW at all, but I'm only two shows behind.
Haha, mo's remind me of my dad so I don't like them very much... unless it's on Will Scarlett, then it's just fucking adorable!!
QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Feb 19 2008, 12:33 PM)
I just realized that I need to watch the rest of season 3 of The Mighty Boosh, too. I've seen most of them, but I couldn't find the first one and I haven't had time to look for it or for the last two either. hmmmm, this is quite tragic.
Jacqui- 2 sleeps!!
torchwood i do not watch. if it was on the abc i might... but no, channel 10 stole it
Oh just so you know, if you happen to stumble across a link for ep2 my friend will love you forever
QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Feb 19 2008, 12:43 PM)
ahhh!! 2 days!!! omg omg omg. i wonder if paulito or danners have changed much...oh, exciting!
omg you guys are gonna kill me! so much excitement!!!
QUOTE (ezorvera @ Feb 19 2008, 06:16 PM)
DPHW=Dave Pimp Hat Watch. Don't worry, I almost forgot too. It took me awhile to figure out if I was putting the letters in the right order.
DPHW! (NZ and Australian Edition!) February 14 (Auckland) – no February 17 (Perth) – YES!
So, if he keeps up the every other show pattern, that means Jacqui will get to see the hat!
omg you really are going to kill me!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (i forgot what it stood for too hehe)
my diary^ you'll notice interpol has taken over everything thus there is no room to write down any hw etc i like it much better this way! edit: ew, thats really crappy quality, im sorry!
HELLO! Holy shiz, right now, Jacqui is lining up to see Interpol. I sent her a PM in advance. My friend went and saw them in Brisbane and of course they were amazing. Norman made an appearance!! And they played Leif Erikson in NZ and would it be right of me to say that this isn't usually in their setlist? Unfortunately I have to make this quick because I'm at the uni library But I missed being on these crazy boards and with all you lovelies! Aaargh, wish I could catch up on whats been going on but I have to go!! Oh yes, before I forget, I had a wonderful time in Japan and Hong Kong!!
ooh new person! *waves* I dunno, I suspect they'll be touring a while behind OLTA and then they probably need more time off from each other so we don't get a repeat of what happened after Antics and then they'll prolly go back to writing, etc. but I'd say it'll be a while before we get another album but that's okay, cause OLTA's new enough for me
yayyy Jacqui went to see Interpol!!!! and yayyy Lola's back! we missed you! glad you had fun on vacation, though!!
and Kalinda: yeah I hate Owen too haha. Although actually, in the last episode with Adam where his personality got all screwed up, he was actually kinda cute. And I thought that was good, because it meant that I hated Owen's personality, and wasn't just being shallow hahaha. but still. you shouldn't go around pretending to kill main characters, no matter who they are yeah that.
After enduring over 6 hours of schooling we were finally released from our educational prison at 3.15. We got changed into our Interpol gear in the school bathrooms and then hurried off to my friend’s car to begin our journey into Fox Studios without any driving or directions from parents Many, many, many strange looks followed us as we walked down the street and these looks didn’t stop until I was back, safe and sound at home. You may be wondering the reason for people pointing, laughing and gaping at us. Well, I’d like to attribute these reactions to the aforementioned ‘gear’ we changed into. You see, the afternoon before Interpol my friend and I spent over 5 hours painting random Interpol lyrics onto 4 plain, white, men’s shirts. They were the shiz! And just so you know, to even things out, we also got heaps of compliments from the people who actually understood the significance of those 'random' words.
So, amazingly we made it to the venue without getting lost and we even made good time, arriving just after 4pm and were pleasantly surprised to find only a very small queue awaiting us outside the Hordern.
Finally we got inside and secured a section of barricade each. For some reason I attracted a lot of attention from security and we came to the conclusion that I must be an extremely dodgy looking person. However, not all security attention was bad as one bloke took a picture of us behind the barricade so we could brag to everyone about our prime positions.
Youth Group came on. They weren’t bad but by the same token they weren’t good either. Fortunately for us their set actually ran under time and consequently shut up the MORON next to us who kept shouting abuse at them.
While the roadies were setting up for the ‘pol so were some random people with cameras. We found out from the nice security guy that Triple J were recording the entire gig live and would be broadcasting it in a matter of weeks on ABC2. After our brief conversation and a few rounds of a game aptly titled ‘guess the title of the song after being told one line from it’ (which I absolutely blitzed by the way); I spotted one of the roadies flashing his torch towards the stage entrance and moments later the lights dimmed and four of the most handsome and talented men that could ever possibly exist made their way onto the stage.
