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Random Stuff



  • This is true! The world would be so much happier (or I would at least, the kittens would most likely be impartial). I'm going to start calling my boyfriend as "my man" to his face rather than use his actual name. Honestly, I have no idea why he's still with me, especially when I find things like licking his face or dancing in public funny (though, maybe it's because he finds those things funny as well and will accept my public dance advances with little/no chagrin).

    Dali on an old game show. It's pretty much brilliant.
    "Is there something quite unusual about this man?"
    Why yes!
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jul 5 2007, 04:23 PM)
    This is true! The world would be so much happier (or I would at least, the kittens would most likely be impartial). I'm going to start calling my boyfriend as "my man" to his face rather than use his actual name. Honestly, I have no idea why he's still with me, especially when I find things like licking his face or dancing in public funny (though, maybe it's because he finds those things funny as well and will accept my public dance advances with little/no chagrin).

    Dali on an old game show. It's pretty much brilliant.
    "Is there something quite unusual about this man?"
    Why yes!

    man, and or manly man would work!
    and do the cat, star wars, manly man and singing thing!

    oh wow that was an interesting clip..
  • Dali was just a crazy and I kind of love him for it. Still, it wasn't really his paintings for which I admire him, but for the persona he created.

    It's kind of the same reasoning about how I like Warhol, but not his work (my manly man compared Warhol to Paris Hilton recently and it kind of made sense, in terms of how they use[d] the media to create fame).
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jul 5 2007, 04:42 PM)
    Dali was just a crazy and I kind of love him for it. Still, it wasn't really his paintings for which I admire him, but for the persona he created.

    It's kind of the same reasoning about how I like Warhol, but not his work (my manly man compared Warhol to Paris Hilton recently and it kind of made sense, in terms of how they use[d] the media to create fame).

    i never really knew much of Dali outside of knowing his name, so that clip helped me learn all the things he can say yes to!

    well unless i missed somthing about warhol having a leaked sex vid then that comparison only half rings true =p

    but yeah i can see where hes coming from there
  • Hahahahah truth about the sex video.

    It was more brought on about my tirade about Paris Hilton in the media about her jail time and how it only detracted from actual news stories and how I felt no pity for her. He then went on to talk about how she was kind of placed in the situation (a point on which I don't agree). The conversation then morphed to others who had played with the media or who got attention simply by demanding it. Warhol came up and, admittedly, I know relatively far less about Warhol than my boyfriend does (simply because he went to art school and therefore actually knows art history whereas I kind of just pretend to know). Warhol's work was repetitive and really just mimiced what was already there. His real feat was creating a persona and a group that people WANTED to be a part of, that people WANTED to know about. In the same way, I guess, Paris Hilton is that figure. People become curious with this other life she's created, a life that many others cannot achieve. It's hypnotizing in the same way that Studio 54 was hynotizing.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jul 5 2007, 04:51 PM)
    Hahahahah truth about the sex video.

    It was more brought on about my tirade about Paris Hilton in the media about her jail time and how it only detracted from actual news stories and how I felt no pity for her. He then went on to talk about how she was kind of placed in the situation (a point on which I don't agree). The conversation then morphed to others who had played with the media or who got attention simply by demanding it. Warhol came up and, admittedly, I know relatively far less about Warhol than my boyfriend does (simply because he went to art school and therefore actually knows art history whereas I kind of just pretend to know). Warhol's work was repetitive and really just mimiced what was already there. His real feat was creating a persona and a group that people WANTED to be a part of, that people WANTED to know about. In the same way, I guess, Paris Hilton is that figure. People become curious with this other life she's created, a life that many others cannot achieve. It's hypnotizing in the same way that Studio 54 was hynotizing.

    see now that, sounds a lot more like madona, then hilton

    i know know the basics on the warhol, from the mini art bit on my photography cource
  • You, honestly, probably know more about him than me; I just forming broad opinions. biggrin.gif
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jul 5 2007, 05:08 PM)
    You, honestly, probably know more about him than me; I just forming broad opinions. biggrin.gif

    haha, you opionions are more fun then mine though =p
  • Aw thanks! I doubt that though; really, it's all a matter of SOUNDING like you know what you're talking about.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jul 5 2007, 05:16 PM)
    Aw thanks! I doubt that though; really, it's all a matter of SOUNDING like you know what you're talking about.

    heh, you and your manly man must have many fun debates

    "But your wrong!"
    "but i sound so right!"
    (that sounded kinkyer then expected..)

    haha, i always try to sound like i know my fools some people most of the time

    but then if they do belive me i have to let them know im jokeing

    its all one big mind fuck =p
  • hahah

    We do get into pretty stupid arguments (mostly they're more fun that frustrating though). I tend to just repeat my argument over and over.

