In this Discussion




  • 8 pounds!

    When was the last time you took a bath?
  • me bathe?! HAHAHHA! no i kid...

    I had a shower last night... but can't remember the last time i took out the bubbles and had a bath...

    Q: what song is the best for air guitaring?
  • Well, for me it's "Hysteria" by Muse.

    What kind of car do you drive?
  • a better one than you....she's named darbie carpowerr*...i have no idea where i got that name.

    rose started this thread. how many of you know the legend of rose?
  • I do not but I would like to hear it.

    Would you tell it, please, oh Dave The AWESOME!!! Fireman?
  • i love rose too much to share her with anyone. the legend ends with me missing her sad.gif


    why don't i post anymore?

    p.s. you spelled AWESOME!! wrong.
  • Because you got a full time gig saving lives, and I want to thank you for it.

    How have you been?

    PS: It's spelled right...
  • i've been busy. i went in to work monday 8am and i just got home from work at 8pm tonight. exciting stuff, no?

    how did you know i got a full time job?

    p.s. no you didn't. anyone want to help her spell "AWESOME!!?"
  • Jen and I talk about everything.

    Do they have a room where you can sleep between fires?

    PS: Better?
  • yeah, we sleep at night. there is no way i could stay up for 24 hours let alone for 60. and in the south we don't have as many fires as they do up north. here our fire side and our EMS side merged in to hillsborough county fire rescue. up north they still have pure fire depts. 90% of our calls are medical calls. chest pains, fall injurys, things like that. and we've had a slow week, i just needed to cover some shifts for some people. awesome, right?

    why did i go on and on about that for no reason?
  • Because I care.

    Do you ever have to get cats out of trees?
  • sometimes. it depends on what kind of cat. we're pretty picky. we like tabby cats. persians are too fussy.

    Q: favorite animal?
  • Giraffes, elephants, or tigers

    I still want to know if fireman really get cats out of trees, Dave.
  • Is Dave scary?
  • Dave letterman seems like a very nice man, not at all scary...
    Tigers rule all, since in chinese horoscope terms I am a that song "Eye of the Tiger" is rad.

    q:Are you gunna see the new xmen movie?
  • Probably, if I don't die from exhaustion tomorrow.

    Are you annoyed by 14 year old kids who think they know everything posting on the Internet? I know I am.
  • Immensely.

    What is your fav. movie character?
  • hmm.. this is tough. I don't think I have one. Kip? from Napolean Dynamite?

    Q: cowabunga! what rad phrase do you wish people would bring back to use from the 80s/90s?
  • Groovy.

    Q: If made to choose, which would you sacrifice? Your ability to hear, or your ability to see?
  • good question! I think I would have to sacrifice my hearing, I need to see..

    Q: (repeat lightamatch4me's question)
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