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  • conte, its what fancy ass artists like myself use to color.
    actually i never use color, so graphite would be my choice, or ink.

    did you see the stylish kids in the riot?
  • Bill Bones he knows what I mean.

    no... not personally.

    Q: did you have uniforms in highschool?
  • no, i wish, i like for sissy boy pants and sweatervests with crests.

    you know bill bones?! whats he like?
  • Hes a total tool.

    Q: whats the coolest profession to have a phd in?
  • i have a phd in awesome. does that count?

    will you call me doctor man candy?
  • Sure doctor man candy.

    Q: how did you obtain a phd in awesome? your not chris nelson so I have serious doubts that your claim is true.
  • it wasnt easy, but after years of self abuse and foosball mastery, i realized "dang, thats a phil chen lifestyle i need to change"

    who is chris nelson?is he like craig t nelson?
  • damn, your not from toronto... yet you don't know who chis nelson is... chris nelson aka one of the hosts from Going Coastal on Much Music...

    Q: Why do you always beat up on your friend phil chen?/ why are you this dudes friend... you only ever talk about how pervy/lame/sad he is.
  • cause phil asks for it by being a chump. he needs a woman! and hes a perve, the fist too, actually all my friends are, i am a little, im a creep!? me and the chen understand each other, were almost like brothers in a wierd way.

    am i a creep!?
  • you haven't done anything to suspect it yet.

    Q: I'm going soon on a rating of 1-10, 10 being most, how much will i be missed?
  • 14! well realistically, more like 7?

    are you leaving to get the skins?
  • ^^^ nope... unless getting the skins also involves taking a shower and sleeping.

    Q: do you guys have any summer music festivals?
  • yes. yes we do.

    did you want details?
  • of course... i'm just curious...

    Q: whats the best concert you ever went to?
  • im not sure ive had a best one yet. i was going to go to the small sins show, but i ended up not going.

    what was the deal with hey armold?
  • ^^^ he rocked... thats his deal

    Its helga the unibrow chick who had a deal.
  • what kind of lame ass questioon asker are you? where be your question?
  • oh shit... i forgot. sowie...

    Q: favourite band that has wolf in the title?
  • jeremy sunshine and the wolf poons!

    did you expect "Wolfmother"?
  • Nope I expected Wolf parade. But obviously I would of had respect for you if you said wolfmother.

    Q: why do they call it ovaltine? the jar is round, the cup is round... they should call it roundtine!
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