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Random Stuff



  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ May 3 2006, 02:50 AM)
    I proposed living in another house for my senior year of college, and my roomie got SO PISSED AT ME. So pissed. I got dirty looks all night. It made me feel upset yet loved at the same time.

    I know! You feel kind of jerkish on one hand, but on the other hand, it feels so nice to be considered a part of someone's life that, with your absence, they'll miss you.
  • No one did that for me when I decided to live in a single, but I really don't care because now I get to arrange my room by myself.

    I hate fish. Everything but tuna. And sushi. But mainly all I like is tuna sushi, though if I'm at a reallyl good sushi place, I'll usually give most things a go. But tilapia, ew.

    Thankfully, the Kosher line is serving lamb curry. Mmm. Curry.
  • Having one-leg fights during Stats is far too entertaining.

    In a completely unrelated note: today I found out that I'm somewhat proficient at Halo 2. Go figure. Having a younger brother who had me play video games with him payed off after all. I still can kick major ass at StarFox. Hell yeah.
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ May 3 2006, 05:14 PM)

    I hate fish. Everything but tuna. And sushi. But mainly all I like is tuna sushi, though if I'm at a reallyl good sushi place, I'll usually give most things a go. But tilapia, ew.

    Thankfully, the Kosher line is serving lamb curry. Mmm. Curry.

    It's only flipping 5:14! How can you be eating dinner????
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ May 3 2006, 05:54 PM)
    It's only flipping 5:14! How can you be eating dinner????

    Dinner starts at 5:30. I wasn't eating it when I wrote that.
  • That's so early. I would probably barf if I ate that soon after lunch.
  • Man I'm so sick I'm crying...

    Not because I'm sad

    Randomly I'll just tear up and only with my left eye a single tear would roll down my cheek.

    It happened during class, It happened on the subway... others must of thought I was so sad and then I'd just start cracking up....

    Also to add to the strangenes... today I wore plaid... Blue plaid... and all of my siblings are making fun of me...
  • Ouch.

    Curse you, YouSendIt, why do you take so long? Why do you dislike me so?
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ May 3 2006, 06:56 PM)
    Man I'm so sick I'm crying...

    Not because I'm sad

    Randomly I'll just tear up and only with my left eye a single tear would roll down my cheek.

    It happened during class, It happened on the subway... others must of thought I was so sad and then I'd just start cracking up....

    Also to add to the strangenes... today I wore plaid... Blue plaid... and all of my siblings are making fun of me...

    Wow, that's very poetic.
    Have you got allergies or are you just a sad birthday clown?
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ May 3 2006, 08:56 PM)
    Randomly I'll just tear up and only with my left eye a single tear would roll down my cheek.

    It happened during class, It happened on the subway... others must of thought I was so sad and then I'd just start cracking up....

    haha... sorry you're so sick... but i can somewhat related to the random tearing... smoke bothers my eyes something awful, so anytime i stand front row at a concert and they have a smoke machine, or i'm just surrounded by a lot of smokers, i start tearing up, the bands must think i'm nuts...
  • UGGHH, I have something like that. It's so annoying. See, according to my mom, I have like superactive tear ducts that produce a lot of moisture, so every single time I yawn, it looks like I'm bawling.
  • QUOTE (darbie_starpower @ May 3 2006, 10:19 PM)
    haha... sorry you're so sick... but i can somewhat related to the random tearing... smoke bothers my eyes something awful, so anytime i stand front row at a concert and they have a smoke machine, or i'm just surrounded by a lot of smokers, i start tearing up, the bands must think i'm nuts...

    hahaha the same thing happens to me! Damn Smoke! Damn Cold! But never during a concert. The band is probably is so moved by your showing of emotion. lol

    Wow, that's very poetic.
    Have you got allergies or are you just a sad birthday clown?

    you know what? it may be a mixture of allergies and a flu... I honestly have no idea... I just want it gone now.
  • Why am I on the Internet again?

    Also, "Boule de suif" = DEPRESSING.
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ May 3 2006, 08:45 PM)
    "Boule de suif" = DEPRESSING.

    It takes all those words just to say "depressing"?
  • Um. Eating like fifteen twizzlers before getting ready for bed is not a good idea, kids.
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ May 3 2006, 09:05 PM)
    Um. Eating like fifteen twizzlers before getting ready for bed is not a good idea, kids.

    Weeee, better than caffeine I say!

    (wow, this weeks episode of "Lost" blew me away!)
  • I KNOW OMG!!!!!

    Okay, so since they show it two hours early in Canada, they never show what's going to happen next week so you gotta tell me what happened in the previews at the end!!
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ May 3 2006, 09:13 PM)
    I KNOW OMG!!!!!

    Okay, so since they show it two hours early in Canada, they never show what's going to happen next week so you gotta tell me what happened in the previews at the end!!

    The theme of the preview was this: They're future lies in one man's hands (and by that they mean a freaked out looking Michael). Mostly they showed cast members looking worried. Kate says to someone (probably doctor man), "she's dead." Hurley looks worried. Locke is angry, and tells doctor they need to talk. Anna Lucia is lying down, someone puts a hand over her chest as if she's dead. Mr. Echo falls off from a tree down what appears to be a cliff or ravine. It seems as if someone has pushed him. Very mysterious, just leading to a lot more confusion than answers, which is typical of a "Lost" preview.

    (lol, doctor's name is not coming to me at the moment!)
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ May 3 2006, 11:22 PM)
    (lol, doctor's name is not coming to me at the moment!)

    psst, it's jack...
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