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Random Stuff



  • i didnt, the whole world changed i stayed the same
  • QUOTE (The King of Kings @ May 31 2006, 11:29 AM)
    i didnt, the whole world changed i stayed the same

    But why pandy why? I'm worriedly confuzzled (so much so that I'm making up dumb words)
  • im on a diffrent computer then normall

    and rather then goign down the easy whoreish route of just loging in on my normall acount

    i thought i would create a new one from scratch

    so when ever im not on my own computer i am the king of kings baby
  • In that case, I'm doing a virtual bow and curtsey in you presense. Your Majesty!

    (And we're practicing giving each other the laughing gas this afternoon at school. I'll save you some wink.gif )
  • i just hope no one else watchs wrestling here and realizes how much im stealing..
  • So is King of Kings, head full of crazy's evil twin wrestler cousin?
  • how i wish..
  • I'm scared to give laughing gas. But I'm also scared to get laughing gas. I'm afraid I'll go crazy, let go of my subconscious thoughts, and suddenly shout out "King of Kings you're my wrestling hero!"
  • I cut myself by accident 2 times in 2 days... both while cutting bread... I'm obviously very carefull
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ May 31 2006, 12:57 PM)
    I cut myself by accident 2 times in 2 days... both while cutting bread... I'm obviously very carefull

    Oh no, poor little agent! I hope Felster stitched you up. unsure.gif
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ May 31 2006, 03:57 PM)
    I cut myself by accident 2 times in 2 days... both while cutting bread... I'm obviously very carefull

    Reading Chart's MSTRKRFT feature should make you feel better!
  • hahaha thanks to you both!

    and reading that mstrkrft thing did make me feel better!

    JFK saying death from above 1979 was like a side project to him is strange. I mean its gotten so much recognition and lots of kiddies love it... Whatever I'm more into Mstrkrft anyways.

    I'm so excited for "the looks" thier new album.

    I wish I could go to that harbourfront perfomance, its free and everything, but its so late... and parents still rule me.
  • Speaking of sewing,
    My friend and I started doodeling one day and came up with this hideous beast. It's adorable!
    We decided to make a plushie (wish us luck)
    I will post pictures when we finish (if we are still alive..)
  • i want to buy another rufus wainwright album but i'm not sure which one to get.
    any suggestions? (i already have Want One)

  • sorry I don't really know much about rufus wainwright...

    But I need to say the most hilarious thing I heard while Bif was practicing...

    some dude behind me: I don't even CARE, I want to ask her what Lipgloss she's wearing!

    HAHAHAHA! Neeeeed I remind you that It was a Dude who said that?!
  • wow pandy made a new account...

    hahahaha... maybe the dude wanted to buy his gf the same lipgloss... but then again, who knows tongue.gif
  • Hey, that show "Last Comic Standing" is in Tempe. Why am I watching this show? Only because they keep mentioning my screen name, tee hee wink.gif
  • I think I was watching the show yesterday, but only for a few minutes... it bored me (odd for one who enjoys comedy *nods*)
  • QUOTE (Pearl @ Jun 2 2006, 08:34 PM)
    I think I was watching the show yesterday, but only for a few minutes... it bored me (odd for one who enjoys comedy *nods*)

    I know! Is there really a talent reality show that's interesting?
  • I don't think there is... I don't watch reality shows... not even American Idol.. what is all the fuzz over that show? I think I once watched like less that 3 minutes of it and got bored, so I changed it and watched something more interesting.
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