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Random Stuff



  • Awwww guys, you're so nice smile.gif
    Claret, of course I shall marry you!

    I like my hair being red, but few other englanders seem to.

    I wub.gif you lot!

    Courtney - the lottery?
    What dyu need it for??
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 4 2007, 01:41 AM)
    There's this program on BBC3 (in england, obviously) about ginger/red hair.
    And I get teased about my hair colour lots.

    it's nice to know I'm not the only one....

    *sigh* no one over here likes red hair...

    damit im to slow to get a " wub.gif " of alie

    and now shes getting married!


    i have failed...

    i also love the red hair...but you knew this already.. never txt'd me either missy =p
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 4 2007, 02:09 AM)
    And Katy - not all English boys are like that. I promise smile.gif

    No, his best friend is lovely and. as I realised last time I was there, rather adorable. However, I don't think that's a good path to take now. Or ever. Haha.

    QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 4 2007, 02:41 AM)
    There's this program on BBC3 (in england, obviously) about ginger/red hair.
    And I get teased about my hair colour lots.

    it's nice to know I'm not the only one....

    *sigh* no one over here likes red hair...

    That reminds me of the Dr. Who Christmas Special, where David Tennant is like, "So tell me, am I ginger? Even just a little bit?" and Billie Piper has to be like, "Um, no," and then he's upset because he's always wanted to be ginger, and I'm like, "Oh, David Tennant, you adorable Scotsman, you. Quick, let's fall madly in love and make lots of crazy passionate love and I will die a contented woman."

    *ahem* Anyway. I like redheads. Have been one a few times meself. wink.gif
  • QUOTE (jedi_grrlie @ Apr 4 2007, 03:35 PM)
    That reminds me of the Dr. Who Christmas Special, where David Tennant is like, "So tell me, am I ginger? Even just a little bit?" and Billie Piper has to be like, "Um, no," and then he's upset because he's always wanted to be ginger, and I'm like, "Oh, David Tennant, you adorable Scotsman, you. Quick, let's fall madly in love and make lots of crazy passionate love and I will die a contented woman."

    *ahem* Anyway. I like redheads. Have been one a few times meself. wink.gif

    Oooo I remember that bit!!!
    David Tennant is rather gorgeous. smile.gif
    He was on Dead Ringers the other night acting as Tony Blair - it was hilarious and I fell deeper in love...
    And the new girl who hangs around with him got to kiss him.
    Bitch. *sigh*

    You all made me smile lots. Thank you.

    And Andy - I used my last bit of credit on you so I couldn't text back. Or phone for a taxi home - feel bad, boy.
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 4 2007, 04:13 PM)
    Oooo I remember that bit!!!
    David Tennant is rather gorgeous. smile.gif
    He was on Dead Ringers the other night acting as Tony Blair - it was hilarious and I fell deeper in love...
    And the new girl who hangs around with him got to kiss him.
    Bitch. *sigh*

    You all made me smile lots. Thank you.

    And Andy - I used my last bit of credit on you so I couldn't text back. Or phone for a taxi home - feel bad, boy.

    oh my...i do feel bad now..
  • oh dear i think i'm getting sick.
    and not sleeping well.
    this is not good news.
    damn i really want tea but it never comes out right when i make it.. only good when my mom makes it.
    maybe i'll try to make some later around 4.30 - tea time!
    and i don't have any strawberry halls defense vitamin C thingies.
    oh dear.
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Apr 3 2007, 11:02 PM)
    I migght seem very monetary when I say this, but how do you raise USD 50,000 to use in a year as a powerless almost-15-year-old?
    Oh goodness, Courtney, my love. biggrin.gif 50 grand? What do you need it for?

    Yayy, I have a new boardie wife. wub.gif And I beat the competition? BOO YEAH, Dani wins today.

    I hope you feel better soon and that you aren't getting sick, amberdino. (Should I call you something else?) I love tea, but I only steep it for like 2 seconds. Yummy.
  • Nooooo!!!

    I hope you feel better.

    Awww Claret I do love you smile.gif
  • Please, just call me Dani tongue.gif
  • a random story

    this co-worker at work (ironic)

    shes never really liked me to much to start with, aways making snidey coments here and there, and i replaced her on the tills for being as amazing as i am

    so shes been diagnosed with thomboses in the legs, from standing stil to much

    so ive pretty much saved her life in a indirect direct way..
  • Ok, Dani my love smile.gif
    Call me Alice.

    Hahaha nice work Andy.
    Yes, you get a point!
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 4 2007, 11:53 AM)
    Claret, of course I shall marry you!


    but you are already married to me!

    *soap stylee zoom into the face*

    QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 4 2007, 11:49 PM)
    Hahaha nice work Andy.
    Yes, you get a point!

  • Dani!!! Don't listen to him!!!
    It's lies!
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 4 2007, 11:59 PM)
    Dani!!! Don't listen to him!!!
    It's lies!


    this is not lies*!

    *it is true...i am living a lie
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 4 2007, 06:49 PM)
    Ok, Dani my love smile.gif
    Call me Alice.

    Hahaha nice work Andy.
    Yes, you get a point!
    Hi Alice. biggrin.gif

    Can I call Andy "Andy" too or should I call him Head Full of Crazy?

    ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

    I don't know who to believe anymore!! My own wife or my wife's husband?!?
    I'm going to go on a 6-month vacation to the middle of nowhere to find myself.

    Dun dun dun. Drama ensues.
  • Noooooooo!!!
    *heart piercing scream*


    *falls to knees dramatically, arms outstretched to the sky*
  • QUOTE (Claret @ Apr 5 2007, 12:04 AM)
    Hi Alice. biggrin.gif

    Can I call Andy "Andy" too or should I call him Head Full of Crazy?

    ohmy.gif ohmy.gif ohmy.gif

    I don't know who to believe anymore!! My own wife or my wife's husband?!?
    I'm going to go on a 6-month vacation to the middle of nowhere to find myself.

    Dun dun dun. Drama ensues.

    you may call me andy if you wish* =D

    *only if i can have alie as my wife
  • QUOTE (Head Full of Crazy @ Apr 5 2007, 12:01 AM)
    this is not lies*!
    *it is true...i am living a lie

    Dani - highlight the blacked out bit.
    Look what he said!
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 5 2007, 12:08 AM)
    Dani - highlight the blacked out bit.
    Look what he said!


  • Alice, I'm sorry, my darling. This is something I must do...
    *hugs tightly while looking off into the sunset, hair blowing in the wind*

    Andy: Neverrr. She is mine. I will fight you for her! But after I come back from a mysterious leave of absence to the middle of nowhere. And call you Andy anyways.
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