Edit: sorry, TG didn't see your vote till I posted. Now cutting it short.
Thanks Tempe for the perspective of experience. That does make sense.
The reason I thought this situation might be different is this: some representative of the band went to a lot of trouble to protect Damian's privacy in the past, that much is clear from the "discussion" tab on the DK bio page. There's also an implicit promise there that the fans are watching the page.
So, I used to be this bastion of "NO PERSONAL STUFF ON THE BOARDS!"But, here's the thing:
You aren't their bodyguards. You aren't, like, sworn to protect them. You don't work for them. There is no expectation for you to sit around, sifting through the Internets, and reporting any slight mention of anything personal. If there's something they want changed, they'll do something about it. (And remember, it's the Internet: nothing is ever actually deleted.)
I think, in our zeal to protect the "boys," we've created this monster of "don't ask, don't tell" (having nothing to do with the terrible military policy, btw), where people who have honest, innocent questions are immediately shot down and are met with threads on "appropriate behaviour." (And even the saintliest of the saintly aren't that innocent.) Look, I'm all for privacy and respect. That being said, there's a difference between being curious and respectful and being a creep. It's okay to be curious. We're all curious. We wouldn't be on these Boards talking about the band if we weren't curious. It's okay. What's not okay is to go into detail, to post names and/or addresses, trash talk, moan/whine/bitch/otherwise lament about how they're in a relationship, stalk these people, or post wedding pictures. (That last one has happened before.) Nor do I think it's appropriate to sit here and hash out two pages on, "OMG SOMEBODY MENTIONED THAT DAMIAN HAS A GIRLFRIEND SHOULD WE TELL HIM???!?!?!?" Honestly, if I got a public tweet about "Oh hey somebody posted about your gf on wiki!", I would be a little creeped out. Like, "Who are you, why do you care, and why were you looking up my personal life on Wikipedia in the first place?"
Let me tell you, we are a very respectful group. That's really cool. Many places on the Internet would be all over this like white on rice. Let it be. They're big boys. They can take care of themselves. If something gets mentioned, no big deal, because it's going to happen, but if you have to talk about it, take it off the Boards.
On an entirely unrelated note, is it me, or is it that the older Rupert Grint gets, the more he reminds me of Damian? Facial features / expressions-wise, strictly, of course. I spent all of HP7 going, "DUDE. HE GRIMACES LIKE DAMIAN. THAT'S WEIRD."
jedi_grrlie said:On an entirely unrelated note, is it me, or is it that the older Rupert Grint gets, the more he reminds me of Damian? Facial features / expressions-wise, strictly, of course. I spent all of HP7 going, "DUDE. HE GRIMACES LIKE DAMIAN. THAT'S WEIRD."
jedi_grrlie said:On an entirely unrelated note, is it me, or is it that the older Rupert Grint gets, the more he reminds me of Damian? Facial features / expressions-wise, strictly, of course. I spent all of HP7 going, "DUDE. HE GRIMACES LIKE DAMIAN. THAT'S WEIRD."
Really? I never noticed this. I had no desire to see HP7 until it's on DVD or in the $2 theatre, but now my interest is piqued a bit...Of course I could probably find stills and trailers that would suffice. :P
Oh man, I effing love you guys. We go from Damian to Rupert Grint LIKE THAT.
First of all , Krista, Gorgeous Shots from last week.
Secondly, Pemi, I didn't get your emails until this morning. These boards don't notify you when you have new messages unless you log in to get them. My sincerest apologies for not writing you back. Yes, I did have a show last night, and the night before was my day job's holiday party, so I have been away from the internet pretty much all weekend except for posting photos from said party and last minute promotion for said show.
I had forgotten all about that business with Wikipedia. Oh Internets. Whatever have I done? OK, so here's what I remember about all that; back when I had no problem being vocal and loud and all that business, one of the other grownups (Karen/Kiblet) came to me (probably because I was the only one online at the time or something) and asked me what I thought of this situation where someone was posting the name of Damian's ex on wikipedia. Karen would take it down, and they would put it back up. Karen actually had gone so far as to set up a notification system to let her know when the page had been edited, to somewhat police the page. That was when I posted the comment, because at the time I wasn't fully thinking about the amazing ability of the internet to make you way less anonymous than you think you are. ::SIGH:: So anyway, when the person persisted in making the edits, Karen emailed Trish; see these were the days of Myspace when Trish had a very public profile and we all felt comfortable sending her the occasional note. As I remember it, Trish told her not to worry about it. And that was the end of that.
