Oh no, we all died! Hahaha. Must be death from all this sexy television watching!!
Well, I can't really contribute to that (because I am on a slower than slow internet connection, and YouTube is not my friend at the moment) but I do have some Interpol related stuff.
As you may have seen over on the OK Go side of the boards, Australian radio station, Triple J, compiles a list of songs each year and releases a double album of it sort of as a 'best of the year' kinda dealie.
Well, Interpol has four songs up that you can vote for (Pioneer to the Falls, No I in Threesome, The Heinrich Maneuver and Mammoth).
Those of you who watch Dr Who- have any of you seen torchwood as well? It's a kind of insane show. there's way more "adult" aka way more violence and sex... but it's still pretty much amazing. and you get to see more Captain Jack Harkness, which is always good, eh?
anyways, the second season starts in Britain in like 14 days or something, and it'll air just a couple of weeks later on BBC America in the US!!! which is exciting, I might not even watch them online at all!
also, since all our other shows are on break, it's something to look forward to haha.
I was planning to start watching it after I finish Dr. Who. I'm starting the third season today.
QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Jan 3 2008, 04:50 PM)
okay okay, double post, but I gotsta show this to you guyses.
also: if Lucy Griffith really is leaving, then it definitely can't be a dream... *sob* that means Carter really is dead! awwww
anyways, I think it sounds like an amazing idea, and if I can figure it out, I'm definitely joining in. thought you might like to hear about it as well.
So sad. If I have the time before I go back to school, I'll send a letter.
QUOTE (LolaBert @ Jan 4 2008, 07:24 AM)
Oh no, we all died! Hahaha. Must be death from all this sexy television watching!!
Well, I can't really contribute to that (because I am on a slower than slow internet connection, and YouTube is not my friend at the moment) but I do have some Interpol related stuff.
As you may have seen over on the OK Go side of the boards, Australian radio station, Triple J, compiles a list of songs each year and releases a double album of it sort of as a 'best of the year' kinda dealie.
Well, Interpol has four songs up that you can vote for (Pioneer to the Falls, No I in Threesome, The Heinrich Maneuver and Mammoth).
In Interpol news, I recently realized that I'm never going to get over my obsession with them. never. never ever ever. It's physically impossible.
Torchwood starts in four days in England, and apparently, Captain Jack gets a boy-on-boy kiss in the very first episode!! AND, it's with James Marsters, aka Spike from Buffy!
I'm completely and totally 100% obsessed with John Simm. (The Master from Doctor Who) his show Life On Mars is seriously incredible. like, nothing compares to its sheer brilliance. and he's absolutely gorgeous as well.
Nevermind the Buzzcocks has started again!!
uhh I think that's it for my next attempt to revive this thread
Yeah, we've all died Has there been anything new happening in the world of Interpol?
I'll steal this from my friend's LJ
Paul: The first time I heard The Strokes didn't do that much good to my ego and pride, at all. We played a lot of shows with Interpol, but we weren't that successful. And all of the sudden, The Strokes became famous, out of nowhere. And they didn't even exist as long as we did! A lot of people told us:' So what, they're just a bunch of rich kids, they are famous 'cause their dads are as well and blabla.' But as a musician I thought: No, they're just fucking great, and that's why they're so successful.
interviewer: As a rockstar, do you guys experience a lot of lust and sex? Paul: Yeah, of course. Although it isn't as decadent as people seem to think. At least not with us. We're not Kings of Leon, those fucking guys get all the chicks (laughs).
2. [from Kings of Leon] Matthew: my favourite records are records that I like from start to finish- sure that it's that way for everybody- but that one was that way from the third time I listened to it. The first time I listened to it I was kinda like 'Eh. I kind like it, they're alright'. But because there was one song I liked I listened to it again and then by the second time I was like 'I gotta listen to it again!'. The only reason we ever heard of Interpol is because we came to London and we were all staying at the Columbia [hotel] together... Jared: I hated them just by looking at them. Matthew: Oh my god, they called us Led Zeppelin while we were walking up the stairs and I wanted to beat their fuckin' asses so bad. Jared: That was when Carlos had the little pin sideburns. They made me puke up a little bit. But it was one of those things, you just thought 'God, they seem so pretentious', and then it just pissed you off so bad when you heard their music. Then I heard their fuckin' record and it made me want to die because it was so good.
Hope she doesn't mind hahahah!
Why aren't I watching Life on Mars? It's on TV here. Okay, I'll have to make a mental note of that. I like their cool 70's clothes hehe.
I need a better internet connection so I can watch these shows dammit!