    Example (and this is a true example):
    "What are you having for lunch?"
    "A turkey sandwich."
    "Anything else?"
    "Nope. I'm not that hungry."
    "That's not a very good lunch."
    "A turkey sandwich IS a good lunch!"
    "Not if it's not an actual [meaning non-processed] bread, it's not."
    "....A turkey sandwich IS a good lunch!"
    "But you need someone else! Actual meat! Not processed meat!"
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jul 5 2007, 05:23 PM)

    We do get into pretty stupid arguments (mostly they're more fun that frustrating though). I tend to just repeat my argument over and over.

    Example (and this is a true example):
    "What are you having for lunch?"
    "A turkey sandwich."
    "Anything else?"
    "Nope. I'm not that hungry."
    "That's not a very good lunch."
    "A turkey sandwich IS a good lunch!"
    "Not if it's not an actual [meaning non-processed] bread, it's not."
    "....A turkey sandwich IS a good lunch!"
    "But you need someone else! Actual meat! Not processed meat!"

    hahha, i take it you won that round then =p
  • Pretty much!
  • My sister left a note on my door saying:

  • Hahaha. My sister and I were watching TV and this infomercial for Christian rock CDs comes on. I ask, "Why do all the songs sound the same? I mean, if it's for God, shouldn't you give all your effort to make an awesome song? These people sound like they just came up with a tune while they were brushing their teeth."

    And my sister replies, "Well duh, if it were a catchy tune, it would kind of be weird for it to have Chrisitan lyrics. *to the tune of Justin Timberlake's 'What Goes Around'* God is good, God is good, God is good, God is always merciful."

  • ^^^ laugh.gif hahaha

    speaking of christian rock, have any of you heard of Hillsong??
  • QUOTE (Courtneytastic @ Jul 5 2007, 08:48 PM)
    Hahaha. My sister and I were watching TV and this infomercial for Christian rock CDs comes on. I ask, "Why do all the songs sound the same? I mean, if it's for God, shouldn't you give all your effort to make an awesome song? These people sound like they just came up with a tune while they were brushing their teeth."

    And my sister replies, "Well duh, if it were a catchy tune, it would kind of be weird for it to have Chrisitan lyrics. *to the tune of Justin Timberlake's 'What Goes Around'* God is good, God is good, God is good, God is always merciful."


    Yeah, well, if it's even the least bit catchy, it doesn't sound Christianey at all... a la Relient K. laugh.gif
  • hmmm...for some reason i'm just thinking of this and it's quite random, yet OK Go related:

    I went to their show at Irving Plaza in NYC back in November. My friends and I were like one row behind the stage, but when they did their acoustic set we were a bit far away because they did it in the middle/back of the floor. There were these like teenagers right next to me who I was talking to before the show. So then this guy comes up to me and the teenagers and started talking as they were setting up for the acoustic thing, and he was like talking to us about the band and stuff. And he was wearing a VIP tag thing so one of the girls asked why he had it and he was like REALLY drunk, and he says something like " sister is dating one of the guys in the band." And we were like "who?" And the drunk guy was like, "um...i don't of them." hahahaha

    how weird is that. so i have no idea if he was serious or not because he sounded serious, but he was drunk. but yet, he did have a idk. hahaha it was really funny, especially the way he said it. and we were all like "um can we go backstage with you to meet them" hahaha

    o cool...i graduated from elementary school...and am now a legend in the making!
    thats one step closer to getting my lisence
    even if i cant spell it..
    we needed a 70% average on simulation
    i got 72% on the first test and 68% on the second so i passed with eactly 70%
    boo ya.
  • ^ Ooo i haven't driven yet, i'm too scared. I have my Learners Permit but i just cant bring myself to go onto the road.

    umm you want really random: i got hair extensions today. While mum was at the hairdresser today she called me and asked if i'd walk down there with my sister for a "hair surprise". When i got there she bought us both these crazy colourful extensions... sooo random.

    i got black. like my heart.


    i'm still a little bit confused
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