We were positioned between Carlos and Paul albeit much closer to the former. Our view was perfect and through my unobstructed view I could clearly see all of their precious faces as Daniel began Pioneer to the Falls.
I don't know how I could talk about individual songs because all I can think to say is they were all amazing. However, I felt like a lot of the songs from olta didn't have anywhere near the power of totbl or antics. Mammoth, for example, is one that stood out for me as not living up to it's name. That's not to say it wasn't excellent, I'm just making an observation. Did anyone else feel that way?
It might have had something to do with the video cameras everywhere but these guys looked so bloody happy and I couldn’t help but reciprocate their delightful and genuine smiles with one of my own. As we were lucky enough to be at the front of the pit we found the camera on us quite a few times and I get the feeling I might just be the crazy person they show who cries throughout the slow song
Daniel was mental and, quite sadly, the furthest away from me. His energy was contagious and I got so excited whenever he trance danced his way over to our side. It felt as though he must have jumped onto Sam’s little platform at least once every song, it was like he had springs for legs
Sam was the most difficult to see as not only did his drum-kit obscure my view of him but he was also on the other side of the stage Although, what I did see gave me a whole new level of respect and love for him. I really didn't think that possible! He is just so so so talented. More on Sam later ;]
Paul. was. adorable. He is tiny! I could hardly believe such a powerful voice was coming from such a dear little person. God he was beautiful. Oh and as one of the camera’s on him was right behind us, every time he looked at it while singing it felt as though he was looking at me! What a feeling that was!! Haha. Aw and during the Lighthouse he stepped back and bent over with his hands on his knees like he was out of breath. Poor baby needs to quit the ciggies.
Speaking of cigs, I don’t think Carlos stopped smoking for more than 2 minutes for the duration of the show. And Paul and Sam also did their fair share of smoking too. (Again, I think this might have something to do with the video cameras. You know how boys are, always trying to look tough).
Carlos had this mystique that not even Paul Banks could emulate. I really mean it! And the fact that he was almost constantly encircled by his own smoke only enhanced that effect. Now, I can’t say I’ve often seen a picture of Carlos and found him to be a ‘sex bomb’ but in person he is devastatingly handsome. His smile was lovely. I actually lost track of the number of times he grinned at Paul who always instantaneously returned the gesture, beaming back at him
But by far the most exciting thing about Carlos was when at one point, while he was on the edge of the stage posing for the camera, I blew him a kiss and he winked back at me. Unless of course the wink was directed at some other chick who had blown him a kiss at the exact same time… and in which case: damn her!
Farmer Dave did not wear his hat. I felt like I should tell him he had let the DPHW down. I didn’t, however, because a. It wouldn’t be physically possible and b. He creeped me out. Often I would feel obliged to look at him for a (very) little while and each time I did he was glancing out of the corner of his eyes like a possessed mannequin eying his enemy carefully. Creepy I tell you! OK, he had moments of normality when he looked very cuddleworthy but then... the eyes...
When they had finished PDA (which had a delay in the middle of it because Daniel got so into his trance dancing that he forgot to move on. Paul was laughing at him ) and got ready to say good-bye all four of them laughed and smiled and Paul exclaimed, “You guys ROCKED! Thank you!!”
It was fucking beautiful.
Carlos raised his eyebrows one final time and waved to us before exiting the stage; Paul followed him, still grinning and taunting me with his sexiness; then Daniel left waving as he passed us with this absolutely gorgeously goofy grin on his face. Sam I thought I must have missed; when suddenly I heard a kafuffle to my left and who should it be but Sam making his way across the front of the crowd allowing everyone in the front row a chance to touch one of his awesome drumming arms. As I was caught completely off-guard I screamed in the most frighteningly fan-girly voice I could muster, “HELLOOOOOO SAM!!!!” He smiled and tried to back away but I, remembering Angela’s advice, grabbed him with both hands and attempted to ‘never let go’. Unfortunately he managed to release himself from my grip, stumbling away from me. Forever.
None of us got picks or set-lists but we really didn’t mind, after all we had just seen INTER-FUCKING-POL! I bought a shirt and while waiting in line received even more compliments on my shirt It took a good 20 minutes to get out of the car park and luckily for us there was no shortage of entertainment as we waited to get out because this girl started dancing in front of each car. Sometimes people are awesome.
