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  • That's so mean!! When are the classes over?
  • hahaha! Yes my school is mean. Actually no. I just had an exam on the last day of the exam schedule and I took summer courses. I will have a minimum amount of fun this summer. Classes end in August I think. And restart in September. Barf.
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 30 2006, 03:17 PM)
    So you promise sushi isn't as weird as people say?

    Start with California rolls and you'll be fine. Oh yeah, and those potatoes with marshmellows are called sweet potatoes, and they're orange.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Apr 30 2006, 12:51 PM)
    I'm getting sick. My throat hurts... Today is my last day of "summer vacation", I just figured out that my summer classes start tommorow. I wasted my whole vacation. It felt just like a weekend, maybe because it was just a weekend...

    I'm listening to this mixed zip thingi that this other board is doing... we should do one too. Someone just makes a mixed zip with like 10 songs each week or month or whatever, and everyone can listen to it if they want.

    sad.gif I don't feel good.

    Aww, you poor baby *Virtual Hug*
    What's wrong with schools in Canada? They sound so hardcore.
    Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'll be sure to mention you a lot in roachie's blog on OORB's myspace.

    QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Apr 30 2006, 12:15 PM)
    You ARE food challenged. You're missing out on some good stuff there. Sushi is the awesome. Also, I'm happy that you call them "subs," because here in MA they're called "grinders," which is basically the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    I could never understand when those sandwiches are called "heros"
    Ooo, could we invent an Ok Go sandwich? What would be in it?
  • thanks. laugh.gif

    hey you made the my space already?
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 30 2006, 03:17 PM)
    So you promise sushi isn't as weird as people say?

    No, it's not. Let's put it this way- I HATE fish, but I love sushi. Actually, I only really love tuna sushi...I won't really eat any other kind of sushi- well, like, lobster and crab stuff I'll eat. But that's just me. Take Karleigh's advice- start with California rolls and work your way up.

    QUOTE (agentnumone @ Apr 30 2006, 03:51 PM)
    I'm listening to this mixed zip thingi that this other board is doing... we should do one too. Someone just makes a mixed zip with like 10 songs each week or month or whatever, and everyone can listen to it if they want.

    sad.gif I don't feel good.

    That's actually a cool idea. I'm part of the audiochallenge comm. over at LJ, which is pretty nifty. The mods declare a new theme every week, and people submit mixes of 6 songs or more. It's pretty awesome. I've gotten some new stuff from The Gossip and a few MCS songs- none of which I've listened to, mind you, because all the electronic thingers that I have hate me. I think that would good for this board, as long as Mr. Mr. Mr. Jorge, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore, Whom I Adore doesn't mind us passing around files a bunch, hee hee.
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Apr 30 2006, 03:15 PM)
    You ARE food challenged. You're missing out on some good stuff there. Sushi is the awesome. Also, I'm happy that you call them "subs," because here in MA they're called "grinders," which is basically the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    We call them subs down here. However, I have heard them called hoagies (sp?) a few times.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Apr 30 2006, 01:36 PM)
    thanks. laugh.gif

    hey you made the my space already?

    Nope, we're still taking ideas over at the roach broach thread. You're ideas are always nifty! We're almost ready to put up the space. Oknow and I just need to come up with a password and nifty background. But I'm gonna write a blog to describe my progress making a living roach broach and the adventures we have getting roachie ready. It'll be part fiction, part real. You guys are gonna enjoy it, me thinks.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 30 2006, 04:40 PM)
    We call them subs down here. However, I have heard them called hoagies (sp?) a few times.

    Yeah, I've heard hoagies before, too. That's what my middle school used to call them, and that's so un-Jersey. tongue.gif But, yeah, they're subs, and I can handle "hoagies," but "grinders"? Come on, wtf is a grinder?

    Also, sorry for losing the phone connection before, that happens when I go in the basement of the Campus Center...
  • Discovery of the week: ghost movies are no longer scary if you watch them with a group of laughing friends
    (read: 13 ghosts is one of the funniest ghost movies of all time as long as you have people who sit there and laugh every time a new ghost appears)
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Apr 30 2006, 04:46 PM)
    Discovery of the week: ghost movies are no longer scary if you watch them with a group of laughing friends
    (read: 13 ghosts is one of the funniest ghost movies of all time as long as you have people who sit there and laugh every time a new ghost appears)

    Scary movies frequently become hilarious when watched with lots of people.
  • However, there is an exception: the ring. I saw it with a date who was laughing the whole time, but I was still scared out of my mind.
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Apr 30 2006, 08:51 PM)
    Scary movies frequently become hilarious when watched with lots of people.

    mhm. I generally hate scary movies (as I am a pussy) and my friends had to convince me to camp out in their hotel room to watch 13 Ghosts and (later) Ghost Hunters.

    We just sat there laughing as the people were chased down by ghosts. Sure, 'twas a tad sadistic, but I can't take anything seriously when the ghosts look like things out of my stage makeup book. I recommed the movie to all.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 30 2006, 04:59 PM)
    However, there is an exception: the ring. I saw it with a date who was laughing the whole time, but I was still scared out of my mind.

    I really don't get all that scared at scary movies, but I think The Ring has been the only one that actually truly frightened me. I remember having to hide my face in Rob's (the evil ex) arms when she comes crawling out of the TV towards the end, I was so scared.

    Too bad The Ring 2 sucked big time.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ Apr 30 2006, 01:59 PM)
    However, there is an exception: the ring. I saw it with a date who was laughing the whole time, but I was still scared out of my mind.

    I hear the japanese version of the ring, which is what the american movie is based on, is even more scary. My friend gave it to me, but says I can't watch it without her and that it must be daytime.
  • I am freaked easily. I hate scary movies.
    The Ring terrified me, but my favourite scary movie is Final destination. I never saw the third one but the 1st one was awesome... and 2nd was ok.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Apr 30 2006, 05:07 PM)
    I am freaked easily. I hate scary movies.
    The Ring terrified me, but my favourite scary movie is Final destination. I never saw the third one but the 1st one was awesome... and 2nd was ok.

  • I can't begin watching scary movies alone because then I feel the insane urge to watch them all the way through to the end... and that usually leaves me a blubbering mass.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Apr 30 2006, 02:15 PM)
    I can't begin watching scary movies alone because then I feel the insane urge to watch them all the way through to the end... and that usually leaves me a blubbering mass.

    Exactly! Like right now I am watching "Scary Movie" because there is nothing else on and I'm having that same stupid insane urge to watch it all the way thru. Also, I've never seen it b4 so my curiosity is getting the better of me.
  • You know what scary movie was really funny? Cabin Fever. At the end of the movie, my friends and I couldn't figure out if it was supposed to be funny or scary.... blink.gif

    Reign of Fire with Christian Bale is the one movie that scares me, truly scares me. Everytime I watch it, I have nightmares that dragons are outside my window and about to eat me.
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