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Random Stuff



  • I like french bread.
    We're reading a french book, but it's not in french. It is a weird book.
  • I've been packing all day. My room is practically empty. It makes me sad. I've already realized that I packed my stapler and cell phone charger. I'm scared to find what else I packed that I need. Also, my feet are black from wearing my black flip flops all day.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ May 3 2006, 10:51 PM)
    I've been packing all day. My room is practically empty. It makes me sad. I've already realized that I packed my stapler and cell phone charger. I'm scared to find what else I packed that I need. Also, my feet are black from wearing my black flip flops all day.

    *Sniff* Just hearing about it makes me sad.
    Ah, but at least you'll be home.

    Nitey nite y'all
  • Night, I'm going to bed, too.
  • has anyone tried ice cream skittles? skittles were SOOO good...these are just nasty (in my opinion)
  • cooool!!! ice cream Skittles?!!! where did you get those at?
    do they just taste like cream or have cream mixed in or something?
  • i got them at ralphs (local grocery store): image

    the flavors sound great: Caramel Ripple, Chocolate, Vanilla, Orange Vanilla Swirl and Strawberry
    and the colors are really pretty too
    but the taste wasn't great.

    that being said, i'd probably eat them again if i was offered some
  • Forming complete sentences at 7:27 in the morning is SO much harder than I thought.
  • I want julian's shoes.

    strokes rocked conan last night.
  • daaaarrrnnn!! i completely forgot to watch conan last night. stupid writeup for my chem lab made me forget. owell. hopefully someone will upload it to youtube soon.

    if you ever wanna pull an allnighter, i suggest eating dark chocolate covered espresso beans. the only downside is that itty bitty pieces of coffee beans get stuck in your teeth. but mmm....soo good.
  • QUOTE (e 5170a @ May 4 2006, 05:29 AM)
    i got them at ralphs (local grocery store): image

    the flavors sound great: Caramel Ripple, Chocolate, Vanilla, Orange Vanilla Swirl and Strawberry
    and the colors are really pretty too
    but the taste wasn't great.

    that being said, i'd probably eat them again if i was offered some

    Oh man, I miss Ralph's. That's where my g-ma shops, and also Gelson's sometimes. California has some kick ass grocery stores.
  • QUOTE (HelloLover86 @ May 4 2006, 07:18 AM)
    Oh man, I miss Ralph's. That's where my g-ma shops, and also Gelson's sometimes. California has some kick ass grocery stores.

    where in CA did you used to live (or your grandma...)?
  • I lived in the San Fernando Valley, and my gma lives in West Toluca Lake.
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ May 4 2006, 07:56 AM)
    strokes rocked conan last night.

    yes they did, glad to see jules got a hair cut...

    QUOTE (e 5170a @ May 4 2006, 09:17 AM)
    daaaarrrnnn!! i completely forgot to watch conan last night. stupid writeup for my chem lab made me forget. owell. hopefully someone will upload it to youtube soon.
  • his dances amuse me to the nth degree.
    I thought he looked stoned out of his mind.
    And honestly, I adore his sneakers.
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ May 4 2006, 12:34 AM)
    Yes, this same friend hated Anna Lucia just like you. When I saw Michael shoot her, it was wow! My jaw just dropped. What a turn! Everytime she'd show up on the screen, my friend would say, "die already! why doesn't somebody just kill you!" I dialed the phone right away even though it's 3 hours later by her and just had to tell her. She already saw it of course, but I just couldn't believe it!

    I did the exact same thing, I especially hated when they had her flashback episodes. I also did that with Shannon and Kate, so two out of three dying so far is pretty swell.
  • P.S. My friend's pretty solid theory: "michael struck some sort of deal with the others to get walt back. they want ana lucia dead because she killed goodwin, so they tell michael if he does the deed, he'll get his kid back. this also explains the horrified look on his face after he shoots libby, seemingly accidentally."
  • I'm eating at the computer in the library... which is against the rules... I feel like a rebel.

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