see i'm terrible at doing that - i'm always amazed when i'm in america and two people from different states can tell where the other is from by their accents. i just dont pick up on it. i was in Warwick a few days ago (i.e. further north/south of where i live - i'm awful at geography ), and people were like "omg, you're from london? i can tell by your accent!". i had no idea i had such a strong london accent...
ya that's the thing. but a lot of times you can tell like what region people are from, like the south or like new england, but i can't really tell exact states. yet some states have very recognizable accents, such as new york or boston and stuff like that.
yeah, it's an israeli name. my dad was kinda obsessed with them - he named my sisters tamar and merav. my mum wanted to call me talia, which wouldve saved a LOT of pronounciation issues..
oo, whereabouts on the west coast do you live? my dad/sisters/stepmum live in Cali, so i spend a month there every summer. i love it! haha, i have mixed feelings about Simon Cowell, but that's pretty funny/unfair if it's true.
and oh god, he did do a john mayer song. i guess the only thing i can commend him on is his taste in music, then...
What is w/ that dude Sanjaya! His look changes every week, but sadly, not his lameness. I suppose he's some sort of wacked out cult phenomenon, sort of like that terrible singing Asian dude who appeared on "American Idol" a few years back.
I guess you could consider me in the Southwest as I'm in Arizona. There are a lot of Californians here, as well as people who escape from colder climates. My Hebrew name is "Shoshana." My sister has a really easy Hebrew name. She is Deborah, and in Hebrew it's practically the same thing, "Devorah." Do you know any Hebrew or were your parents just fascinated by Hebrew names?
ya that's the thing. but a lot of times you can tell like what region people are from, like the south or like new england, but i can't really tell exact states. yet some states have very recognizable accents, such as new york or boston and stuff like that.
yeah, i can tell when i'm talking to two people from different states that their accents are different, but i could never actually name where they were from. the only one i could probably actually put a name to is the texan accent - i'm totally hopeless otherwise.
Hahaha. Oh it reminds me of being small. And how adorable does Davy look??
QUOTE (crashtheparty @ Apr 14 2007, 09:48 PM)
*randomly butts into conversation...*
Alice, your middle name is AWESOME. i totally hate mine - with a middle name like Dana, i'm stuck with a first and a middle name that nobody has ever heard/can pronounce...
Merci And bugger off, when Sophie told me that your name was Yael I vowed never to use El again. It's gorgeous! I love it.
QUOTE (crashtheparty @ Apr 14 2007, 10:03 PM)
lol, i find the british accent so dull - but i guess everyone thinks that about their accent. every time i'm in the states, i get people at the till in supermarkets or whatever all the time being like "omg, you're english?! say something!" - which i find pretty funny, 'cause i find the american accent so much cooler than the british one..
Noooo our accents are way cooler. No offense to all you Americans, but I love my accent. I used to have a Californian accent when I lived there when i was little and my parents hated it (one of the reasons they brought me back lol).
And everyone can tell I'm from London as well. Apparently I'm posh. I think not.
What is w/ that dude Sanjaya! His look changes every week, but sadly, not his lameness. I suppose he's some sort of wacked out cult phenomenon, sort of like that terrible singing Asian dude who appeared on "American Idol" a few years back.
I guess you could consider me in the Southwest as I'm in Arizona. There are a lot of Californians here, as well as people who escape from colder climates. My Hebrew name is "Shoshana." My sister has a really easy Hebrew name. She is Deborah, and in Hebrew it's practically the same thing, "Devorah." Do you know any Hebrew or were your parents just fascinated by Hebrew names?
haha oh yeah, your name was sortof a giveaway. lol i'm so slow. i can't speak hebrew anymore - i did the basic hebrew classes thing until i was about nine and then gave up, as we're not exactly religious so nobody cared if i went or not. all i remember now is "shalom", lol. my parents lives in Israel for a bit though, and i was born in Jerusalem (moved back to england when i was like six months old though, so i call myself british), so that'd probably explain it. as for my sisters, they were born in the states, so i'm not sure behind the reasoning for those. i guess yeah, he was totally fascinated by hebrew names..