So as you can tell my mind is all over the place at the moment and I do apologise for the incoherence and any spelling/grammatical errors =)
Pics from Sydney: None of them are mine as my camera couldn't handle the epic lights. They're all by Matt Booy, who is the official triple j live band photographer and a nice guy.
Jacqui, you are so lucky! that is epic beyond belief!
(I can't believe you didn't try to stalk the boys they were right there!! ) (but it's okay, cause now you might look somewhat sane to an outsider... )
and seriously, that sounds like an amazing concert! I bet the boys were showing off for the cameras, and it sounds like an amazing concert anyways- the energy and the crowd and the happiness of our boys! aww, and Paul at the end- not much could have excited him that much
and the cameras- they're gonna be on tv!!!! and you might be on it too!!! if you can find some way for us non-Aussies to see it, I would love you forever and ever. not that I don't already love you. but seriously I would pay to see that concert! especially since I won't get annoyed when they show the crowd instead of the boys, like I usually do, but I'll be looking for you instead! bahaha
and those pictures- Carlos' blond-ness makes him look like a peacock! which is oddly fitting... and Daniel and Paul and Sam look lovely, as always.
and aww, Dave- he must get posessed while he's playing, like Howard Moon... maybe only when he forgets to wear his hat?
oh my goodness!!! awww, i'm glad you had such a wonderful time. god, that sounded amazing! you touched sammy?!?!? awww!! too bad you couldn't hold on forever he does seem very strong though
ah! i love it when they look at each other and smile. that's just so precious. and paul and carlos?!? goodness!! that would have made my pants explode.
omigosh. your shirts look totally sexy! that's an amazing set list (i totally know what you mean about the olta songs, btw)
paul's hair is soo long! and we might get to see this?!?!?!?!?!?!?? FUCK ME! ahhh!!
Oh my god! It sounded like such an amazing show and I'm glad you had such an awesome time!
I can't believe Dave didn't wear his hat! This means he didn't wear it at my show, Angela's show, AND your show. I've never noticed his creepy eyes before, but that's probably because I've always been in front of Daniel.
And yay for getting to touch Sam!!
Your shirts were wonderful and I don't think you look dodgy at all!
That was such an incredible write up and if that's you at your incoherent, mind-blown best, I'd like to see what you can produce when you haven't just witnessed the freaking amazingness that is Interpol!
Those shirts were such a good idea! And it was clear that you were the top fans there, dumb security guard or no. I loved that you used the word 'dodgy'. Such a great Australianism. And no, you don't look dodgy at all!
And you got a magical touch from Sam? I know that sounds very }:], but it's not supposed to be! I loved how you screamed at him!!! Haha, I probably would've too!!
Oh oh oh! I love your descriptions of all the boys! It sounds like they need to lessen up on the smokeys, if Paul was getting all puffed! And that bit about Farmer Dave is hilarious!! Is he really that creepy? And those are the first pics I've seen of Carlos's new look! No 'stache and the hair!
Wow, the concert is going to be broadcast on abc2? How do you get abc2? I only get abc1 I think. Is abc2 on free to air tv?
But it's so nice to hear them being all happy and smiling at each other! Awwww!
I'm so glad you had such a great time!!!
And thank you so much to everybody for welcoming me back! You are all so nice and I truly did miss all of you while I was away! So it wasn't the real Norman (as in from 'Evil' clip)? Aww, but its pretty cool that some fan made one!!!
Thanks Angela! I did get my inexpensive, white boots. And they are the shizz. Now I jus have to wait until it's cold enough so I can wear them!
I just realized that I need to watch the rest of season 3 of The Mighty Boosh, too. I've seen most of them, but I couldn't find the first one and I haven't had time to look for it or for the last two either.
hmmmm, this is quite tragic.
haha, me too. it's not our fault! they've been gone for too long.
i'm not sure if i posted this in here yet, but it's a GREAT mb: http://ipb.quicksilverscreen.com/ they seriously have EVERYTHING. sexy. if you can't find it, i think i downloaded the 4th and 5th ep. if you need them.
ahhh!! 2 days!!! omg omg omg. i wonder if paulito or danners have changed much...oh, exciting!
anyways, so you know Torchwood?