As for the boards; we don't talk about the guys' personal lives on the boards BECAUSE of the wedding photo posting incident that Jedi_grrrlie mentioned. I always saw it as a matter of self-preservation; I heard what happened with the wedding photo poster, felt terrible for her, and made it a point not to make the same mistake. What jedi_grrrlie said was very valid; we all started with the best of intentions and it snowballed into DADT (hahahaha for the political reference). I still hold the same position that we shouldn't be discussing the boys' personal lives here on the boards, but the occasional mention of the fact that Dan and Andy are married and Damian and Tim (as far as I know) have girlfriends is okay as far as I can tell.
Oh, the privacy issue is back on the boards? OK. Then I'll say this here. It really doesn't bear on the topic of the thread, but this is where the discussion seems to have happened.
Thanks, DJRose. I hope you had a good show and a good weekend. I can see now how your Wikipedia post got to be on the bio discussion page, how it was just something that never got updated. For the record, it wasn't just your post that made me think this privacy issue was important to the band, it was also the "Whomever is publishing information about Damian's wife should stop" on the same page, followed by paragraph upon paragraph of rules/guidelines. Well, that and the exhortations on the board not to discuss the boys' private lives.
But when I stepped into the privacy discussion, it was really just with the purpose of clearing up something that had been misquoted (the passing reference Damian made at the concert), something that was causing confusion on the thread. To Jedi_grrrlie, I would say yeah, you're right, fans are not bodyguards. But if a fan stumbles upon something that is clearly wrong, and which appears to be a concern to the band, I don't think it's outrageous to bring that to the boards, or ask in good faith whether it is an issue.
Further, Jedi_grrrlie, I can understand that most of your frustration is with an ongoing issue of rules/no rules. But really, if you are concerned that "people who have honest, innocent questions are immediately shot down," maybe you yourself should not shoot down people who have honest, innocent questions. And yes, perhaps you did not intend do do so, but your post with "nor is it appropriate" "creeped out," and "if you have to talk about it, take it off the Boards" (plus bonus mocking in all caps) did have the effect of shooting us down.
From what I've seen, these boards are a friendly and respectful place. The seasoned boardies have done a great job in making them so, and the kindness, silliness, and general okgoness of the fans reflects the awesomeness of the band. So, ultimately, I'm agreeing with you, Jedi_grrrlie, the boards seem all the more welcoming when people can pose honest questions and not get shouted down.
And now I expect we may be back to the regularly scheduled hotness…
Edit: Ugh! Why can't I ever spell people's screen names right? Autocorrect not helping!
Derek Blasberg x Damian Kulash, Design Miami private dinner.
Dang! That boy is so skinny! It looks like you could fold him up and take him as a carry on on a plane. (Sorry, I've been needing to say that for a while.)
Alright, as the person who brought this up in the first place, I have to say something.
I'm sorry if I offended/irritated anyone.
There. There's my apology, now let me keep talking.
I brought the topic up because I was curious. Yes, I kind of like to know in a non-creepy way if my favorite frontman is in a relationship with someone. Even though we don't know them personally, I think all of us here want the boys to be happy. I like knowing if he's happy. That makes me happy. Also, I ONLY brought this up because of what I saw on the boards- the "please, respect their privacy" mentality that most of us have. I had seen from the discussion page and of old threads that we shouldn't go leaking these names of these people in their lives. (And it worked, I didn't actually know the name of his ex until the Wiki change, now if you google them together there's a ton of pictures.) I'm not a creeper or an insane fangirl, I was trying to defend the privacy of the boys. The most wonderful thing about this place is that we're all totally respectful and nice about these things and show amazing restraint when it comes to gossip, and I want to keep it that way.
Look, jedi_grrrlie, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it here. But my thought process in posting was "hey, these people actually care and I can tell everyone without clogging up tumblrs and facebooks and whatnot, because these boards are a place for that." Notice I didn't post any names or links to the mentioned posts. I also didn't write addresses, whine/bitch/lament, or otherwise stalk the two. I mean, I wasn't doing searches for "Damian Kulash + Girlfriend" or stuff like that because I don't do that sort of thing. It just happened to innocently pop up on my Tumblr feed and I took notice. I was doing my best to be respectful with this whole situation. I realize that we're not bodyguards or the "internet police" (cheers if you get that) but I felt that since this kind of situation was dealt with the first time (mostly on the wiki) I thought that the best people to take care of it was the people who did it then.