Merci And bugger off, when Sophie told me that your name was Yael I vowed never to use El again. It's gorgeous! I love it. Noooo our accents are way cooler. No offense to all you Americans, but I love my accent. I used to have a Californian accent when I lived there when i was little and my parents hated it (one of the reasons they brought me back lol).
And everyone can tell I'm from London as well. Apparently I'm posh. I think not.
thankyou! although when you get enough teachers/whoever calling you Yale/Yarl/Ya-ale/Yole/Yay-el/Yai-el (wow, some of those are really difficult to attempt to spell out ) and spelling it Yeal, you sorta grow to resent it...
oo, whereabouts in Cali did you live? haha, i get made to feel posh when talking to people not from London. and yeah, i totally think not.
Ahhh I leave the computer for half an hour and get lost!!!
Ah, I thought you had gone to bed as that's the time of day you usually leave Pandy, and I, and the rest of the boardies. Wow, all these Brits! I miss Pandy now. Get that computer fixed, boy.
QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 14 2007, 02:53 PM)
And bugger off, when Sophie told me that your name was Yael I vowed never to use El again. It's gorgeous! I love it. Noooo our accents are way cooler. No offense to all you Americans, but I love my accent. I used to have a Californian accent when I lived there when i was little and my parents hated it (one of the reasons they brought me back lol).
Lol "bugger off" you sound just like a Britcom! Seriously you're parents moved cause you were losing the British accent? Bah, if I were them I'd do the same thing.
Tis true, Yael is a pretty name. What does it translate to?
(BTW, I just heard a Monkees song I haven't heard in years. My sis and I would sit outside and paint pictures to this song. DAVY JONES!!! *Catch me I'm fainting*)
SFO! my dad and lil sisters live near there (San Jose), so i spend a month there every summer. San Francisco is easily my favourite city on the planet.
Ah, I thought you had gone to bed as that's the time of day you usually leave Pandy, and I, and the rest of the boardies. Wow, all these Brits! I miss Pandy now. Get that computer fixed, boy. Lol "bugger off" you sound just like a Britcom!
Nah, it's 11.21 here. Half the time I'm up til about 2amm talking to you guys lol... And i just went to do some biology eeeekkkk
I'll send Andy your love. He's rather pissed off about it already haha.
Haha it's true, bugger off is very english.
QUOTE (Tempe Arizona @ Apr 14 2007, 11:20 PM)
(BTW, I just heard a Monkees song I haven't heard in years. My sis and I would sit outside and paint pictures to this song. DAVY JONES!!! *Catch me I'm fainting*)
*catches AGAIN*
I listened to Randy Scouse Git in your honor while I was offline, Tempe!
SFO! my dad and lil sisters live near there (San Jose), so i spend a month there every summer. San Francisco is easily my favourite city on the planet.
I used to go to San Jose all the time! can't remember why tho lol... It's wonderful
Hmmm. Well not knowing what Arizona is like, I can't really describe it in a meaningful way to you. To English people, I say "sunny, less rain, lots of hills, friendly people". Four concepts not really experienced by most englanders.... Haha.
Ok - just asked my mum about Arizona - there's a coast for a start, quite a bit of a difference. Less desert than Arizona lol. That's about all she's got to say, she only visited Arizona once or something...
Nah, it's 11.21 here. Half the time I'm up til about 2amm talking to you guys lol... And i just went to do some biology eeeekkkk
I'll send Andy your love. He's rather pissed off about it already haha.
*Waving to Andy thru the telephone*
QUOTE (Electra @ Apr 14 2007, 03:24 PM)
*catches AGAIN*
I listened to Randy Scouse Git in your honor while I was offline, Tempe!
Bleh! Biology! Bah, I hate studying. I've given up on hw. Now I'm designing the t-shirt.
Ah, yes, RSG, one of my fav monkees songs. I feel so honored. I love the story behind the title of that song. Um, I seriously hope that I don't faint during the actual show. That could be heavily embarrassing, esp. considering it's something I would never want to do.
Ah, yes, RSG, one of my fav monkees songs. I feel so honored. I love the story behind the title of that song. Um, I seriously hope that I don't faint during the actual show. That could be heavily embarrassing, esp. considering it's something I would never want to do.
