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  • ya congrats!
  • ROCK ON!!!!! biggrin.gif
  • Ohhhh, fun! Congrats!

    I can't get my licence until March 20th. sad.gif
  • Bleeh.. I"m so bored. 15 minutes till I can leave. And then I get to go to... you guessed it... Another car lot. woooo.
    I almost want to just buy one today so I don't have to worry about it anymore. I know that's dumb. But if he gives me a better price than the guy yesterday I just might. There's only 2 dealers in town and the next one is like 40 miles away so i don't wanna deal with that. So I have two options really.

    I'm hungry though. I have a feeling that's going to put a certain urgency in the matter that doesn't need to be there. Ehh, I'll make it.
  • im eating seafood fettichini! YUMM!
  • QUOTE (AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken @ Aug 21 2007, 11:26 PM)
    im eating seafood fettichini! YUMM!

    I'm actually really jealous.
    But I had matzah ball soup today for the first time, so I'm feeling especially jewishy and happy now.
  • My sister is leaving for home tomorrow. I'll be driving her to the airport. Me so very sad right now. I don't want her to go sad.gif
  • Aww sad.gif
    How far away does she live?
  • Awww Tempe. sad.gif *hugs* As hard as it will be to have her gone, it will get easier with time. And there's always the phone. wink.gif

    And also, I love how all of your sentences in that post start with some form of "I." Reminds me of Jen from Big Brother. tongue.gif
  • Thanks for the hugs *sniff* She lives in New Jersey. I live in Arizona. I wish we could get together more often than just the summer, that's what makes it so hard. God, this is always the worst day of the year for me, the last day of her vacation w/ me.

    Lol, wow, that thing about the sentence you mentioned is cool, Krista
  • when i go on hiatus for a few days, i feel like i miss a ton of shit. i don't even know where to start reading.
  • I could use a massage. Definately getting on in Vegas. And I'm going with a massage therapist, so it'll likely be free biggrin.gif
  • haha lucky thats awesome i want a massage but i dont want to pay like a butt load for it haha
  • I could totally go for a massage right about now
  • QUOTE (Wolf359 @ Aug 22 2007, 12:16 PM)
    I could use a massage. Definately getting on in Vegas. And I'm going with a massage therapist, so it'll likely be free biggrin.gif

    as could i... regarding previously mentioned back issues...

    and i just got back from vegas. smile.gif i loved it there.

    edit to say: i guess i didn't mention my back issues in this thread, but rather the 'complaints' thread. lol yipps.
  • Aww, I'm sorry your back has issues. And I hope Vegas is cool. I'm looking forward to it.
  • when you get back from vegas im expecting a play by play on what happened like what did you do who did you meet that typa thing
  • You're coming to Las Vegas, Wolfie? happy.gif *is there now, and always* I hope you have fun!

  • aww thats exciting im glad your that happy!
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