QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jul 3 2008, 05:02 PM) Haha, I had a dream yesterday that Ok Go made the news: the announcement of the title of their third album. In the dream Tim was wandering around inside a plane, smiling smuggly at the news crew. Damian a…
QUOTE (Electra @ Jul 7 2007, 02:12 PM) ^^ that would be mine, lol
It's from a conversation with him after a show in February. He was telling me (and some others, probably, I didn't take much notice of other people lol) about how he worked in a gay…
I saw this
"Being a straight boy in a gay bar is so much fun -
All the girls are like "Ooo i bet I can turn you"
And you just go "oh, i bet you can't, sweety!" *acts camp* - Damian Kulash"
in someone's profile, but I don't know what it's from. Can…
My sister wants me to download one of Hinder's songs for her, and I said I wouldn't and sent her the link to the article. The real reason, though, is that I'm lazy.
I'm not really upset, but I'm really wowed by their lack of a sense of humor. I mean, it's not like Ok Go did the treadmill dance and now they refer to their music as their art and stand with their noses upturned.
That took an unecessarily long tim…