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  • Haven't lots of presidents gone twice? Or at least the last few?
  • Lots of them have done two terms consecutively, but Grover Cleveland went twice with Benjamin Harrison doing a term in the middle. So he gets counted twice.
  • Ahh.

    Hahaha, I love how the British know more about presidency that we do.
  • Hahahaha tongue.gif
    They don't, s'just me. I promise.

    We learn bugger all about America.
    My friend's still convinced that California is a city in the state of L.A.
    Before, she thought they were two different countries. She's taking geography at the moment as well - I do worry about her.
  • They kept redoing the cirriculum so I think I had Colonial American History for at least 5 years... not that I remember any of it except that Paul Revere didn't actually do much at all.
  • lol, in 9th grade I had World History- which was really Greece, Rome, Britain and France (with 1 week of Asia and Africa).
    Then in 10th grade, AP European- which is really just Britain and France (with 1 week of Lithuania and Estonia).
    Ah, the messed up high school curriculum.
    My sisters are in high school now and the only difference is the order they take things now. Also, none of my old teachers are still there- the firing/retiring started even when I was there...public school no longer had any money and people wouldn't raise taxes to get it.
    Actually, thinking back on my US history, I guess mine was five years too, but not in a logical order. We took US history in third grade, fifth grade and eighth grade, then I took AP US History in 11th grade (but I think most schools take it before then) and then AP US Government as a senior. Actually, that is different for my sisters because ever since Massachusetts remade their public school exam, the MCAS, they've wanted to stress American history, so now I think my sister's class took US history in tenth grade and then in 11th, they get to choose between AP Euro or AP US history.

    I think the biggest flaw in American education is geography. Most people here can't even identify Iraq on a blank map. I did have geography in fourth grade, but that was focused on being able to fill in a blank map with all 50 states of the US. That sadly took us like the whole year. 6th grade was some kind of ancient history course and we did get to fill in a blank world map- but it was extra credit during the last week of school. 7th grade was Geography, but I don't think it was official- it was just because the particular guy teaching 7th grade insisted there be a geography course, and when he retired, I think they put in something else. We did have an AP Human Geography course at my high school, but few ppl took it. So I guess the last time a lot of people who went to my high school but not middle school took geography was 4th grade.
  • Mine was something very similar to that. I had the same world history issue in 9th and 10th, where is was "world" history but actually like Roman history and then Western European history.

    They kept repeating the cirriculum. My younger brother missed all the changes and is actually learning different things rather than the same thing repeated by 5 different teachers.

    I actually went to a very nice public school, but they did very stupid things like renovate the school and put in very expensive, aesthetic things (like a student center with huge curved glass windows) and the teachers would have things happen to them like they would run out of regular paper halfway through the school year so we'd have our packets on neon-colored paper that they had scavenged from somewhere or another.

    Our school did not know how to spend money.
  • Aw, man, ain't it the truth?!
    We had the most idiotic sign- I don't know how to describe it- like a ticker type thing, with pointless announcements flashing. And now I hear that while they hadn't the money for teachers or books, they bought -and I don't know the word for this either- these things that so instead of a chalk board, a magic computer screen-wall is displayed, and then, instead of chalk, there's these magic laser things that draw and can erase. And the whole thing can go online....And in the meantime, teachers aren't getting paid...and are quitting/retiring/fired right and waste of money for flashy pointlessness

    My parents were watching a documentary on school systems in the world, and Japan has the best in the world. Kids there can read at 3- it was amazing to watch. Here was this little boy, 3 years old, actually reading a book. A book! Obviously it was a simple book, but it was still a book. When I was 3, all I ever did was watch tv. I didn't even learn how to write my last name until kindergarten- so I was 5 or 6 years old. And here's this 3 year old boy reading books.
  • Holy crap. Genius child.

    We had those stupid projector-boards too! but we only had them in the conference rooms that NO ONE used. The teachers were never taught to use them anyway, so they sat there, expensive and unused.
    They just put up flat-screen TVs and projectors to display announcements. I did just fine not having that. Seriously. Buy paper instead idiots so we actually have things on which to write.
    The best thing that came out of the school system was a grammar thing I did in 4th grade every Wednesday morning. I HATED it, but it taught me grammar!
  • people, fill me in on what ive missed in no less then 9 words

    or in the form of a hykoo
  • Dave returned again
    Talk of robots and Goosebumps
    all is well online
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jul 24 2007, 05:02 PM)
    Dave returned again
    Talk of robots and Goosebumps
    all is well online

    i was hopeing you would step to the challange =D

    hykoo'tastic =)
  • When don't I step up to the haiku challenge?
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jul 24 2007, 05:05 PM)
    When don't I step up to the haiku challenge?

    this is very true

    whats the russian kitten update?

    have they gone home yet?
  • They have always been home. My boyfriend and I have been watching them on and off. Currently, we're looking after them again and they're just as cute. They've become really good jumpers and like to cuddle.

    O kittens, not mine
    Like other peoples' children
    Rile them up, then leave
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Jul 24 2007, 05:15 PM)
    They have always been home. My boyfriend and I have been watching them on and off. Currently, we're looking after them again and they're just as cute. They've become really good jumpers and like to cuddle.

    O kittens, not mine
    Like other peoples' children
    Rile them up, then leave

    awww kittens, how much bigger are they?

    oh wow kitten hykoos

    i must ask, have you heard the lovely song hykoo by tally hall?
    its the awesomes
  • I have as I am quite the Tally Hall fan.

    The kittens still have a bunch of growing to do, but they're now big enough to jump on the counter and cause a slightly bigger ruckus
  • Tally Hall is a major-label band now
    I'm quite proud of them.

    and I had all of world history in one year, and three years of US history. I'd much rather have an overload of World History, believe me...
  • Really? Major label?! Good for them! Lord knows they deserve it.
  • I stayed up till 5:30am this morning finishing my lab report sad.gif and i want to be asleep right now... but i have to wait 30 min till my ride comes to pick me up from school

    will someone just please send a magical unicorn to come and pick me up?! im waiting....

    i was surprisingly alert today... that is until my proff did her lecture on molecular thingy-ma-bobs...
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