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  • I'll be serious for a change and tug at your heart strings. I literally almost lost my vision because of a detached retina. I wasn't in an accident, it just spontaneously occured, it's probably genetic or something. Two weeks before dental school was about to start, and two weeks before I had to start living in AZ, all of this happened. My stupid uncle started calling me "the blind dentist" to make light of it. He's such a butthead. Lol

    So, definitely, I'd rather sacrifice my hearing. I need to see. If I can't hear Ok Go, at least I can see those lovely Nordwind burns.

    Q: what's better diet or regular Dr. Pepper?
  • I used to like Dr.Pepper, but not anymore, so neither.

    Do you like marmite?
  • NO

    Do you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
  • Yes

    what is marmite?
  • like vegimite, australians and weird people eat it

    why does andy like the tie I gave him so much?
  • because he is a sweetheart

    what is vegimite?
  • Fab K's question:

    Because it is from you and it is so damn spiffy. And that one night we hooked up I told him to wear that tie more often. tongue.gif

    Q: Cell phone or internet?


    Krose's question:

    No idea.

    Same question as above
  • Internet, I can spend HOURS on it and only a few minutes on my cell.
  • Lol, Lightamatch4me, you kill me! Sorry I got in the way of your hillarious post.

    Tic-tacs or mint life savors?
  • Mint Life Savors.

    And to answer your marmite question.. go to and it should explain things. But it's brown and salty lol yeah, and almost all the people I know hate it, but I think it's ok.

    What's your fav. nailpolish colour? or the one you wear most often.
  • Tic-Tacs.

    Q: Gum or mints?
  • gum, it's so fun to chew chew chew

    Desert hot or Antartic cold?
  • I'd like to say somewhere in between, but if I have to choose, I'll say IF I'm well covered, Antarctic cold.

    What's your favourite magazine?
  • Organic Style (it's the only mag I can read from cover to cover)

    Am I the only one that thinks that Paula on The Real World is an attention whore that needs to get help?
  • No idea who you're talking about Karleigh, whoever in answer to an earlier question, I went to see XMen 3 already, and its REALLY good. And Hugh Jackman is HOTTTTTTTTT lol. And also, Dave isn't scary if you treat him right smile.gif

    If there was one place in the world that you could live, where would it be, and why?!
  • yarr for hugh Jackman!

    I'm going to be lame and say Toronto, Canada. Where I am now. I know the winters are hella cold, and the summers are wierd... but I love it here. I like the music scene, downtown, the suburbs, I even have love for most of the GTA (greater toronto area for all you americabobs), excluding North York that is...

    But Ya I love me some Toronto Canada, and althought other places are probably more beautiful or rad or historical or whatnot... I don't think I could live anywhere else for more than a year.

    ... whoa sorry, i kinda rambled...

    Q: What topic do you love to ramble about?

    Should I live there when I leave home?
  • In England just so I could be close to you, Jen...that and I want to live in Europe but I'm not good at learning languages, so I need to live in a country that speaks English.

    Where would YOU live?
  • I dunno. If you wish... Maybe I'm just bias... I guess everyone loves thier home town.

    Q: yay! your coming to Toronto! Is it for summer vacation?
  • Nope, for the big Canada's Walk of Fame thing. Which I can't actually go to because I'm not 19, so I just get to stay in a fancy hotel and wander around.

    Who thinks I should finally use my OK Go camera..
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