Ooo wait, whats the story behind RSG? It rings a bell but I can't remember....
Also, i won't be there to catch you that time. please don't faint!!
I used to go to San Jose all the time! can't remember why tho lol... It's wonderful
it is! having a dad and sisters living on the other side of the world doesnt have many plus sides, but getting to go there every summer is definately one of them..
Hmmm. Well not knowing what Arizona is like, I can't really describe it in a meaningful way to you. To English people, I say "sunny, less rain, lots of hills, friendly people". Four concepts not really experienced by most englanders.... Haha.
Ok - just asked my mum about Arizona - there's a coast for a start, quite a bit of a difference. Less desert than Arizona lol. That's about all she's got to say, she only visited Arizona once or something...
Yes, tis quite orange here. Desert galore. Wait, Englanders aren't friendly? I've always thought many of them are adorably cheeky, others are sort of reserved at first. Wanna see some desert? Whenever I need to use up a role of film I drive out to the middle of nowhere and take some pics.
Wait, Englanders aren't friendly? I've always thought many of them are adorably cheeky, others are sort of reserved at first.
Nah, we're not a particularly friendly race. Especially compared to Americans! That's what I've found anyway...
In America, you could be in a queue at the supermarket and get chatting to someone and it'd be perfectly normal. Here if you try to do the same thing, you get odd looks. Unless you're complaining about the store cocking something up, in which case it's fine. And I have never heard any waitresses or shop assistants or anything wishing customers to have a good day. We're grumpy people
ya that's the thing. but a lot of times you can tell like what region people are from, like the south or like new england, but i can't really tell exact states. yet some states have very recognizable accents, such as new york or boston and stuff like that.
oo, whereabouts on the west coast do you live? my dad/sisters/stepmum live in Cali, so i spend a month there every summer. i love it!
haha, i have mixed feelings about Simon Cowell, but that's pretty funny/unfair if it's true.
and oh god, he did do a john mayer song. i guess the only thing i can commend him on is his taste in music, then...
What is w/ that dude Sanjaya! His look changes every week, but sadly, not his lameness. I suppose he's some sort of wacked out cult phenomenon, sort of like that terrible singing Asian dude who appeared on "American Idol" a few years back.
I guess you could consider me in the Southwest as I'm in Arizona. There are a lot of Californians here, as well as people who escape from colder climates. My Hebrew name is "Shoshana." My sister has a really easy Hebrew name. She is Deborah, and in Hebrew it's practically the same thing, "Devorah." Do you know any Hebrew or were your parents just fascinated by Hebrew names?
yeah, i can tell when i'm talking to two people from different states that their accents are different, but i could never actually name where they were from. the only one i could probably actually put a name to is the texan accent - i'm totally hopeless otherwise.
(Oh man, no one is going to understand that clip at all
Hahaha. Oh it reminds me of being small. And how adorable does Davy look??
Alice, your middle name is AWESOME. i totally hate mine - with a middle name like Dana, i'm stuck with a first and a middle name that nobody has ever heard/can pronounce...
And bugger off, when Sophie told me that your name was Yael I vowed never to use El again. It's gorgeous! I love it.
Noooo our accents are way cooler. No offense to all you Americans, but I love my accent. I used to have a Californian accent when I lived there when i was little and my parents hated it (one of the reasons they brought me back lol).
And everyone can tell I'm from London as well. Apparently I'm posh. I think not.
I guess you could consider me in the Southwest as I'm in Arizona. There are a lot of Californians here, as well as people who escape from colder climates. My Hebrew name is "Shoshana." My sister has a really easy Hebrew name. She is Deborah, and in Hebrew it's practically the same thing, "Devorah." Do you know any Hebrew or were your parents just fascinated by Hebrew names?
haha oh yeah, your name was sortof a giveaway.
i can't speak hebrew anymore - i did the basic hebrew classes thing until i was about nine and then gave up, as we're not exactly religious so nobody cared if i went or not. all i remember now is "shalom", lol. my parents lives in Israel for a bit though, and i was born in Jerusalem (moved back to england when i was like six months old though, so i call myself british), so that'd probably explain it. as for my sisters, they were born in the states, so i'm not sure behind the reasoning for those. i guess yeah, he was totally fascinated by hebrew names..
