I completely understand hun. Ken is one of my best friends and if he suddenly decided to stop talking to me, I would be so completely heartbroken, not for the relationship, but for the talking and joking and laughing. I realize that I can't give the best advice right now because really, there is nothing you can do. you've made the effort to call him or type him and the ball's in his court, for lack of better words. Really, I think if anything, that can be your consultation. You've tried your best and, no matter what, like before, it'll hurt like a bitch, but you'll keep on living.
you've made the effort to call him or type him and the ball's in his court, for lack of better words. Really, I think if anything, that can be your consultation. You've tried your best and, no matter what, like before, it'll hurt like a bitch, but you'll keep on living.
Haha, "the ball's in your court" is exactly what I told him. Hence why I'm not calling him.
But yeah, you're right. I'm just not enjoying this "hurting like a bitch" part. I always forget how bad this feels...
Oh my god, I love MIB wayyyy too much. Do you read McSweeney's?
is Mc Sweeneys that thing that puts up articles that were rejected by magazines? If so, yeah, a while ago i scowered that site looking for all the MIB articles... but i havent read it lately
QUOTE (tonetoile @ Nov 20 2006, 01:01 PM)
Shit! That's amazing! Really, I have so much respect for anyone who has enough self-restraint to be vegetarian. Congrats Pandy!
fo sho... i dont eat Pig products b/c of my religion... but everything else is fair game.... I could never do what you do andu. So Respek.
is Mc Sweeneys that thing that puts up articles that were rejected by magazines? If so, yeah, a while ago i scowered that site looking for all the MIB articles... but i havent read it lately
QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Nov 20 2006, 08:35 PM)
yes the heartbreaking is the horrible feeling just a numbing pain (zomg oxymoron)
I once wrote a poem about that. It was really short but really depressive and full of all this cutting imagery...I sometimes wonder how stuff like that gets out of me....
I once wrote a poem about that. It was really short but really depressive and full of all this cutting imagery...I sometimes wonder how stuff like that gets out of me....
It happens to the best of us. You're very strong if you can write it down to get it out. It's certainly more effective then keeping it in, again, as trite as it sounds. It's alright to do because, hey, you have emotions. And it hurts. You're allowed to hurt, right?
Movies that I have been excited for or really support, I ALWAYS pay for,
Wow, there's moral relativity in action! lol
The topic is long gone by now, but I agree--I think both scenarios are wrong.
My random comment: when I "logged in" this morning I found that I was still logged in from before, over 24 hrs. ago. oops! I wonder how often that happens and people who are supposedly here maybe aren't.
My random comment: when I "logged in" this morning I found that I was still logged in from before, over 24 hrs. ago. oops! I wonder how often that happens and people who are supposedly here maybe aren't.
Oh, are you kidding? I'm almost constantly logged in. Well. In the one web browser I am, in the other, I'm not. It's not such a big deal, though, because unlike other forums that show who's logged in, this one only shows who's been active in the past 15 minutes.
Indeed, boys suck. They're fun to beat up, but overall they suck. I'm flying right over there and sicking a crate-full of roaches on whoever bothers the Jedi_grrlie.
Hurray! I made someone laugh. I didn't even think I was being that creative. Would it be too vain of me to take a bow? Lol. Seriously, I love writing, esp. funny stories. But I always need a lot of encouragement, so I thankie very much for that little bit of encouragement just now.
....i dont get invited to, to many bbq's these days..
Um. Remind me not to invite you to my next one...
Haha, "the ball's in your court" is exactly what I told him. Hence why I'm not calling him.
But yeah, you're right. I'm just not enjoying this "hurting like a bitch" part. I always forget how bad this feels...
It's relationship amnesia. It happens every time, which is the real killer.
Yeah, that and the, "I've never felt like this with anyone before!" bit. I crack up at myself whenever I think that, haha.
just a numbing pain (zomg oxymoron)
is Mc Sweeneys that thing that puts up articles that were rejected by magazines? If so, yeah, a while ago i scowered that site looking for all the MIB articles... but i havent read it lately
fo sho... i dont eat Pig products b/c of my religion... but everything else is fair game.... I could never do what you do andu. So Respek.
I'm not sure if they're rejected or not, but this is it: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/links/lists/
The lists are definitely my favorite. Oh my goodness. best time waster ever.
just a numbing pain (zomg oxymoron)
I once wrote a poem about that. It was really short but really depressive and full of all this cutting imagery...I sometimes wonder how stuff like that gets out of me....
It happens to the best of us. You're very strong if you can write it down to get it out. It's certainly more effective then keeping it in, again, as trite as it sounds. It's alright to do because, hey, you have emotions. And it hurts. You're allowed to hurt, right?
Wow, there's moral relativity in action! lol
The topic is long gone by now, but I agree--I think both scenarios are wrong.
My random comment: when I "logged in" this morning I found that I was still logged in from before, over 24 hrs. ago. oops! I wonder how often that happens and people who are supposedly here maybe aren't.
Oh, are you kidding? I'm almost constantly logged in. Well. In the one web browser I am, in the other, I'm not. It's not such a big deal, though, because unlike other forums that show who's logged in, this one only shows who's been active in the past 15 minutes.
So that huge long missive I wrote last night?
Ignore it.
Edit: In fact, what missive? I don't know what you're talking about...
God, I feel so stupid right now.
So that huge long missive I wrote last night?
Ignore it.
Edit: In fact, what missive? I don't know what you're talking about...
God, I feel so stupid right now.
edit: nm, read about it on LJ.
Instead, HERE'S A PUPPY:
Indeed, boys suck. They're fun to beat up, but overall they suck. I'm flying right over there and sicking a crate-full of roaches on whoever bothers the Jedi_grrlie.
^^^ Um, that puppy looks a tad evil
It's not evil, IT'S A PUGGLE.
Aww, he should be a Harry Potter doggie then
Oh my goodness. That made me laugh out loud. A+
Hurray! I made someone laugh.