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  • I love the movie "its a wonderful life" best christmas movie ever.
  • Movies don't create psychos! They make psychos more creative!!! wacko.gif blink.gif
  • psycho = Jack Nicholson in The Shining. I still refuse to watch this. How is it that all of the older films are still scary as hell? Like "It??" Oh I cannot watch that. Clowns are the scariest things ever.
  • QUOTE (oknow @ Apr 30 2006, 04:36 PM)
    psycho = Jack Nicholson in The Shining. I still refuse to watch this. How is it that all of the older films are still scary as hell? Like "It??" Oh I cannot watch that. Clowns are the scariest things ever.

    I seconed the clowns opinion. I hate them. -shivers- sad.gif
  • QUOTE (oknow @ Apr 30 2006, 11:36 PM)
    Clowns are the scariest things ever.

    I've always hated people in masks (like clowns). I used to cry every time we passed the mall around Easter or Xmas because I was terrified of the Easter bunny and Santa respectively. I knew they weren't real and, since I couldn't tell who they really were, I would completely lose it. So, around those times, my parents would pack lollipops in the car to distract me whenever we passed by the mall. It worked. I'm amused by candy.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Apr 30 2006, 05:55 PM)
    I've always hated people in masks (like clowns). I used to cry every time we passed the mall around Easter or Xmas because I was terrified of the Easter bunny and Santa respectively. I knew they weren't real and, since I couldn't tell who they really were, I would completely lose it. So, around those times, my parents would pack lollipops in the car to distract me whenever we passed by the mall. It worked. I'm amused by candy.

    Candy, how cute. Oh and clowns are quite evil. They need to be carefully monitored less they take over the world.
    I'm afraid to even go to Disney world because people in giant costumes freak me out. In downtown Tempe, there was a Grinch walking around during Christmas. I hurried my girlfriends past it because I was terrified. It seemed to know I was terrified because then it began to follow us down the street!!!! No!!! The Grinch is following us! My girlfriends were in high heels but I forced them to make a mad dash for the underground parking, and back to our car to safety
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Apr 30 2006, 05:55 PM)
    I've always hated people in masks (like clowns). I used to cry every time we passed the mall around Easter or Xmas because I was terrified of the Easter bunny and Santa respectively. I knew they weren't real and, since I couldn't tell who they really were, I would completely lose it. So, around those times, my parents would pack lollipops in the car to distract me whenever we passed by the mall. It worked. I'm amused by candy.


    Thats funny. Whenever I see a mall Santa or the Easter bunny i see children. When I see children I get angry. And then I turn green and rip my shi... oh wait thats the hulk. Lol. Well anyways I hate the seasonal characters because there are always children around and I hate/fear small children.
  • Whats with you people and the hate for the art form which is the clown. They have to make money too.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Apr 30 2006, 06:11 PM)
    Whats with you people and the hate for the art form which is the clown. They have to make money too.

    Lol!!!!! I really hope you don't happen to know any clowns, agent.
  • hahaha no I don't personally know any clowns... but I feel for all human beings.... lol not saying that you guys don't
  • The only clown I really hate is that ass from Air Bud who's mean to the dog all the time.
  • All clowns are asses
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Apr 30 2006, 06:18 PM)
    hahaha no I don't personally know any clowns... but I feel for all human beings.... lol not saying that you guys don't

    I have nothing against the people who are clowns. Just clowns. Does that make sense? I fear the suit/makeup/shoes, not the person in the suit/makeup/shoes.
  • I can't believe you were scared of the Grinch. He was so nice in the end. He even shared his roast beast!
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 30 2006, 06:21 PM)
    I can't believe you were scared of the Grinch. He was so nice in the end. He even shared his roast beast!

    Lol! No!!! NO giant green costumed men can ever go near me!
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 30 2006, 09:20 PM)
    All clowns are asses

    hahaha you know clowns?
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 30 2006, 06:22 PM)
    Lol! No!!! NO giant green costumed men can ever go near me!

    Lol. Thats great!!! Im sorry the Grinch stalked you. He might have just wanted to give you a hug. wink.gif
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 30 2006, 09:22 PM)
    Lol! No!!! NO giant green costumed men can ever go near me!

    Oh, but you're just fiiine with men eating dinner in ape suits.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Apr 30 2006, 06:23 PM)
    hahaha you know clowns?

    I know I hate clowns. Something about that make-up and hair makes me want to punch them in the face.

    QUOTE (lightamatch4me @ Apr 30 2006, 06:24 PM)
    Lol. Thats great!!! Im sorry the Grinch stalked you. He might have just wanted to give you a hug. wink.gif

    Nooooo! No hugs from giant green men in costumes!

    QUOTE (mixtape @ Apr 30 2006, 06:29 PM)
    Oh, but you're just fiiine with men eating dinner in ape suits.

    Lol!!! Don't think I wasn't scared shitless. I was sure he was joking and would soon take off that stupid costume. But no. I sat very far away from him and barely looked at him. Yet, somehow, he thought he was doing great.
  • Nobody's talking and it's weirding me out.
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