And yes, I've been known to enforce the rules a little bit. But only for YELLING (!!!) and general board etiquette. And I think that it's perfectly fine to be discussing this in (moderate) length because everyone has an opinion and that's great. It's when it keeps going on and on that it gets to be a problem, and I'm thinking that my post will be the last. Heck, I'm actually liking the opportunity to type a long post only because it makes me feel like I've accomplished something.
But if a fan stumbles upon something that is clearly wrong, and which appears to be a concern to the band, I don't think it's outrageous to bring that to the boards, or ask in good faith whether it is an issue.
Thank you, PemiBlue, for saying this. I think it sums up my thoughts well. This started out as a little inquiry that never meant to get bigger than the whole Dan married, Andy married thing mentioned in passing. I don't want to accuse anyone of anything or defend my position anymore than it needs to, but it was an innocent question that I knew would be answered nicely and effectively by you guys. And for the most part, it has. Thank you.
I think the reason we don't get into things like this is because it has a strange way of snowballing like this. I'm not one to stay on topic, I'm a well known rambler, but I have to say let's get back to the point of this thread, everyone.
So, this kind of makes me seem like somewhat of a creeper for searching for this, but I was just curious and I went to google and searched Damian Kulash Girlfriend and the very first picture that popped up in images was of Damian and Rachel, hahahaha And I just had to share that
I was looking up 'paisley patterns' and thought, hey, I'll look up "OK Go paisley" and see what happens, and this pops up! This picture, of which, amusingly, has no paisley in it.
*is dead*
edit - Oh, the pic got squished. Still cute, though. =D
Derek Blasberg x Damian Kulash, Design Miami private dinner.
I have socks like that. Except, mine are about to go to the great sock drawer in the sky.
I love Damian's socks. I always wear goofy socks.
And I'm posting more SOCK LOVE... yellow with all black... Tim's not the only one who can do yellow.
(And it's one with a caption of mine, but I didn't have the original posted anywhere to link to, so, you'll have to deal with it!)
Every time I see that photo, my first thought isn't your explanation, nor another caption. It's "Why is she straddling his foot?" Sorry, too much information, probably. But it is what I think each time...
jedi_grrlie said:On an entirely unrelated note, is it me, or is it that the older Rupert Grint gets, the more he reminds me of Damian? Facial features / expressions-wise, strictly, of course. I spent all of HP7 going, "DUDE. HE GRIMACES LIKE DAMIAN. THAT'S WEIRD."
Really? I never noticed this. I had no desire to see HP7 until it's on DVD or in the $2 theatre, but now my interest is piqued a bit...Of course I could probably find stills and trailers that would suffice. :P
Um, yeah, I really don't see it. Gives me a good reason to go see the movie again, tho... research!
Edit: sorry, TG didn't see your vote till I posted. Now cutting it short.
Thanks Tempe for the perspective of experience. That does make sense.
The reason I thought this situation might be different is this: some representative of the band went to a lot of trouble to protect Damian's privacy in the past, that much is clear from the "discussion" tab on the DK bio page. There's also an implicit promise there that the fans are watching the page.
But that was the past. And a lot can change.
So, I used to be this bastion of "NO PERSONAL STUFF ON THE BOARDS!"But, here's the thing:
You aren't their bodyguards. You aren't, like, sworn to protect them. You don't work for them. There is no expectation for you to sit around, sifting through the Internets, and reporting any slight mention of anything personal. If there's something they want changed, they'll do something about it. (And remember, it's the Internet: nothing is ever actually deleted.)
I think, in our zeal to protect the "boys," we've created this monster of "don't ask, don't tell" (having nothing to do with the terrible military policy, btw), where people who have honest, innocent questions are immediately shot down and are met with threads on "appropriate behaviour." (And even the saintliest of the saintly aren't that innocent.) Look, I'm all for privacy and respect. That being said, there's a difference between being curious and respectful and being a creep. It's okay to be curious. We're all curious. We wouldn't be on these Boards talking about the band if we weren't curious. It's okay. What's not okay is to go into detail, to post names and/or addresses, trash talk, moan/whine/bitch/otherwise lament about how they're in a relationship, stalk these people, or post wedding pictures. (That last one has happened before.) Nor do I think it's appropriate to sit here and hash out two pages on, "OMG SOMEBODY MENTIONED THAT DAMIAN HAS A GIRLFRIEND SHOULD WE TELL HIM???!?!?!?" Honestly, if I got a public tweet about "Oh hey somebody posted about your gf on wiki!", I would be a little creeped out. Like, "Who are you, why do you care, and why were you looking up my personal life on Wikipedia in the first place?"