^^^ YES! the Master is John Simm, who is my new huge obsession, and absolutely amazing
his character is very different on LoM, though. In a good way, obviously. plus it has more time travel! and the whole story/series is incredible, not just John Simm.
i'll start watching soon. i've kinda freaked out since i have nothing to watch and started watching project runway :/ haha...some of them make cool clothes though...
i haven't listened to interpol in forever and it makes me sad. i don't like this...i wish they wouldn't have taken such a long break and played a few u.s. shows like paul pics don't even make me happy anymore. i'm scared :s
i'll start watching soon. i've kinda freaked out since i have nothing to watch and started watching project runway :/ haha...some of them make cool clothes though...
i haven't listened to interpol in forever and it makes me sad. i don't like this...i wish they wouldn't have taken such a long break and played a few u.s. shows like paul pics don't even make me happy anymore. i'm scared :s
Haha, I have nothing to watch either and I'm watching all sorts of crap that I usually wouldn't watch like 'America's Next Top Model'. Yikes!
Oh no! That's really really scary. Paul pics not even helping? I wish I could do a major posting of Paul pics, but I'm on the wrong computer, without all my pretty pictures What are they doing at the moment anyways? Just taking an extended break before they get down here?
Well, I'm not sure if this'll make anyone happier but -
Youth Group to open for Interpol in Australia Youth Group are excited to announce they will be joining New York band Interpol for three dates on their Australian tour this February. Tickets are available from ticketek.
Youth Group are an Aussie band whose only claim to fame is a remake of the song 'Forever Young' that was used to death on 'The O.C' and just about every other gorram teenage drama a few years back. It seems they're opening some international bands that come here lately as they opened for Kings of Leon a few weeks back. While they're not as bad as Wolf and Cub, I wouldn't want to go through their entire set. But I totally would for Interpol of course.
Oh I actually kinda like Youth Group. I think my cousin burned me one of their CDs. I wouldn't mind seeing them live, but I wouldn't go out of my way for them either. Then again, it doesn't really matter cause I don't live in Australia... but oh well. At least Interpol got a decent support band (yay!)
QUOTE (Vinca15 @ Jan 15 2008, 09:01 AM)
ooo! new shows, how exciting!
i'll start watching soon. i've kinda freaked out since i have nothing to watch and started watching project runway :/ haha...some of them make cool clothes though...
i haven't listened to interpol in forever and it makes me sad. i don't like this...i wish they wouldn't have taken such a long break and played a few u.s. shows like paul pics don't even make me happy anymore. i'm scared :s
I know what you mean, Vinnie. I wouldn't worry too much, though, because that happened to me for like, all of last year when Interpol disappeared, but then they came back and my obsession/love was just stronger than ever because of it
Now I'm watching everything I can find online with John Simm in it. slightly pathetic, but there's a lot of it. He's just so askjfhasgyagfaljgh I can't help it. oh, and there's an interview where he admits to being a bartender/cagedancer!!! when he was younger. seriously, a cagedancer! fjkhskjjghdajdfhjshfsjhgf I was absolutely speechless. and he had to wear cycling shorts. and a baby!John Simm in cycling shorts..... I couldn't think for about half an hour, seriously.
as Vinnie so wonderfully pointed out for us.... it's Jodie's birthday!
yayyy Jodie!
so Vinnie already pic-spammaged the birthday thread in the general forum, but I felt this thread deserved a Birthday!Pic-spammmage! as well. plus I really like the word "spammage"...
(I like this one... mainly cause of Carlos vs. the others ) (A KILT... I died. seriously, I just died.) (okay, couldn't resist the sexiness... I'm probably going to be like JB and G-man, except with John Simm... btw, he totally needs a sexy nickname.) (I love how they match...) (btw, did you know they were brothers? Naboo and Vince aka Michael and Noel Fielding... cute, eh?) (Look! It's a tiny!Moss in disguise as Saboo(with supersexy deep voice and all) from the Boosh!)
and finally...
Daniel made you some rather amazing cupcakes. seriously, I'm so proud and impressed
HEY GUYS! *waves maniacally* How I missed you all!
QUOTE (thephantommilk @ Jan 16 2008, 03:39 PM)
(okay, couldn't resist the sexiness... I'm probably going to be like JB and G-man, except with John Simm... btw, he totally needs a sexy nickname.)
I just got back from watching that^ man in Life on Mars. They're replaying the series on the ABC I'm rewatching the whole thing because John is that sexy (I also missed a few eps the first time [but sexiness is the main reason]) Ohhh yes please Milky, there must be more of the J-Master in this thread!
Ok, I don't know what to think of YG supporting the 'Pol, I honestly only thought they had that one song... the cover So I shall have to listen to more. But anything, ANYTHING, is better than W&C.
