Hahaha! No, of course you didn't barge in on us. I love how you wrote, "He was more intently talking to someone." I don't know about "intently" but I was asking him if we were going to see the infamous "orange" suit (I'll let Becky share the details on this one).
Yeah, the orange suit. If you notice in the majority of my pics of aross, he looks like he's wearing an orange suit. When I talked to him in Milwaukee I called him a safety cone. His reply, "I don't get it." Then I said it was because his suit is orange and he said that it's red.
So, Saturday, while we were walking around Downtown, I mentioned the above story. So, I figured I could come up with a better name, like Dreamsicle. And well, it stuck. So, after the show on Saturday I told aross that he had been upgraded from safety cone to Dreamsicle. He stated he liked that name better, but his suit is red. Then we had the following convo:
"It's orange."
"No, it's red."
"It looks orange on stage and in the floodlights."
"It's red. Do I need to get it off the bus and show it to you? Nevermind, I'm too lazy to get it off the bus. Just believe me when I say it's red."
So, after that, he charged me with coming up with a new name that had "red" in it. He gave me until tomorrow night to figure something out. I will not reveal the two choices I came up with here as he might be spying. Let's just say, he might get a bag of himself.
I promise to eventually get to a real write-up sometime before Sunday. It will include my sneakiness for the surprise of a lifetime.
Also, Nance, you're more than welcome. You got some mad photoshop skillz.
AND! It would appear that each guy got the right Boardie sign. Since I wasn't looking at the names on the sheets I was handing to the guys as we HAD to leave like in 2 seconds, it is pure luck that they got the ones they got. Also, I didn't hand aross that paper as it didn't have any Boardies' names on it. He's a smart one, that aross.
I mentioned to him tonight that it still looked orange to me and he actually did go get it off the bus. It's an orangish red, but it really is red.
On an unrelated note I asked Damian about the thumb drives, and they're going to start doing them at the Wednesday show. I'm sad that they didn't record this show, I would've liked to have Damian talking about SixDix immortalized on a thumb drive.
Then I'm happy with the names I picked out knowing that it really, truly is red.
And hooray about the drives! Tonight is probably my last show of the tour, so I guess I'll at least get to have one.
Because I just can't stop reliving April 17th, I found this random person's video of IWYSBICB from that night. Try here. They cut off the end of the song but if you forward to around 2:23 you can hear us shouting "Underwater". It's pretty clear even from the balcony. Damn, we're loud.
Because I just can't stop reliving April 17th, I found this random person's video of IWYSBICB from that night. Try here. They cut off the end of the song but if you forward to around 2:23 you can hear us shouting "Underwater". It's pretty clear even from the balcony. Damn, we're loud.
Because I just can't stop reliving April 17th, I found this random person's video of IWYSBICB from that night. Try here. They cut off the end of the song but if you forward to around 2:23 you can hear us shouting "Underwater". It's pretty clear even from the balcony. Damn, we're loud.
Then I'm happy with the names I picked out knowing that it really, truly is red.
What did names did you pick out? Can you tell us now?
I let him choose which name he wanted to go with his "red" suit:
The first one was Raspberry Bliss which is a callback to a name I had given him a few years ago. This name came complete with a bag of Raspberry Bliss.
The second one was Red Delicious which Hannah had blurted out in the cab on the way back to the hotel after the Metro show when I related the "new name" story. Alas, no bag of apples was given with this name.
He chose Red Delicious. But I'm still gonna call him Safety Cone when it turns orange on stage.
Because I just can't stop reliving April 17th, I found this random person's video of IWYSBICB from that night. Try here. They cut off the end of the song but if you forward to around 2:23 you can hear us shouting "Underwater". It's pretty clear even from the balcony. Damn, we're loud.
That is fantastic! Now I'm going to watch all the other videos from that show. I'm wonder if the one Damian made of the crowd is up somewhere.
I don't check here too often, so sorry for the late reply.
Here's the movie Damian took at the Chicago show. We had some trouble with the handoff when he was done with the camera and the sound is HORRIBLE. I won't be using this camera for video ever again.
I don't check here too often, so sorry for the late reply.
Here's the movie Damian took at the Chicago show. We had some trouble with the handoff when he was done with the camera and the sound is HORRIBLE. I won't be using this camera for video ever again.
This was a great show!