I don't want to spoil it for you guys, but they just killed off Owen. I mean, he was my least favorite character, but still. And he was getting better. and akdjfhaljsfhldjfg
and it's quite upsetting
although he probably won't stay dead, now that I think about it. we would have heard earlier if they were seriously killing off a main character. plus, the next episode is called Dead Man Walking. So I'm thinking he comes back somehow, yes?
DPHW=Dave Pimp Hat Watch. Don't worry, I almost forgot too. It took me awhile to figure out if I was putting the letters in the right order.
DPHW! (NZ and Australian Edition!)
February 14 (Auckland) – no
February 17 (Perth) – YES!
So, if he keeps up the every other show pattern, that means Jacqui will get to see the hat!
As for Torchwood, I hated Owen (but part of that is because my sister and I don't like Burn Gorman), but I was kind of sad when he died. I also couldn't believe that Tosh actually asked him out, but I guess they had to do it since Owen dies later. But yeah, he has to come back, especially if the episode is called Dead Man Walking.
Yeah, I just need to get used to it. I mean, I don't hate it, but I don't know if I like it either. I miss the mustache, but mostly because I just like mustaches in general. He definitely looks a lot younger without it though.
2 more sleeps Jacqui!!!!
I haven't been working on the DPHW at all, but I'm only two shows behind.
Haha, mo's remind me of my dad so I don't like them very much... unless it's on Will Scarlett, then it's just fucking adorable!!
(and then none!!!
hmmmm, this is quite tragic.
Jacqui- 2 sleeps!!
torchwood i do not watch. if it was on the abc i might... but no, channel 10 stole it
Oh just so you know, if you happen to stumble across a link for ep2 my friend will love you forever
omg you guys are gonna kill me! so much excitement!!!
DPHW! (NZ and Australian Edition!)
February 14 (Auckland) – no
February 17 (Perth) – YES!
So, if he keeps up the every other show pattern, that means Jacqui will get to see the hat!
omg you really are going to kill me!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
(i forgot what it stood for too hehe)
my diary^ you'll notice interpol has taken over everything thus there is no room to write down any hw etc
edit: ew, thats really crappy quality, im sorry!
awwww! that's just adorable!! ihasabansky is *love*.
ONE DAY!!!!!!
ahhhh omg omg omg.
jb, baby, you molest paul and sam for me, alright? }:]
edit: i just saw that there was another interpol thread...a really old one...i dunno, i think that's weird...
Dave didn't wear the hat at the Brisbane show, so that means he should be wearing it tonight!
Holy shiz, right now, Jacqui is lining up to see Interpol.
I sent her a PM in advance.
My friend went and saw them in Brisbane and of course they were amazing. Norman made an appearance!! And they played Leif Erikson in NZ and would it be right of me to say that this isn't usually in their setlist?
Unfortunately I have to make this quick because I'm at the uni library
But I missed being on these crazy boards and with all you lovelies!
Aaargh, wish I could catch up on whats been going on but I have to go!!
Oh yes, before I forget, I had a wonderful time in Japan and Hong Kong!!
yay!! jodie!! aww, i'm so happy you're back. this thread has been lacking a giant amount of sexiness
what is this about norman?!? norman, as the scary puppet from the evil video?!? oh noes...
i'm glad you had a fun time!! i hope you got sexy, inexpensive boots!
From my lurking on the IMB, I think she's talking about the Norman that a fan made and threw on the stage at one of the shows.
I dunno, I suspect they'll be touring a while behind OLTA
and then
they probably need more time off from each other so we don't get a repeat of what happened after Antics
and then
they'll prolly go back to writing, etc.
but I'd say it'll be a while before we get another album
but that's okay, cause OLTA's new enough for me
yayyy Jacqui went to see Interpol!!!!
and yayyy Lola's back! we missed you! glad you had fun on vacation, though!!
and Kalinda: yeah I hate Owen too haha. Although actually, in the last episode with Adam where his personality got all screwed up, he was actually kinda cute. And I thought that was good, because it meant that I hated Owen's personality, and wasn't just being shallow hahaha.
but still.
you shouldn't go around pretending to kill main characters, no matter who they are
yeah that.
After enduring over 6 hours of schooling we were finally released from our educational prison at 3.15. We got changed into our Interpol gear in the school bathrooms and then hurried off to my friend’s car to begin our journey into Fox Studios without any driving or directions from parents
So, amazingly we made it to the venue without getting lost and we even made good time, arriving just after 4pm and were pleasantly surprised to find only a very small queue awaiting us outside the Hordern.