Omg and RH! I can hardly find the words to talk about it (unless, of course, those 'words' are profanities. In which instance they come easily). In my opinion, the last ep never happened.. or it ended when Carter rescued them *sigh* Carter...
And finally, I take back all the horrible things I said about Tasmania and the level of incest there
eeeee J-Master, that's perfect JB! you're so good at naming obsessions
so, more spammage of said J-Master:
LONG HAIR ASFDAHSFHAJSDFHSJDFHSJDG heeeee I spy an AC/DC t-shirt.... the boots make me happy awww, happy!Simm.... plus his teeth are incredibly white and straight in this picture...
CARTER! coz i had to Robin is jealous of Carter yes?
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the lovely birthday wishes and the super awesome pics! Hee hee! And the cupcakes! Those cupcakes look effing amazing!
And JB is back! It wasn't the same here without you.
And I watched Life on Mars last night and was so surprised at how light and funny it was sometimes. I thought it'd be this super serious and dark cop drama...with time travel. But it was awesome! When I saw a poor sod get punched in the face twice in the space of only 10 mins, I knew this was the show for me
Thanks you guys for telling me where all the goods shows are. You're the bestest! hahahaha
Although I have to say, except for Carlos's 'stache, they look a TON better (younger, even!) now than they did at the end of the tour. It's amazing what almost a year and a half or rest 'n relaxation can do for a guy.
eeeee J-Master, that's perfect JB! you're so good at naming obsessions
so, more spammage of said J-Master:
Haha, thanksy spanky! Absolutely beautiful spammage dear, of both J-Master and Carter! It was fabulous!!
QUOTE (LolaBert @ Jan 17 2008, 03:00 PM)
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the lovely birthday wishes and the super awesome pics! Hee hee! And the cupcakes! Those cupcakes look effing amazing!
And JB is back! It wasn't the same here without you.
And I watched Life on Mars last night and was so surprised at how light and funny it was sometimes. I thought it'd be this super serious and dark cop drama...with time travel. But it was awesome! When I saw a poor sod get punched in the face twice in the space of only 10 mins, I knew this was the show for me
Thanks you guys for telling me where all the goods shows are. You're the bestest! hahahaha
I hear you guys died for a little while... although that may have more to do with holidays I don't know if I told you about any shows but you're totally welcome ;] hehe
QUOTE (ezorvera @ Jan 18 2008, 03:38 PM)
Jacqui is back!! We've missed you too! You are definitely the queen of naming obsessions.
Thank yoooou, that is truly an honour for me!
QUOTE (James @ Jan 20 2008, 04:51 PM)
Although I have to say, except for Carlos's 'stache, they look a TON better (younger, even!) now than they did at the end of the tour. It's amazing what almost a year and a half or rest 'n relaxation can do for a guy.
Hey, welcome to the board James! It's a bit sad that I had no idea who you were talking about because so little Interpol discussion goes on in here They do indeed look very healthy at the moment, and I totally agree about the tash.
So I really have no idea what's going on with the band anymore, except that I'm seeing them in a month and a day!!
sdfhafhdl that picture of Baby!Simm is amazing as are all pictures of him ahem....
but anyways....
hi, James! I agree, they do look tons healthier and saner since they stopped touring a while ago. which is a very good thing, cause they'll be around longer! yayyyyy
JB that picture of J-Mac is insane!!!! he's one of those people that you just need to like, devour and never let go. asfkjahjgfajksgfajg
ps I'm prolly gonna get really confused between J-Mac and J-Master... but they're both amazing names for amazing people, so oh well.
Well, I can't really contribute to that (because I am on a slower than slow internet connection, and YouTube is not my friend at the moment) but I do have some Interpol related stuff.
As you may have seen over on the OK Go side of the boards, Australian radio station, Triple J, compiles a list of songs each year and releases a double album of it sort of as a 'best of the year' kinda dealie.
Well, Interpol has four songs up that you can vote for (Pioneer to the Falls, No I in Threesome, The Heinrich Maneuver and Mammoth).
Vote here!
It's kinda a strangely lengthy process, but do it so more people in Australia can know about the awesomeness that is Interpol.
Those of you who watch Dr Who- have any of you seen torchwood as well? It's a kind of insane show.
there's way more "adult" aka way more violence and sex... but it's still pretty much amazing. and you get to see more Captain Jack Harkness, which is always good, eh?
anyways, the second season starts in Britain in like 14 days or something, and it'll air just a couple of weeks later on BBC America in the US!!! which is exciting, I might not even watch them online at all!
also, since all our other shows are on break, it's something to look forward to haha.