Thanks so much for the link! It was a nice video and it lead me to the Milwaukee Public TV film shot of the concert I went to on 4/16/10 I am SO glad I get to relive such a great concert:
I'm so glad to find this site and to be a newbie here- It's great to hear about the concentration of Midwest fans as I'm in Wisconsin.
"It looks orange on stage and in the floodlights."
"It's red. Do I need to get it off the bus and show it to you? Nevermind, I'm too lazy to get it off the bus. Just believe me when I say it's red."
The moment I realized that it was truly red was when he said (just after the bus statement) that he wore the pants in the WTF? video.
Both of my conversations with him that night were over the color of his suit. I can't believe we argued with him over the color of his own clothes. Me idiot. At least he won't remember me next time I meet him.
Ha, he totally remembered you in Tampa.
This bump will also serve as a reminder to finally get to a proper write-up about this show as it really should be written about. Even if it is 3 months later. Now to find time...
"It looks orange on stage and in the floodlights."
"It's red. Do I need to get it off the bus and show it to you? Nevermind, I'm too lazy to get it off the bus. Just believe me when I say it's red."
The moment I realized that it was truly red was when he said (just after the bus statement) that he wore the pants in the WTF? video.
Both of my conversations with him that night were over the color of his suit. I can't believe we argued with him over the color of his own clothes. Me idiot. At least he won't remember me next time I meet him.
Ha, he totally remembered you in Tampa.
This bump will also serve as a reminder to finally get to a proper write-up about this show as it really should be written about. Even if it is 3 months later. Now to find time…
If he remembered it was because you were there with me.
I agree that the Chicago show needs proper documentation. 3 months isn't too bad. I keep thinking that I'll write something up on Design Miami one of these days (or at least post pics). 7 months later I still haven't done it.
Anyway, I've only found a few videos from Chicago since the venue didn't allow recording. Here's one that you guys may have already seen with Damian and Tim talking about Cubs fans. Funny stuff.
It's too bad that they weren't making the USB's yet.
Guitar Girl and Underwater Girl need some more OK Go adventures.
Yes. Yes we do.
OK, so, this write-up is going to be happening in parts as there's just too much for one post. Here's the part the first.
Well, it all started when OK Go posted their Spring Tour schedule. Rachel said that the next Chicago show they had, and she was available, she'd fly out to meet up with some of the Midwest Boardies. Well, she was available and booked her flight the same day the show was announced. This meant something special was going to happen, I could just tell.
So, I started this thread about having a big meet-up so that we could all see each other again or for the first time. I was really amazed at the responses about people saying they would be making it to the show. All told, we had people coming in from Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, and Virginia. 3 of those people flew in for the show.
Since all these people were coming in for the show, and I was pretty sure that we might not be able to see the guys after the show as Chicago is their hometown and they might be meeting up with friends, I had the crazy idea that we meet with them before the show. Seriously, I couldn't believe that I was trying to make this happen. I told Rachel because I needed to tell someone and she's a great secret-keeper. Plus, it was advantageous that she knew for the actual night.
After I got the confirmation that they would meet us before the show, I had to make sure that everyone was able to meet at the venue no later than 5pm. Doors were at 6:30, but we were to meet the boys like 10-15 minutes before doors. So, I had to make sure that we were all there with enough time to get acquainted and well, meet with the boys.
I think I got up around 7am the day of the show. The three girls that were flying in all had 9am arrivals. I got myself ready, packed my bag, made the signs for the Boardies that couldn't make it and finally made my way to O'Hare to pick everyone up. Rachel (DJRose) was the first to arrive. And her flight was a half hour early. Which meant I was still on the road when she landed. But that was fine because Amy (azulaco) and Debbie's (Snack_Cakes) flights still had not landed. And then of course I ran into some traffic. But again, it was fine because that meant all three girls were able to meet up and be at one pick-up destination for me.
