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  • Thanks Wolf359, nostabenitsirhc, porifera *hugs back*

    He went into hospice care last weekend and suffered through the week on morpheine. My Aunt said it was horrible to watch and was truly a blessing when he passed. My Grandpa was dying from bone cancer but had also started the dementia phase of alzheimers. I'd say it's a blessing too, to be out of pain and to die before you forget everyone you love.

    It was not a surprise, but still hard to let go. Thanks again for the love;) I appreciate it.
  • QUOTE (hungrylikethewolf @ Aug 18 2007, 05:39 PM)
    ok, I just need to say that my last Grandparent died on Thursday and I'm unable to go to the funeral as it's far away. I feel very bad because I know that my Mother and Aunt could really use the support.

    It is a very complicated situation and everyone understands, but I still feel badly.

    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

    I'm so sorry darling. My best wishes are with your family.
  • So today I went to the NY Red Bulls vs LA Galaxy game at Giants stadium and it was soooo much fun! My friends and I had really good seats and the place was packed because it was the "Beckham Game." There were like 60,000 people there, and about 10,000 go to the normal games. And he played the whole game, like started and everything, and he hasn't done that yet since he was injured. And ahhh it was so cool! It was a really close game and the Red Bulls won 5-4! Everyone was going crazy, but a lot of people around me, even my friends, were cheer for Beckham or LA if they scored and like Beckham assisted, and I was like "What team are you rooting for?" hahah And I was going crazy. I had this Red Bull flag I borrowed from my brother and was waving it and screaming everytime they scored or something. And these annoying like Swedish boys behind me and my friends were getting mad that we were standing up when like a goal was about to be scored, but mind you everyone in front of us were also standing. And then they were like "Sit down bitches!" And they kept saying that so I just turned around and was like "Excuse Me?!?!" And the kid looked really scared and was like "nothing" and then they moved to a different seat hahaha But ya everyone was going insane, like soccer fans are totally insane! And then at the end Beckham took his shirt off after the game, and I didn't complain about that hahaha!

    ok sorry for rambling!
  • laugh.gif

    Aww, I'm glad you had a good time!!
  • I'm really glad you had a good time Patty! Soccer/football fans are wicked! I really want to see a game now!
  • o thanks guys! ya my brother brought me over to the fanclub (he was there but sitting with the fanclub, but i was still close to them haha) and they are even crazier. But at all these event things, I always go nuts. Like I yelled when they scored, or booed when the other team did (only because so much people were like ahhh Beckham's team scored ahhh) so I had to counteract their screams. And I was waving the flag and screaming like good job to the players. People around me probably thought I was insane, but o well, i can care less. At least I had a good time, ya know?

    Ya, soccer fans are some of the craziest people I know!

    o ya, sorry to all you non-Americans who are probably like "it's football, not soccer" haha
  • there is a kid in my english and gym class from spain and he was talking about his favorite "futball" team and i didnt know if he meant soccer or football
  • What is our deal with that? What makes us think we can steal the name and make it our own different sport. Who do we think we are?
  • america lol
  • umm... ok. So I've run the microwave and my George Foreman before with no problems, but today it decides that's too much. So after a bit of searching I find the breaker box and open it up to reveal: Yes, all breakers are in the on position. Yet clearly that is not the case.

    Further investigation is required.
  • so they both wont work??
  • No, only one of the 4 outlets in the kitchen is live. Also the fridge is on the same circuit. I've flipped and reflipped every breaker in the box. I'm at a loss, unless the breaker itself is bad.

    So, how many electrical engineers does it take...
  • lol that really stinks and they arnt broken or anything? or the fuses arent busted or anything?
  • Oh, it was the one on the outlet itself. I'm surprised the fridge was in that loop, but ok. It works again. biggrin.gif
  • lol thats good!
  • Well I'm off to go look at cars, and I'm really nervous about it. I've never bought a new car before, and when I've bought used ones I've always had a guy go with me so maybe they won't take advantage of me. But I'm going it alone. Hopefully I won't get ripped off!!!
  • It went really well until I told him I wasn't going to buy a car today. Then the high pressure came on. I hate that!!!
  • my sister went to go buy a car not to long ago and she like broke down in the middle of the place it was sorta embarresing but idk ive never bought my own care
  • So I'm not the baby at work anymore. For almost 2 years now I've been the youngest one here. But a new girl started yesterday who's 22.

    Oh well. I knew this day would come.
  • i passed my written driving test! this kid in front of me missed like 13 and i was like crap im sunk but then the lady was like YOU PASSED and confetti came out of the ceiling and everyone got on there desk and danced the macarina.........haha ok that part didnt happen but it would have been funny if they did
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