I was planning to start watching it after I finish Dr. Who. I'm starting the third season today.
linky 1
to explain it some
linky 2
final plan of action
also: if Lucy Griffith really is leaving, then it definitely can't be a dream...
*sob* that means Carter really is dead!
anyways, I think it sounds like an amazing idea, and if I can figure it out, I'm definitely joining in.
thought you might like to hear about it as well.
So sad. If I have the time before I go back to school, I'll send a letter.
Well, I can't really contribute to that (because I am on a slower than slow internet connection, and YouTube is not my friend at the moment) but I do have some Interpol related stuff.
As you may have seen over on the OK Go side of the boards, Australian radio station, Triple J, compiles a list of songs each year and releases a double album of it sort of as a 'best of the year' kinda dealie.
Well, Interpol has four songs up that you can vote for (Pioneer to the Falls, No I in Threesome, The Heinrich Maneuver and Mammoth).
Vote here!
It's kinda a strangely lengthy process, but do it so more people in Australia can know about the awesomeness that is Interpol.
I'm voting right now. We have to get all of Australia to listen to OK Go and Interpol!!
Torchwood starts in four days in England,
and apparently, Captain Jack gets a boy-on-boy kiss in the very first episode!!
AND, it's with James Marsters, aka Spike from Buffy!
I'm completely and totally 100% obsessed with John Simm. (The Master from Doctor Who)
his show Life On Mars is seriously incredible. like, nothing compares to its sheer brilliance.
and he's absolutely gorgeous as well.
Nevermind the Buzzcocks has started again!!
uhh I think that's it for my next attempt to revive this thread
Yeah, we've all died
I'll steal this from my friend's LJ
interviewer: As a rockstar, do you guys experience a lot of lust and sex?
Paul: Yeah, of course. Although it isn't as decadent as people seem to think. At least not with us. We're not Kings of Leon, those fucking guys get all the chicks (laughs).
[from Kings of Leon]
Matthew: my favourite records are records that I like from start to finish- sure that it's that way for everybody- but that one was that way from the third time I listened to it. The first time I listened to it I was kinda like 'Eh. I kind like it, they're alright'. But because there was one song I liked I listened to it again and then by the second time I was like 'I gotta listen to it again!'. The only reason we ever heard of Interpol is because we came to London and we were all staying at the Columbia [hotel] together...
Jared: I hated them just by looking at them.
Matthew: Oh my god, they called us Led Zeppelin while we were walking up the stairs and I wanted to beat their fuckin' asses so bad.
Jared: That was when Carlos had the little pin sideburns. They made me puke up a little bit. But it was one of those things, you just thought 'God, they seem so pretentious', and then it just pissed you off so bad when you heard their music. Then I heard their fuckin' record and it made me want to die because it was so good.
Hope she doesn't mind hahahah!
Why aren't I watching Life on Mars? It's on TV here. Okay, I'll have to make a mental note of that. I like their cool 70's clothes hehe.
I need a better internet connection so I can watch these shows dammit!
So, should I be watching Life on Mars too? If it has The Master, then I'll definitely start watching.
the Master is John Simm, who is my new huge obsession, and absolutely amazing
his character is very different on LoM, though. In a good way, obviously.
plus it has more time travel!
and the whole story/series is incredible, not just John Simm.
i'll start watching soon. i've kinda freaked out since i have nothing to watch and started watching project runway :/ haha...some of them make cool clothes though...
i haven't listened to interpol in forever and it makes me sad. i don't like this...i wish they wouldn't have taken such a long break and played a few u.s. shows
i'll start watching soon. i've kinda freaked out since i have nothing to watch and started watching project runway :/ haha...some of them make cool clothes though...
i haven't listened to interpol in forever and it makes me sad. i don't like this...i wish they wouldn't have taken such a long break and played a few u.s. shows
Haha, I have nothing to watch either and I'm watching all sorts of crap that I usually wouldn't watch like 'America's Next Top Model'. Yikes!
Oh no! That's really really scary. Paul pics not even helping? I wish I could do a major posting of Paul pics, but I'm on the wrong computer, without all my pretty pictures
Well, I'm not sure if this'll make anyone happier but -
Youth Group are excited to announce they will be joining New York band Interpol for three dates on their Australian tour this February. Tickets are available from ticketek.
Youth Group are an Aussie band whose only claim to fame is a remake of the song 'Forever Young' that was used to death on 'The O.C' and just about every other gorram teenage drama a few years back. It seems they're opening some international bands that come here lately as they opened for Kings of Leon a few weeks back. While they're not as bad as Wolf and Cub, I wouldn't want to go through their entire set. But I totally would for Interpol of course.