Let me tell you, we are a very respectful group. That's really cool. Many places on the Internet would be all over this like white on rice. Let it be. They're big boys. They can take care of themselves. If something gets mentioned, no big deal, because it's going to happen, but if you have to talk about it, take it off the Boards.
It's just you.
I wonder if they're the same height, though.
Really? I never noticed this. I had no desire to see HP7 until it's on DVD or in the $2 theatre, but now my interest is piqued a bit...Of course I could probably find stills and trailers that would suffice. :P
See but Rupert Grint has that odd neck that makes his head look tiny. Damian doesn't. His neck is quite nice. And his head is not small.
Oh man, I effing love you guys. We go from Damian to Rupert Grint LIKE THAT.
First of all , Krista, Gorgeous Shots from last week.
Secondly, Pemi, I didn't get your emails until this morning. These boards don't notify you when you have new messages unless you log in to get them. My sincerest apologies for not writing you back. Yes, I did have a show last night, and the night before was my day job's holiday party, so I have been away from the internet pretty much all weekend except for posting photos from said party and last minute promotion for said show.
I had forgotten all about that business with Wikipedia. Oh Internets. Whatever have I done? OK, so here's what I remember about all that; back when I had no problem being vocal and loud and all that business, one of the other grownups (Karen/Kiblet) came to me (probably because I was the only one online at the time or something) and asked me what I thought of this situation where someone was posting the name of Damian's ex on wikipedia. Karen would take it down, and they would put it back up. Karen actually had gone so far as to set up a notification system to let her know when the page had been edited, to somewhat police the page. That was when I posted the comment, because at the time I wasn't fully thinking about the amazing ability of the internet to make you way less anonymous than you think you are. ::SIGH:: So anyway, when the person persisted in making the edits, Karen emailed Trish; see these were the days of Myspace when Trish had a very public profile and we all felt comfortable sending her the occasional note. As I remember it, Trish told her not to worry about it. And that was the end of that.
As for the boards; we don't talk about the guys' personal lives on the boards BECAUSE of the wedding photo posting incident that Jedi_grrrlie mentioned. I always saw it as a matter of self-preservation; I heard what happened with the wedding photo poster, felt terrible for her, and made it a point not to make the same mistake. What jedi_grrrlie said was very valid; we all started with the best of intentions and it snowballed into DADT (hahahaha for the political reference). I still hold the same position that we shouldn't be discussing the boys' personal lives here on the boards, but the occasional mention of the fact that Dan and Andy are married and Damian and Tim (as far as I know) have girlfriends is okay as far as I can tell.
Oh, the privacy issue is back on the boards? OK. Then I'll say this here. It really doesn't bear on the topic of the thread, but this is where the discussion seems to have happened.
Thanks, DJRose. I hope you had a good show and a good weekend. I can see now how your Wikipedia post got to be on the bio discussion page, how it was just something that never got updated. For the record, it wasn't just your post that made me think this privacy issue was important to the band, it was also the "Whomever is publishing information about Damian's wife should stop" on the same page, followed by paragraph upon paragraph of rules/guidelines. Well, that and the exhortations on the board not to discuss the boys' private lives.
But when I stepped into the privacy discussion, it was really just with the purpose of clearing up something that had been misquoted (the passing reference Damian made at the concert), something that was causing confusion on the thread. To Jedi_grrrlie, I would say yeah, you're right, fans are not bodyguards. But if a fan stumbles upon something that is clearly wrong, and which appears to be a concern to the band, I don't think it's outrageous to bring that to the boards, or ask in good faith whether it is an issue.
Further, Jedi_grrrlie, I can understand that most of your frustration is with an ongoing issue of rules/no rules. But really, if you are concerned that "people who have honest, innocent questions are immediately shot down," maybe you yourself should not shoot down people who have honest, innocent questions. And yes, perhaps you did not intend do do so, but your post with "nor is it appropriate" "creeped out," and "if you have to talk about it, take it off the Boards" (plus bonus mocking in all caps) did have the effect of shooting us down.
