Stephan, the drummer in my other favorite band, Dot Dot Dot, has decided to call it quits. It's going to be a tad sad to no longer see him behind the kit.
i'm soooo sorry sunny... i like to say that my dog is gonna out live me, but i sadly know that isn't true and it breaks my heart to even think about him dying... so to have actually lost your dog (((HUGS)))
I just learned that OK Go will be playing at the Calgary Stampede, which is only a mere two hours away from me! I can't believe they're coming to Alberta (no one interesting ever comes here...) and I never dreamt i'd be able to go see them so close to home! I have never been to a concert, and being able to see OK Go as my first will be... well, just plain amazing!
Yes, this was fantastic news, untill I relalized what date the show was on. July 10th. Which is five days after I move to Vancouver to start school.
Man. Talk about bad timing. This really burns.
Well, maybe they'll come to Vancouver in the near future. Here's hoping.
Sunnyside said:Is it okay to look to one's children for motivation to keep going? What will I do when they have gone from me?
Of course it is! My sister and I are something something years old and my mom still looks to us for motivation. Just because kids don't live in your house anymore doesn't mean they're not apart of you. In the old days, maybe. But today with texting, e-mail, cell phones, there's no way you will be apart from them. Yesterday night when I talked to my mom on the phone, I was amazed. I went into dentistry for the family because they wanted a doctor in the family. My mom sort of lived vicariously through me because she is into the sciences but never persued it. What I've always wanted to be is a writer. I finally admitted that to my mom yesterday and told her I am going to persue it more in earnest. Much to my surprise, she didn't think it was a flaky idea at all. She was very encouraging and said that she loves writing too and always wanted to do something with it. I think the important thing to do when looking to your children for motivation is to show equal love and support to all your children. My mom supports both my sister and I with love. However, for whatever reason, she sometimes shows favoritism to me, perhaps because I am the oldest and look a lot like her. So don't do that to your kids. It hurts my sister when she sees favoritism going on, it brings out her innner Jan Brady.
Tempe & rockchick, thank you for your words. I have good relationships with my parents but they have never been very involved with my daily life. Even though I talk to my mom most days she doesn't really know what I struggle with, or what my current passions and peeves are. I assume that it will be the same between me and my girls when they get older but I see now that it doesn't have to be so. Again, thank you.
Sunnyside said:Tempe & rockchick, thank you for your words. I have good relationships with my parents but they have never been very involved with my daily life. Even though I talk to my mom most days she doesn't really know what I struggle with, or what my current passions and peeves are. I assume that it will be the same between me and my girls when they get older but I see now that it doesn't have to be so. Again, thank you.
Think it is a generation thing Sunny, as each generation comes along, we seem to
open up and comunicate more, which helps us to help each other. I had a good relastionship with
my parents, but could not talk like me and my children talk. Yet i notice now the difference
I realize as I come here to vent my spleen that this sad list entry actually pertains to the previous ones. Except my family gets less communicative. :(
I am very sad, in my second torrent of tears at the moment, in fact, because I got blind-sided--again--by how insensitive my family--my mother--is. You think I'd have stopped being so surprised by it by now. I used to wonder if I was switched at birth, like lots of people do, because I have feelings and they run deep while simultaneously floating very close to my surface (see: second time my face has been flooded with tears today). This is not normal or allowed, you see. Apparently, it's not just my family, but the majority of humanity that doesn't feel this way .So I stopped thinking I was accidentally swapped at the hospital, and began to entertain the whole "otherworldly beings left me here by mistake scenario. Extra-terrestial abandonment or faerie-changeling trickery seems much more palatable than that my own mom still refuses to accept who I am.
You'd think that in 3 and a half decades, she'd at least have come to terms with the fact that I am a communicative, descriptive talkative person. I experience things, I understand things, I process things by communicating with them, by communicating them to others, by articulating them. That's WHO I am.
I was relating something (after spending hours listening to her complain about her husband and her new job, mind you... yes, I talk a lot, but I also listen more than most, too). She was horrid and on the attack, clearly not wanting to try and comprehend my first attempt, so I tried describing it another way (one of the curses of being me is having 50 different ways to say something, but not knowing which might "click" with the other person until I try a few) and she just launched into me. It was terrible. I had to apologize for "being a descriptive person" and eventually had to just hang up... I hit a wall when there's yelling.
I talk ten times more than everyone else. Ok. Fine. That's not a reason to berate me and my entire sense of self. Particularly when I was only saying the second (of the possible 50 tries) thing.* You don't have to believe me that 90% of that is important (even though it is. I don't waste words. If I did, I'd talk ten times more than I already do). Tell me you're busy. Tell me you're selfish and you don't feel like hearing my side of the conversation. Lie and pretend you understood me on the first try! Don't just decide I must be destroyed because I'm trying to communicate and connect and express. Even if you think those things are wrong and I'm a fool to value them, they aren't criminal and I am not being malicious by doing them.
*According to my phone, this exchange was a total of 4 minutes 47 seconds, part of which was her reiterating her first day of the new job from an earlier conversation and at least the last minute and a half was her yelling at me for "still talking about" my thing. I'm guessing I spoke for less than 45 seconds total.
I'm sad because this 45 seconds has stopped my creative flow (I had two assignments and one piece of fun fiction in the works this afternoon, all going at once). It has ruined my day.
Ron Santo died last night. He played 3rd base for the Cubs back in the '60s and '70s. In 1990 he joined Cubs radio and has been a fixture ever since. He was snubbed by Cooperstown on more than one occasion and was not inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame while he was alive. The Cubs retired his number (#10) and it is currently flying over Wrigley.