I finally get to the airport and I spot them. It was so great to see such happy faces! We threw their bags in the trunk of my car and then headed out to the city. I of course had to play some OK Go, SDR, and Hoosiers to make their ride enjoyable. I also told them about my idea for something to yell out during one of the songs at the show. A little back story: A few years ago, Rachel had yelled out "Run's House" during Oh Lately It's So Quiet when Damian would sing the following lyric, "whose house, are you haunting tonight?" Well, there's a pause between "whose house" and "are you..." It would go like this:
Well, one day while driving in the car, I was listening to OTBCOTS and IWYSBICB came on. There's a pause in this song too after some very suggestive ooh's and aah's. I ended up blurting out "Underwater!" and then busted out laughing because I tend to crack myself up sometimes. I thought, I really need to yell this out during a show, but I will need minions to help me so that the boys can actually hear what is being yelled. And bam, Boardie Meet-Up means a few ready and willing friends to carry out my evil plan. So, I told them my idea, played the song and yelled "Underwater!" at the proper time. Laughs galore. We knew that this had to be done.
We continue to drive into the city proper, and since Rachel had never been to Chicago and it was a touristy thing to do, I took them downtown. I drove to Roscoe Village to drop off my car so we could take the L into the city. After parking I was finally able to give everyone hugs. We walked to the L and went downtown. It was pretty amazing to see the looks on their faces as they were seeing my city for the first time or again. While on the train, I showed them the bracelets I had made for the boys. I had made bracelets that said Paracadute. I wanted to make one for each of the Boardies that came to the Meet-Up, but simply didn't have time. But, I did have the prototype, which was in pink. Which is Debbie's favorite color. So, Debbie got my first ever Paracadute bracelet.
We make it to the Wabash stop and get off the train. Some of us say we're hungry, so we go to Potbelly's for some lunch. But before we make it there, we stop into Macy's to have a little look at the architecture inside and end up looking around LUSH. Which is a good thing we did because as we were leaving, I hear my name being called. Jennifer (toiletdog) had been walking around downtown for a while and just happened to come into Macy's as we were leaving. We had planned to meet-up, but we didn't know when. So, it was a very happy moment.
Then it's time for food. I couldn't eat my whole sandwich because I just generally can't eat on a show day. It was great for us to just sit down and talk for a while. After lunch we made a pit stop at Jamba Juice and then went to Millennium Park for some more touristy stuff. Jennifer tempted the tall face window block things to spit water. They eventually did and she was thankfully out of their range so she didn't get soaked. We walked around more of the Park and decided that we should probably get going. But before we did, we stopped back in LUSH to pick up some pretty smelling things. Then we stopped at Anthropologie to look at their pretty clothes.
Then we were on our way back to my car so that we could meet up with Suzanne (sureeyesawake) and Hannah (Sunnyside) at the hotel. The train ride back was kind of quiet, mainly because the train car we were on was full of people. We get back to my car and listen to more music and talk and whatnot. I had brought with my TTSP package so that the girls could see the hat and jacket and perhaps try them on if they were so inclined. Turns out just about everyone was inclined. There are even pictures. Somewhere.
We rest for a while and then start to get ready for the show. My plan was to be ready by 4:30pm and grab a cab to the Metro. We ended up not getting out of the hotel until 4:45. Well, we are girls, that tends to happen. We're all prettied up and have to take two cabs as there are now 7 of us. My cab gets to the venue first. I spot Hannah (hyannah77) and cut in line. I could sense the anger from the people behind us, but it didn't matter because we weren't going to be first in line for very long. *squee*
The other cab makes it to the Metro and we talk with Hannah for a while. Since there was a barricade where we were, there wasn't enough room for all of us to stand in the front of the line. I stay up front while the rest of the girls go to the end of the line. I maintain contact with Rachel via phone to be sure that she can bring everyone up front when we get escorted into the venue to meet the boys.
At this point, we were still waiting for Katie (katieyellow), Jennifer (darbie_starpower) and Amber (violetchaos364).
Wow, I'm a capital "L" loser. I never finished the write-up for this show. And it's been a year since then. I don't think I'll remember much of anything now. Though there are pictures, so that might jog my memory.
Still, this is one of the top 5 shows I've been to. I miss each and every one of you girls. I hope that the boys put together a tour in the US so we can all meet-up again.
Then I'm happy with the names I picked out knowing that it really, truly is red.
And hooray about the drives! Tonight is probably my last show of the tour, so I guess I'll at least get to have one.
Because I just can't stop reliving April 17th, I found this random person's video of IWYSBICB from that night. Try here. They cut off the end of the song but if you forward to around 2:23 you can hear us shouting "Underwater". It's pretty clear even from the balcony. Damn, we're loud.
Great find, Debbie! This has just made my day.
