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Random Stuff



  • whoa... at first i thought you wrote " i want to be a daddy" sweets... rolleyes.gif
  • I found the perfect place where I want to make my internship this summer and then saw that I'll have to pay 500 euro so this internship-agency helps me with it.... sad.gif
  • Oh joy, Sanjaya is in town. He and some American Idol stars are performing at a local restaurant just for the kiddies as part of the Super Bowl festivities. Gah, I can't believe I'm breathing the same air as him. *Sarcastic swooning*

    Tis rather cool having the Super Bowl in the next town over. (Poor FBR Open, seems no one gives a crap about a major golf tournament when it's in town at the same time as the Super Bowl)...
  • only three more days and then I'll have my exams!! and right now learning is fun... haha, no, I mean it!

    my name backwars is esianoyam, or in short: oyam. Oyam sounds weird.

    I'll return to my literature learn thing now...
  • snowflakes on my nose and eyelashes!!

    fo sho!

    it was weird, this week we had some nice warm weather and then bam SNOOOWWW
  • i want snow... sad.gif
  • O Y A M

    sounds like a strange meditating moan
  • Hellooooo

    Okay I'm seriously back now - I got a new laptop!! (Macbook) Hooraaaaaay!
    So now I can type again hehe smile.gif

    I hope you're all doing well!!
  • oh yay, a macbook!! That is so great! (and also: wow, all those letters you use, haha...) I came home from uni and thought I might lie down for 30 mins before I start learning and woke up almost 6 hours later (clearliy lost in an oyam - moment...meditation you can't stop)--- I'm never going to manage those exams this way. Now making coffee.
  • snow would be better than this cold rain/hail stuff I'm getting now.
    it's grosssss

    and I'm supposed to go into Boston tonight, but it's cold and rainy. ohmy.gif generally not fun, but I dunno.
    we're still deciding what to doooo

  • I wish you could go back to sleep and continue dreams...I was getting the nicest kisses on the back of my neck from a certain, formerly,long haired , green eyed, rock star...le sigh
  • i'm dancing in my seat to shakira!
  • whoa to that... I can't get analycity and syntheticity in my head... argh, I can't even say it without ending with this blblblblbl-sound... haha.
  • QUOTE (meliswilis @ Feb 2 2008, 11:01 AM)
    i'm dancing in my seat to shakira!

    her hips don't lie...
  • my computer printer randomly turns on by itself sometimes and it freaks me out...
  • Our really old tv used to do that. It would freak me out so much. I'm glad we got rid of it.
  • i now have pink in my hair for paramore

  • YES SIR.

    its pink and mystical and can heal dying unicorns
  • QUOTE (agentnumone @ Feb 3 2008, 01:42 PM)
    its pink and mystical and can heal dying unicorns

    but can it grow cuddly polar bears?!?
  • lady dabs, lady smudge the panda says hello to pandy jr.

    we sell really bloody huge bears at work for valentines...i just need a girl to give a big bear to..
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