From what I've seen, these boards are a friendly and respectful place. The seasoned boardies have done a great job in making them so, and the kindness, silliness, and general okgoness of the fans reflects the awesomeness of the band. So, ultimately, I'm agreeing with you, Jedi_grrrlie, the boards seem all the more welcoming when people can pose honest questions and not get shouted down.
And now I expect we may be back to the regularly scheduled hotness…
Edit: Ugh! Why can't I ever spell people's screen names right? Autocorrect not helping!
Parade = Awesomeness
Tried to post some thread-relevant screen shots, no luck.
But the whole parade video could be seen as thread-relevant, so perhaps that'll do for now.
His socks are too epic for me not to share this
Derek Blasberg x Damian Kulash, Design Miami private dinner.
Dang! That boy is so skinny! It looks like you could fold him up and take him as a carry on on a plane. (Sorry, I've been needing to say that for a while.
Alright, as the person who brought this up in the first place, I have to say something.
I'm sorry if I offended/irritated anyone.
There. There's my apology, now let me keep talking.
I brought the topic up because I was curious. Yes, I kind of like to know in a non-creepy way if my favorite frontman is in a relationship with someone. Even though we don't know them personally, I think all of us here want the boys to be happy. I like knowing if he's happy. That makes me happy. Also, I ONLY brought this up because of what I saw on the boards- the "please, respect their privacy" mentality that most of us have. I had seen from the discussion page and of old threads that we shouldn't go leaking these names of these people in their lives. (And it worked, I didn't actually know the name of his ex until the Wiki change, now if you google them together there's a ton of pictures.) I'm not a creeper or an insane fangirl, I was trying to defend the privacy of the boys. The most wonderful thing about this place is that we're all totally respectful and nice about these things and show amazing restraint when it comes to gossip, and I want to keep it that way.
Look, jedi_grrrlie, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it here. But my thought process in posting was "hey, these people actually care and I can tell everyone without clogging up tumblrs and facebooks and whatnot, because these boards are a place for that." Notice I didn't post any names or links to the mentioned posts. I also didn't write addresses, whine/bitch/lament, or otherwise stalk the two. I mean, I wasn't doing searches for "Damian Kulash + Girlfriend" or stuff like that because I don't do that sort of thing. It just happened to innocently pop up on my Tumblr feed and I took notice. I was doing my best to be respectful with this whole situation. I realize that we're not bodyguards or the "internet police" (cheers if you get that) but I felt that since this kind of situation was dealt with the first time (mostly on the wiki) I thought that the best people to take care of it was the people who did it then.
And yes, I've been known to enforce the rules a little bit. But only for YELLING (!!!) and general board etiquette. And I think that it's perfectly fine to be discussing this in (moderate) length because everyone has an opinion and that's great. It's when it keeps going on and on that it gets to be a problem, and I'm thinking that my post will be the last. Heck, I'm actually liking the opportunity to type a long post only because it makes me feel like I've accomplished something.
Thank you, PemiBlue, for saying this. I think it sums up my thoughts well. This started out as a little inquiry that never meant to get bigger than the whole Dan married, Andy married thing mentioned in passing. I don't want to accuse anyone of anything or defend my position anymore than it needs to, but it was an innocent question that I knew would be answered nicely and effectively by you guys. And for the most part, it has. Thank you.
/end rant/
Holy freaking crap -
I was looking up 'paisley patterns' and thought, hey, I'll look up "OK Go paisley" and see what happens, and this pops up! This picture, of which, amusingly, has no paisley in it.
*is dead*
edit - Oh, the pic got squished. Still cute, though. =DI have socks like that.
Except, mine are about to go to the great sock drawer in the sky. 
I love Damian's socks. I always wear goofy socks.
And I'm posting more SOCK LOVE... yellow with all black... Tim's not the only one who can do yellow.
(And it's one with a caption of mine, but I didn't have the original posted anywhere to link to, so, you'll have to deal with it!)
Every time I see that photo, my first thought isn't your explanation, nor another caption. It's "Why is she straddling his foot?" Sorry, too much information, probably. But it is what I think each time...
Um, yeah, I really don't see it.
Gives me a good reason to go see the movie again, tho... research!