Then I'm happy with the names I picked out knowing that it really, truly is red.
What did names did you pick out? Can you tell us now?
I let him choose which name he wanted to go with his "red" suit:
The first one was Raspberry Bliss which is a callback to a name I had given him a few years ago. This name came complete with a bag of Raspberry Bliss.
The second one was Red Delicious which Hannah had blurted out in the cab on the way back to the hotel after the Metro show when I related the "new name" story. Alas, no bag of apples was given with this name.
He chose Red Delicious. But I'm still gonna call him Safety Cone when it turns orange on stage.
That is fantastic! Now I'm going to watch all the other videos from that show. I'm wonder if the one Damian made of the crowd is up somewhere.
I don't check here too often, so sorry for the late reply.
Here's the movie Damian took at the Chicago show. We had some trouble with the handoff when he was done with the camera and the sound is HORRIBLE. I won't be using this camera for video ever again.
This was a great show!
Thanks so much for the link! It was a nice video and it lead me to the Milwaukee Public TV film shot of the concert I went to on 4/16/10
I am SO glad I get to relive such a great concert:
I'm so glad to find this site and to be a newbie here- It's great to hear about the concentration of Midwest fans as I'm in Wisconsin.
Ha, he totally remembered you in Tampa.
This bump will also serve as a reminder to finally get to a proper write-up about this show as it really should be written about. Even if it is 3 months later. Now to find time...
If he remembered it was because you were there with me.
I agree that the Chicago show needs proper documentation. 3 months isn't too bad. I keep thinking that I'll write something up on Design Miami one of these days (or at least post pics). 7 months later I still haven't done it.
Anyway, I've only found a few videos from Chicago since the venue didn't allow recording. Here's one that you guys may have already seen with Damian and Tim talking about Cubs fans. Funny stuff.
It's too bad that they weren't making the USB's yet.
Well, now you're unforgettable as you're the girl who "made a Bunny scale model of [Damian's] laser guitar, complete with light-up fur."
And my LJ write up actually didn't even get TO the concert. Too much epic beforehand!
Wow, I can't wait to see the boys again now that I know what I'm listening to and looking at!
Guitar Girl and Underwater Girl need some more OK Go adventures.
Yes. Yes we do.
OK, so, this write-up is going to be happening in parts as there's just too much for one post. Here's the part the first.
Well, it all started when OK Go posted their Spring Tour schedule. Rachel said that the next Chicago show they had, and she was available, she'd fly out to meet up with some of the Midwest Boardies. Well, she was available and booked her flight the same day the show was announced. This meant something special was going to happen, I could just tell.

So, I started this thread about having a big meet-up so that we could all see each other again or for the first time. I was really amazed at the responses about people saying they would be making it to the show. All told, we had people coming in from Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, and Virginia. 3 of those people flew in for the show.
Since all these people were coming in for the show, and I was pretty sure that we might not be able to see the guys after the show as Chicago is their hometown and they might be meeting up with friends, I had the crazy idea that we meet with them before the show. Seriously, I couldn't believe that I was trying to make this happen. I told Rachel because I needed to tell someone and she's a great secret-keeper. Plus, it was advantageous that she knew for the actual night.
After I got the confirmation that they would meet us before the show, I had to make sure that everyone was able to meet at the venue no later than 5pm. Doors were at 6:30, but we were to meet the boys like 10-15 minutes before doors. So, I had to make sure that we were all there with enough time to get acquainted and well, meet with the boys.
I think I got up around 7am the day of the show. The three girls that were flying in all had 9am arrivals. I got myself ready, packed my bag, made the signs for the Boardies that couldn't make it and finally made my way to O'Hare to pick everyone up. Rachel (DJRose) was the first to arrive. And her flight was a half hour early. Which meant I was still on the road when she landed. But that was fine because Amy (azulaco) and Debbie's (Snack_Cakes) flights still had not landed. And then of course I ran into some traffic. But again, it was fine because that meant all three girls were able to meet up and be at one pick-up destination for me.
