In this Discussion

Random Stuff



  • that man has got it going on. im rockin the 'stache, well thats not exactly true, i just havent shaved in a while, right now im rocking the "mollestache" not evactly desireable, especially when coupled with "chubes"
  • Perhaps with some work, young grasshopper, you can achieve the greatness of Mr. Moustache. [I decided that's his name; he's totally my new mascot.]
  • I'm calling him Mr. stache... just personal prefrence
  • you two should arm wrestle for the rights to name him!
  • I'm weak... you win.
  • way to give up, that would never happen to bronson arroyo, i chose baseball player bronson arroyo because he seemed random.
  • bronson arroyo told me I should give up... he knows I have no chance.
  • Psh. You've never arm wrestled against me. I've lost to 11 year-old girls.

    It would be funnier if I wasn't lying.

    Granted, she was a pretty burly 11 year-old.
  • what! bronson arroyo would never say give up, he had corn rows! corn rows damn it! and hes blonde, and he had corn rows!
  • are you talking about bronson arroyo the crazy homeless person in the subway?
  • no i mean the baseball player, i dont like baseball.
  • ya baseball sucks... sorry.
  • bronson arroyo should find you and cry at you alot.
  • I'll call him later
  • you probably should, hes verry angry with you
  • maybe I shouldn't call him then ....
  • you so should, he needs to vent.
  • I googled him and this is the picture that came up.
    I think this dude has other things to vent about.
  • I am related to Black Bart. His real name is Charles E. Boles and he is my great great great Uncle. I am proud to be his descendant because he robbed Wells Fargo stage coaches wearing a flowered apron and a paper bag over his head. And he never shot anyone in the process of his 60 something robberies. Now at least I know where I get it.
  • I have new hobo gloves. I don't care how warm the school may be today, I'm wearin' them anyway.

    Yay gloves. They keep my hands company.
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