He was a Cubs fan through and through and he will be greatly missed. It is a sad day for Chicago.
Aww, Becky, I'm so sorry. ::HUGS::
Would it help to know that this post is a MathWin! of 23?
It helps just the teeny-est, tiny-est little bit.
My math equaled 4. :(
I'm so sorry about your doggie, Sunny.
I just learned that OK Go will be playing at the Calgary Stampede, which is only a mere two hours away from me! I can't believe they're coming to Alberta (no one interesting ever comes here...) and I never dreamt i'd be able to go see them so close to home! I have never been to a concert, and being able to see OK Go as my first will be... well, just plain amazing!
Yes, this was fantastic news, untill I relalized what date the show was on. July 10th. Which is five days after I move to Vancouver to start school.
Talk about bad timing. This really burns.
Well, maybe they'll come to Vancouver in the near future. Here's hoping.
I'm giving up.
As usual.
Of course it is! My sister and I are something something years old and my mom still looks to us for motivation. Just because kids don't live in your house anymore doesn't mean they're not apart of you. In the old days, maybe. But today with texting, e-mail, cell phones, there's no way you will be apart from them. Yesterday night when I talked to my mom on the phone, I was amazed. I went into dentistry for the family because they wanted a doctor in the family. My mom sort of lived vicariously through me because she is into the sciences but never persued it. What I've always wanted to be is a writer. I finally admitted that to my mom yesterday and told her I am going to persue it more in earnest. Much to my surprise, she didn't think it was a flaky idea at all. She was very encouraging and said that she loves writing too and always wanted to do something with it. I think the important thing to do when looking to your children for motivation is to show equal love and support to all your children. My mom supports both my sister and I with love. However, for whatever reason, she sometimes shows favoritism to me, perhaps because I am the oldest and look a lot like her. So don't do that to your kids. It hurts my sister when she sees favoritism going on, it brings out her innner Jan Brady.
They will always be there for you, the older they get the more support they give.
My son, daughter and Daughter in law (added bonus) are always there to support me,
i would not have got through the past couple of years without them. It was them who
kept me going after my husband past away and my world collapsed, even though they
were hurting as well.
I also have 4 grandsons and the oldest is 9 and wiser than some adults :) and he is now
my biggest source of motivation. You give your children, love, comfort and a good home,
they return it all tenfold when they grow up. Your family will grow bigger, with more people
to love you and to love back, enjoy.
Think it is a generation thing Sunny, as each generation comes along, we seem to
open up and comunicate more, which helps us to help each other. I had a good relastionship with
my parents, but could not talk like me and my children talk. Yet i notice now the difference
between my daughter and her boys.
I realize as I come here to vent my spleen that this sad list entry actually pertains to the previous ones. Except my family gets less communicative. :(
I am very sad, in my second torrent of tears at the moment, in fact, because I got blind-sided--again--by how insensitive my family--my mother--is. You think I'd have stopped being so surprised by it by now. I used to wonder if I was switched at birth, like lots of people do, because I have feelings and they run deep while simultaneously floating very close to my surface (see: second time my face has been flooded with tears today). This is not normal or allowed, you see. Apparently, it's not just my family, but the majority of humanity that doesn't feel this way .So I stopped thinking I was accidentally swapped at the hospital, and began to entertain the whole "otherworldly beings left me here by mistake scenario. Extra-terrestial abandonment or faerie-changeling trickery seems much more palatable than that my own mom still refuses to accept who I am.
You'd think that in 3 and a half decades, she'd at least have come to terms with the fact that I am a communicative, descriptive talkative person. I experience things, I understand things, I process things by communicating with them, by communicating them to others, by articulating them. That's WHO I am.
I was relating something (after spending hours listening to her complain about her husband and her new job, mind you... yes, I talk a lot, but I also listen more than most, too). She was horrid and on the attack, clearly not wanting to try and comprehend my first attempt, so I tried describing it another way (one of the curses of being me is having 50 different ways to say something, but not knowing which might "click" with the other person until I try a few) and she just launched into me. It was terrible. I had to apologize for "being a descriptive person" and eventually had to just hang up... I hit a wall when there's yelling.
I talk ten times more than everyone else. Ok. Fine. That's not a reason to berate me and my entire sense of self. Particularly when I was only saying the second (of the possible 50 tries) thing.* You don't have to believe me that 90% of that is important (even though it is. I don't waste words. If I did, I'd talk ten times more than I already do). Tell me you're busy. Tell me you're selfish and you don't feel like hearing my side of the conversation. Lie and pretend you understood me on the first try! Don't just decide I must be destroyed because I'm trying to communicate and connect and express. Even if you think those things are wrong and I'm a fool to value them, they aren't criminal and I am not being malicious by doing them.
*According to my phone, this exchange was a total of 4 minutes 47 seconds, part of which was her reiterating her first day of the new job from an earlier conversation and at least the last minute and a half was her yelling at me for "still talking about" my thing. I'm guessing I spoke for less than 45 seconds total.
I'm sad because this 45 seconds has stopped my creative flow (I had two assignments and one piece of fun fiction in the works this afternoon, all going at once). It has ruined my day.
Ron Santo died last night. He played 3rd base for the Cubs back in the '60s and '70s. In 1990 he joined Cubs radio and has been a fixture ever since. He was snubbed by Cooperstown on more than one occasion and was not inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame while he was alive. The Cubs retired his number (#10) and it is currently flying over Wrigley.
He was a Cubs fan through and through and he will be greatly missed. It is a sad day for Chicago.