Finally we got inside and secured a section of barricade each. For some reason I attracted a lot of attention from security and we came to the conclusion that I must be an extremely dodgy looking person. However, not all security attention was bad as one bloke took a picture of us behind the barricade so we could brag to everyone about our prime positions.
Youth Group came on. They weren’t bad but by the same token they weren’t good either. Fortunately for us their set actually ran under time and consequently shut up the MORON next to us who kept shouting abuse at them.
While the roadies were setting up for the ‘pol so were some random people with cameras. We found out from the nice security guy that Triple J were recording the entire gig live and would be broadcasting it in a matter of weeks on ABC2. After our brief conversation and a few rounds of a game aptly titled ‘guess the title of the song after being told one line from it’ (which I absolutely blitzed by the way); I spotted one of the roadies flashing his torch towards the stage entrance and moments later the lights dimmed and four of the most handsome and talented men that could ever possibly exist made their way onto the stage.
We were positioned between Carlos and Paul albeit much closer to the former. Our view was perfect and through my unobstructed view I could clearly see all of their precious faces as Daniel began Pioneer to the Falls.
I’m 99.99% sure the set-list was as follows:
I don't know how I could talk about individual songs because all I can think to say is they were all amazing. However, I felt like a lot of the songs from olta didn't have anywhere near the power of totbl or antics. Mammoth, for example, is one that stood out for me as not living up to it's name. That's not to say it wasn't excellent, I'm just making an observation. Did anyone else feel that way?
It might have had something to do with the video cameras everywhere but these guys looked so bloody happy and I couldn’t help but reciprocate their delightful and genuine smiles with one of my own. As we were lucky enough to be at the front of the pit we found the camera on us quite a few times and I get the feeling I might just be the crazy person they show who cries throughout the slow song
Daniel was mental and, quite sadly, the furthest away from me. His energy was contagious and I got so excited whenever he trance danced his way over to our side. It felt as though he must have jumped onto Sam’s little platform at least once every song, it was like he had springs for legs
Sam was the most difficult to see as not only did his drum-kit obscure my view of him but he was also on the other side of the stage
More on Sam later ;]
Paul. was. adorable. He is tiny! I could hardly believe such a powerful voice was coming from such a dear little person. God he was beautiful. Oh and as one of the camera’s on him was right behind us, every time he looked at it while singing it felt as though he was looking at me! What a feeling that was!! Haha.
Aw and during the Lighthouse he stepped back and bent over with his hands on his knees like he was out of breath.
Poor baby needs to quit the ciggies.
Speaking of cigs, I don’t think Carlos stopped smoking for more than 2 minutes for the duration of the show. And Paul and Sam also did their fair share of smoking too. (Again, I think this might have something to do with the video cameras. You know how boys are, always trying to look tough).
Carlos had this mystique that not even Paul Banks could emulate. I really mean it! And the fact that he was almost constantly encircled by his own smoke only enhanced that effect.
Now, I can’t say I’ve often seen a picture of Carlos and found him to be a ‘sex bomb’ but in person he is devastatingly handsome. His smile was lovely. I actually lost track of the number of times he grinned at Paul who always instantaneously returned the gesture, beaming back at him
But by far the most exciting thing about Carlos was when at one point, while he was on the edge of the stage posing for the camera, I blew him a kiss and he winked back at me.
Unless of course the wink was directed at some other chick who had blown him a kiss at the exact same time… and in which case: damn her!
Farmer Dave did not wear his hat. I felt like I should tell him he had let the DPHW down. I didn’t, however, because a. It wouldn’t be physically possible and b. He creeped me out. Often I would feel obliged to look at him for a (very) little while and each time I did he was glancing out of the corner of his eyes like a possessed mannequin eying his enemy carefully. Creepy I tell you! OK, he had moments of normality when he looked very cuddleworthy but then... the eyes...
When they had finished PDA (which had a delay in the middle of it because Daniel got so into his trance dancing that he forgot to move on. Paul was laughing at him
It was fucking beautiful.