I wonder what Jacqui thinks of them?
At least Interpol got a decent support band (yay!)
i'll start watching soon. i've kinda freaked out since i have nothing to watch and started watching project runway :/ haha...some of them make cool clothes though...
i haven't listened to interpol in forever and it makes me sad. i don't like this...i wish they wouldn't have taken such a long break and played a few u.s. shows
I know what you mean, Vinnie. I wouldn't worry too much, though, because that happened to me for like, all of last year when Interpol disappeared, but then they came back and my obsession/love was just stronger than ever because of it
Now I'm watching everything I can find online with John Simm in it. slightly pathetic, but there's a lot of it. He's just so askjfhasgyagfaljgh I can't help it.
oh, and there's an interview where he admits to being a bartender/cagedancer!!! when he was younger. seriously, a cagedancer! fjkhskjjghdajdfhjshfsjhgf I was absolutely speechless. and he had to wear cycling shorts.
as Vinnie so wonderfully pointed out for us.... it's Jodie's birthday!
yayyy Jodie!
so Vinnie already pic-spammaged the birthday thread in the general forum, but I felt this thread deserved a Birthday!Pic-spammmage! as well. plus I really like the word "spammage"...
(I like this one... mainly cause of Carlos vs. the others
(A KILT... I died. seriously, I just died.)
(okay, couldn't resist the sexiness... I'm probably going to be like JB and G-man, except with John Simm... btw, he totally needs a sexy nickname.)
(I love how they match...)
(btw, did you know they were brothers? Naboo and Vince aka Michael and Noel Fielding... cute, eh?)
(Look! It's a tiny!Moss in disguise as Saboo(with supersexy deep voice and all) from the Boosh!)
and finally...
Daniel made you some rather amazing cupcakes. seriously, I'm so proud and impressed
Happy Birthday again Jodie!! I'm sending Imaginary!Dave over with a bottle of wine to help you celebrate.
(okay, couldn't resist the sexiness... I'm probably going to be like JB and G-man, except with John Simm... btw, he totally needs a sexy nickname.)
I just got back from watching that^ man in Life on Mars. They're replaying the series on the ABC
Ohhh yes please Milky, there must be more of the J-Master in this thread!
Ok, I don't know what to think of YG supporting the 'Pol, I honestly only thought they had that one song... the cover
Omg and RH!
And finally, I take back all the horrible things I said about Tasmania and the level of incest there
eeeee J-Master, that's perfect JB! you're so good at naming obsessions
so, more spammage of said J-Master:
I spy an AC/DC t-shirt....
the boots make me happy
awww, happy!Simm.... plus his teeth are incredibly white and straight in this picture...
CARTER! coz i had to
Robin is jealous of Carter
And JB is back! It wasn't the same here without you.
And I watched Life on Mars last night and was so surprised at how light and funny it was sometimes. I thought it'd be this super serious and dark cop drama...with time travel. But it was awesome! When I saw a poor sod get punched in the face twice in the space of only 10 mins, I knew this was the show for me
Thanks you guys for telling me where all the goods shows are. You're the bestest! hahahaha
Ohhh yes please Milky, there must be more of the J-Master in this thread!
Jacqui is back!! We've missed you too! You are definitely the queen of naming obsessions.
eeeee J-Master, that's perfect JB! you're so good at naming obsessions
so, more spammage of said J-Master:
Haha, thanksy spanky!
Absolutely beautiful spammage dear, of both J-Master and Carter! It was fabulous!!
And JB is back! It wasn't the same here without you.
And I watched Life on Mars last night and was so surprised at how light and funny it was sometimes. I thought it'd be this super serious and dark cop drama...with time travel. But it was awesome! When I saw a poor sod get punched in the face twice in the space of only 10 mins, I knew this was the show for me
Thanks you guys for telling me where all the goods shows are. You're the bestest! hahahaha
I hear you guys died for a little while... although that may have more to do with holidays
I don't know if I told you about any shows but you're totally welcome ;] hehe
Hey, welcome to the board James!
It's a bit sad that I had no idea who you were talking about because so little Interpol discussion goes on in here
So I really have no idea what's going on with the band anymore, except that I'm seeing them in a month and a day!!
I feel like spammaging:
Young J-Master! awww...
David Beckham!
I was just taking random images from my photobucket when I found that little gem
as are all pictures of him
but anyways....
hi, James! I agree, they do look tons healthier and saner since they stopped touring a while ago.
JB that picture of J-Mac is insane!!!!
he's one of those people that you just need to like, devour and never let go.
ps I'm prolly gonna get really confused between J-Mac and J-Master... but they're both amazing names for amazing people, so oh well.