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Random Stuff



  • Hey now, crazy people don't decorate roach broaches. That sort of oddity is reserved strictly for the sane. Who's crazy now, hmm?
  • QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Jan 28 2007, 10:47 PM)
    I'm gonna drink a lot of beer and party aaall nite!

    Was that a Simpsons reference?? smile.gif
  • oh vinca15: the pens i was speaking of.. theres this european company (i think its german but im not sure) called Stabilo and they make some realllly awesome pens! but they dont sell any here in the US!! so if you or someone you know ever goes to europe, tell them to bring you some! haha

    and my summer plans: take a few summer courses and possibly get an internship or work at the bank.. cuz i'm planning to graduate college in three years yay!!
    and im really excited because i think next summer (of 08) im gonna study abroad in london!! woooo i love london i wish i could move there!
  • *sigh*

    Typical. I don't know why I expect any different. Actually, I didn't expect any different. So I don't know why I'm upset now. Except that everything's still hanging in the air and I don't know when the next chance I'll get to talk it out will be and it's such an annoying feeling.

    I spend a ridiculous amount of time on the phone. When I actually have something to say. Or when I actually open my mouth and say "conversation time!"

    Why is it so hard to broach the same subject you were talking about online only last night?? mad.gif

  • I got so sick of tater tots by the end of my childhood. But I seem to be hitting some sort of tater tots renaissance. I've had them about five times in the past two weeks and they've been lovely.

    (I'm into fine cuisine.)
  • QUOTE (amberdino @ Jan 29 2007, 06:08 AM)
    oh vinca15: the pens i was speaking of.. theres this european company (i think its german but im not sure) called Stabilo and they make some realllly awesome pens! but they dont sell any here in the US!! so if you or someone you know ever goes to europe, tell them to bring you some! haha

    i searched for them. they look awesome! there are only one type that i can find that u can actually buy, but the shipping charges are outrageous. ohmy.gif
    and im really excited because i think next summer (of 08) im gonna study abroad in london!! woooo i love london i wish i could move there!

    AWESOME! its cuz of the pens huh???
  • So I'm gone for about seven hours and now I can't keep up? What's with you amazing people?!
  • i have to be up for work in 5 and a half hours

  • o boo that sucks

    sorry man
  • OMFG semester finals start tomorrow!!! SHITE
    this sucks and now i have to pee. sad.gif
  • My semester started only a good 26 days ago...And it's looking pretty good.

    Here it goes again....

    J'adore using lines from songs to relate to real life.

    ohmy.gif Since when was I "Something Else"?!!!?! I missed all the things in between Someone Who Knows Someone and what I am now? mad.gif I'm a highly sentimental person.
  • Mine starts next Monday. It's gonna be the easiest one I've ever had.
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Jan 29 2007, 08:26 PM)
    Mine starts next Monday. It's gonna be the easiest one I've ever had.

    Nice optimistic thinking, Kay. (I think I remember that being your name.)
  • Awww, it is, Courtney. (Yeah, knowing your name wasn't as much of a challenge..)

    I'm sooo excited for it. I have Photography which = ALL of the artsy kids in my school and so many of my friends in the same class. Then Math which is meh but easy, then University Law and a SPPPAAARRREE perioooood.
  • Yes, you'd have to be pre-tty dense not to know my name is Courtney. Haha, Kay.

    I love photography and all art in general. Art is cool, man.

    That's some schedule you've got there. I wish I had a spare class, but lucky, I entered the high school scene the right year. This is the first year freshmen and sophomores are getting the priviledge of exemptions (you know, being able to choose 3 finals to not take, 4 for seniors). Yay.
  • I just took all my midterms, and they were all basically stupid and boring and a waste of time. But o well, at least we got to go in later and leave early. biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (porifera @ Jan 29 2007, 08:41 PM)
    I just took all my midterms, and they were all basically stupid and boring and a waste of time. But o well, at least we got to go in later and leave early. biggrin.gif

    Ooh, nice.
  • yes exactly

    well good luck everyone!
  • Thanksies for the lucksies!

    Ooh, what's everyone having for their next meal? I might be having some Italian thing.
  • probably chocolate ice cream, considering it is almost dessert time out on the east coast
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