And bugger off, when Sophie told me that your name was Yael I vowed never to use El again. It's gorgeous! I love it.
Noooo our accents are way cooler. No offense to all you Americans, but I love my accent. I used to have a Californian accent when I lived there when i was little and my parents hated it (one of the reasons they brought me back lol).
And everyone can tell I'm from London as well. Apparently I'm posh. I think not.
thankyou! although when you get enough teachers/whoever calling you Yale/Yarl/Ya-ale/Yole/Yay-el/Yai-el (wow, some of those are really difficult to attempt to spell out
oo, whereabouts in Cali did you live?
haha, i get made to feel posh when talking to people not from London. and yeah, i totally think not.
San Francisco, Baby!!!
I miss it lots.
Haha. We're not posh. we just speak properly, that's all.
Ah, I thought you had gone to bed as that's the time of day you usually leave Pandy, and I, and the rest of the boardies. Wow, all these Brits! I miss Pandy now. Get that computer fixed, boy.
Noooo our accents are way cooler. No offense to all you Americans, but I love my accent. I used to have a Californian accent when I lived there when i was little and my parents hated it (one of the reasons they brought me back lol).
Lol "bugger off" you sound just like a Britcom! Seriously you're parents moved cause you were losing the British accent? Bah, if I were them I'd do the same thing.
Tis true, Yael is a pretty name. What does it translate to?
(BTW, I just heard a Monkees song I haven't heard in years. My sis and I would sit outside and paint pictures to this song. DAVY JONES!!! *Catch me I'm fainting*)
Tis true, Yael is a pretty name. What does it translate to?
haha, i love saying "bugger off" - it sounds so wonderfully british
thankyou! haha, i was talking about this with my mum eariler - apparently it means "Deer". yes, as in the animal. Poetic...
edit: just realised you asked for a translation, not a meaning. unfortunately i havent got a clue, so you can take the meaning instead
Lol "bugger off" you sound just like a Britcom!
Nah, it's 11.21 here. Half the time I'm up til about 2amm talking to you guys lol...
And i just went to do some biology eeeekkkk
I'll send Andy your love. He's rather pissed off about it already haha.
Haha it's true, bugger off is very english.
*catches AGAIN*
I listened to Randy Scouse Git in your honor while I was offline, Tempe!
I used to go to San Jose all the time! can't remember why tho lol...
It's wonderful
Ok - just asked my mum about Arizona - there's a coast for a start, quite a bit of a difference. Less desert than Arizona lol. That's about all she's got to say, she only visited Arizona once or something...
And i just went to do some biology eeeekkkk
I'll send Andy your love. He's rather pissed off about it already haha.
*Waving to Andy thru the telephone*
I listened to Randy Scouse Git in your honor while I was offline, Tempe!
Bleh! Biology! Bah, I hate studying. I've given up on hw. Now I'm designing the t-shirt.
Ah, yes, RSG, one of my fav monkees songs.
Ooo wait, whats the story behind RSG? It rings a bell but I can't remember....
Also, i won't be there to catch you that time.
please don't faint!!
It's wonderful
it is! having a dad and sisters living on the other side of the world doesnt have many plus sides, but getting to go there every summer is definately one of them..
Ok - just asked my mum about Arizona - there's a coast for a start, quite a bit of a difference. Less desert than Arizona lol. That's about all she's got to say, she only visited Arizona once or something...
Yes, tis quite orange here. Desert galore. Wait, Englanders aren't friendly? I've always thought many of them are adorably cheeky, others are sort of reserved at first. Wanna see some desert? Whenever I need to use up a role of film I drive out to the middle of nowhere and take some pics.
Nah, we're not a particularly friendly race. Especially compared to Americans! That's what I've found anyway...
In America, you could be in a queue at the supermarket and get chatting to someone and it'd be perfectly normal. Here if you try to do the same thing, you get odd looks. Unless you're complaining about the store cocking something up, in which case it's fine. And I have never heard any waitresses or shop assistants or anything wishing customers to have a good day. We're grumpy people
I love those desert pictures!