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  • its like bad taste in your mouth but more like you just got denied the skins, in a totaly new way by a girl who tastes funny

    did that answer the question?
  • Yes...

    Q: how many ways have you been denied skins?
  • like.... hmmm... lets see.... just the one, regular straight up denial.

    whats the highest youve ever counted?
  • umm I don't really count... I'm more of a stating big numbers kind of girl... so probably 500 in french in grade 4... don't ask me to do this feat now... I can only remember up to 20 now...

    Q: How much do you want a piano scarf?
  • not that much

    how much do you want a ladboy?
  • hmmm I dunno what that is... but I do want a piano scarf.

    Q: Whats the best song title ever?
  • "Shit On The Radio" by Nelly Fertado, because I hate the radio since it only plays shit.

    What's a song that helped you through a hard time?
  • "A Better Son/Daughter" by Rilo Kiley

    Where can one buy one of those piano scarves because I love it and want one?
  • JFK Says he got it from someone in Japan... and that everyone has one there...

    I WANT one too!

    Q: if you ever see one would you buy it for me?
  • I just google imaged it and apparently lots of balding middle-aged men have one. There's hope for us!

    If you were a pizza, what would be on top of you?
  • umm i guess just extra cheese... because I'm extra boring... and i'm delicious.

    Q: Whos your favourite x-man?
  • Wolvereen because it's fun to say and because you know you put pencils between your fingers when you made a fist back in the day.

    Favorite Care Bear?
  • who was the lion? breaveheart or something, or the really grumpy pissed off one.

    favorite all time mullet
  • Umm it might be gonzo... I love gonzo.

    Q: How much do you hate pre-teen overly obsessed girls?
  • i dont really, if i had more pre-teen overly obsessive girls as fans or something id be flattered.

    what? gonzo, wasnt he a muppet, i said mullet.

    favorite epidode of star trek in which sulu gets a sword? (hint only once was sulu with sword)
  • The one when sulu got a sword.

    oops i scanned and didn't read... Yes gonzo is a muppet... sorry.

    My dad has a mullet... it used to rock... now it grosses me out, hes growing his hair longer at the top, plus hes tring out a dread or something... not good for mullets.

    Q: favourite all time muppet?
  • snuffleupigus(?) for the sheer balls it takes to show your face with a name like that.

    favorite german titled, but not in german song?
  • Umm, Ich Roque? But that's German, oh well.

    Simpsons or Family Guy?
  • Simpsons have been around forever, and I love them, and Family Guy is GREAT, but I'm gonna be old school and go with the Simpsons.

    What are your top 5 fav. Anime?
  • i dont like anime.. but i do love sailor moon.

    got any good studying tips??
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