Carlos raised his eyebrows one final time and waved to us before exiting the stage; Paul followed him, still grinning and taunting me with his sexiness; then Daniel left waving as he passed us with this absolutely gorgeously goofy grin on his face. Sam I thought I must have missed; when suddenly I heard a kafuffle to my left and who should it be but Sam making his way across the front of the crowd allowing everyone in the front row a chance to touch one of his awesome drumming arms. As I was caught completely off-guard I screamed in the most frighteningly fan-girly voice I could muster, “HELLOOOOOO SAM!!!!” He smiled and tried to back away but I, remembering Angela’s advice, grabbed him with both hands and attempted to ‘never let go’. Unfortunately he managed to release himself from my grip, stumbling away from me. Forever.
None of us got picks or set-lists but we really didn’t mind, after all we had just seen INTER-FUCKING-POL! I bought a shirt and while waiting in line received even more compliments on my shirt
So as you can tell my mind is all over the place at the moment and I do apologise for the incoherence and any spelling/grammatical errors =)
Somehow I will make sure all of you get to see it!
Pics from Sydney:
None of them are mine as my camera couldn't handle the epic lights. They're all by Matt Booy, who is the official triple j live band photographer and a nice guy.
I got a little carried away...
ooooh look what i found!
oh and i've attached the picture of us at the barricade in our shirts. i'm on the right btw.
Jacqui, you are so lucky! that is epic beyond belief!
(I can't believe you didn't try to stalk the boys
(but it's okay, cause now you might look somewhat sane to an outsider...
and seriously, that sounds like an amazing concert! I bet the boys were showing off for the cameras, and it sounds like an amazing concert anyways- the energy and the crowd and the happiness of our boys! aww, and Paul at the end- not much could have excited him that much
and the cameras- they're gonna be on tv!!!! and you might be on it too!!!
if you can find some way for us non-Aussies to see it, I would love you forever and ever.
not that I don't already love you.
but seriously
I would pay to see that concert! especially since I won't get annoyed when they show the crowd instead of the boys, like I usually do, but I'll be looking for you instead!
and those pictures- Carlos' blond-ness makes him look like a peacock! which is oddly fitting...
and Daniel
and aww, Dave- he must get posessed while he's playing, like Howard Moon... maybe only when he forgets to wear his hat?
oh my goodness!!! awww, i'm glad you had such a wonderful time.
god, that sounded amazing! you touched sammy?!?!? awww!! too bad you couldn't hold on forever
ah! i love it when they look at each other and smile. that's just so precious. and paul and carlos?!? goodness!! that would have made my pants explode.
omigosh. your shirts look totally sexy!
that's an amazing set list
paul's hair is soo long!
and we might get to see this?!?!?!?!?!?!?? FUCK ME! ahhh!!
now the horrible depression
I can't believe Dave didn't wear his hat! This means he didn't wear it at my show, Angela's show, AND your show. I've never noticed his creepy eyes before, but that's probably because I've always been in front of Daniel.
And yay for getting to touch Sam!!
Your shirts were wonderful and I don't think you look dodgy at all!
That was such an incredible write up and if that's you at your incoherent, mind-blown best, I'd like to see what you can produce when you haven't just witnessed the freaking amazingness that is Interpol!
Those shirts were such a good idea! And it was clear that you were the top fans there, dumb security guard or no. I loved that you used the word 'dodgy'. Such a great Australianism. And no, you don't look dodgy at all!
And you got a magical touch from Sam? I know that sounds very }:], but it's not supposed to be! I loved how you screamed at him!!! Haha, I probably would've too!!
Oh oh oh! I love your descriptions of all the boys! It sounds like they need to lessen up on the smokeys, if Paul was getting all puffed! And that bit about Farmer Dave is hilarious!! Is he really that creepy? And those are the first pics I've seen of Carlos's new look! No 'stache and the hair!
Wow, the concert is going to be broadcast on abc2? How do you get abc2? I only get abc1 I think. Is abc2 on free to air tv?
But it's so nice to hear them being all happy and smiling at each other! Awwww!
I'm so glad you had such a great time!!!
And thank you so much to everybody for welcoming me back! You are all so nice and I truly did miss all of you while I was away!
So it wasn't the real Norman (as in from 'Evil' clip)? Aww, but its pretty cool that some fan made one!!!
Thanks Angela! I did get my inexpensive, white boots. And they are the shizz. Now I jus have to wait until it's cold enough so I can wear them!
Seems like you had an amazing experience!! Yaaaaaay.
I'm so jealous but so happy for you!