I finally get to the airport and I spot them. It was so great to see such happy faces! We threw their bags in the trunk of my car and then headed out to the city. I of course had to play some OK Go, SDR, and Hoosiers to make their ride enjoyable. I also told them about my idea for something to yell out during one of the songs at the show. A little back story: A few years ago, Rachel had yelled out "Run's House" during Oh Lately It's So Quiet when Damian would sing the following lyric, "whose house, are you haunting tonight?" Well, there's a pause between "whose house" and "are you..." It would go like this:
Damian: "Whose house"
Rachel: "Run's House"
Damian: "are you haunting tonight?"
Well, one day while driving in the car, I was listening to OTBCOTS and IWYSBICB came on. There's a pause in this song too after some very suggestive ooh's and aah's. I ended up blurting out "Underwater!" and then busted out laughing because I tend to crack myself up sometimes. I thought, I really need to yell this out during a show, but I will need minions to help me so that the boys can actually hear what is being yelled. And bam, Boardie Meet-Up means a few ready and willing friends to carry out my evil plan. So, I told them my idea, played the song and yelled "Underwater!" at the proper time. Laughs galore. We knew that this had to be done.
We continue to drive into the city proper, and since Rachel had never been to Chicago and it was a touristy thing to do, I took them downtown. I drove to Roscoe Village to drop off my car so we could take the L into the city. After parking I was finally able to give everyone hugs. We walked to the L and went downtown. It was pretty amazing to see the looks on their faces as they were seeing my city for the first time or again. While on the train, I showed them the bracelets I had made for the boys. I had made bracelets that said Paracadute. I wanted to make one for each of the Boardies that came to the Meet-Up, but simply didn't have time. But, I did have the prototype, which was in pink. Which is Debbie's favorite color. So, Debbie got my first ever Paracadute bracelet.
We make it to the Wabash stop and get off the train. Some of us say we're hungry, so we go to Potbelly's for some lunch. But before we make it there, we stop into Macy's to have a little look at the architecture inside and end up looking around LUSH. Which is a good thing we did because as we were leaving, I hear my name being called. Jennifer (toiletdog) had been walking around downtown for a while and just happened to come into Macy's as we were leaving. We had planned to meet-up, but we didn't know when. So, it was a very happy moment.
We walk to Potbelly's and take some pics in front of the Chicago Theatre. And I of course have to take a camwhore shot so we're all in the same pic:
Then it's time for food. I couldn't eat my whole sandwich because I just generally can't eat on a show day. It was great for us to just sit down and talk for a while. After lunch we made a pit stop at Jamba Juice and then went to Millennium Park for some more touristy stuff. Jennifer tempted the tall face window block things to spit water. They eventually did and she was thankfully out of their range so she didn't get soaked. We walked around more of the Park and decided that we should probably get going. But before we did, we stopped back in LUSH to pick up some pretty smelling things. Then we stopped at Anthropologie to look at their pretty clothes.
Then we were on our way back to my car so that we could meet up with Suzanne (sureeyesawake) and Hannah (Sunnyside) at the hotel. The train ride back was kind of quiet, mainly because the train car we were on was full of people. We get back to my car and listen to more music and talk and whatnot. I had brought with my TTSP package so that the girls could see the hat and jacket and perhaps try them on if they were so inclined. Turns out just about everyone was inclined. There are even pictures. Somewhere.
We rest for a while and then start to get ready for the show. My plan was to be ready by 4:30pm and grab a cab to the Metro. We ended up not getting out of the hotel until 4:45. Well, we are girls, that tends to happen. We're all prettied up and have to take two cabs as there are now 7 of us. My cab gets to the venue first. I spot Hannah (hyannah77) and cut in line. I could sense the anger from the people behind us, but it didn't matter because we weren't going to be first in line for very long. *squee*
The other cab makes it to the Metro and we talk with Hannah for a while. Since there was a barricade where we were, there wasn't enough room for all of us to stand in the front of the line. I stay up front while the rest of the girls go to the end of the line. I maintain contact with Rachel via phone to be sure that she can bring everyone up front when we get escorted into the venue to meet the boys.
At this point, we were still waiting for Katie (katieyellow), Jennifer (darbie_starpower) and Amber (violetchaos364).
This makes me all kinds of happy.
I can't wait to read the rest.
Thanks Becky!
Still, this is one of the top 5 shows I've been to. I miss each and every one of you girls. I hope that the boys put together a tour in the US so we can all meet-up again.
And wow, a year has gone by...
I miss you guys. I'm glad I'll see all the Chicagoans in 2 months but it won't be *quite* the same.