In this Discussion




  • i dont care, i like it all, except for rum and raisin, which was gross!
  • whats your question?
  • do you see theses 2 cold fingers, these crooked fingers?
  • nope, but i do see 2 cut fingers... ouch.

    Q: best thing to make with toast?
  • toast is good to make with toast.

    why would you need to know that?
  • I only have bread in the house right now, no one wants to go to the store... I made garlic bread with cheese... but I think i should mix it up tommorow...I'll take your toast suggestion...

    Q: whos cooler? Arnold S. or Jackie Chan?
  • arnie! cause hes all muscleish!

    have you seen him lately?

    shirtless that is.
  • no not lately, he's not returning my calls.

    Q: Should I see x men3?
  • i heard it was pretty good, i was supposed to seee it this last wekend, but i didnt.

    oh shit!

    um... are you going to find a shirtless arnold picture?
  • I'm too scared to seach for anything with "shirtless" in it. so no.

    Q: why are you so obsessed with shirtless dudes?
  • isnt everyone?
  • I don't think nuns are.

    Q: whats the deal with nuns?
  • theyre very pius? i dont know.

    whats the deal with "the guns"?
  • guns don't kill people, people kill people... with guns.

    Q: do video games train kids to be trained snipers?
  • probably not

    are you a worried single mother of 3 trying to earn an honest decent living for those good for nothing ingrates?
  • nope

    Q: do I seem like I have kids, much less good for nothing ingrates?
  • why not?
  • Sweetness, you're right. Agentnumone may have a little ingrate. But that's only because she adopted mine (only she doesn't know it yet. The ingrate is in the mail right now being shipped her way). Anyway, you should talk, you're the one who's the expectant papa around here.

    do you ever wonder what the little kid version of yourself would say about the now-adays version of yourself?
  • No because i know exactly what I'd say...
    "I'm still the same, but I'm not what I expected... oooooh Shiney nickel!"

    Q: What are you most afraid of?
  • bugs are gross!

    arent bugs gross?
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