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  • OOOO! I DO!!!

    that is soo rad! your going to Walk of Fame! I want to go now! But I probably won't... unless felster wants to go, I think i should order her to come with me.

    Q: should I go downtown and wander as well? Because if I saw Brendan Fraser, Eugene Levy, or even ms. anderson I'd probably blow a gasket....
  • Bahaha, you should keep my mom company if she decides to go to the Mod Club. My mom at the Mod Club. Harr.

    Would you dare Robert Goulet to have a staring contest with you? *hopes somebody gets that..*
  • of course. goulet would win thought, that man's eyes could egnite anyones soul.
    And I'd love to go to the mod club with your mom... i guess. I've never actually been into it .. just stared at it and at all the kids lining up for eisley, while going to another club

    Q: You hate cheetos/cheeseies/processed cheese chips right? or am I the only one?
  • I really don't even consider it cheese, but I love Crunchy Cheetos anyway. It's cheese in a can that really grosses me out.

    What exactly is there to do in Toronto whilst my mom is off hanging out with Paul Shaffer?
  • umm well you could go to the hockey hall of fame, try and track down jr digs, stalk the vjs/ beat sense into Devon, or start up your own very scene emo/pop/electro/indie rock band.

    Q: why don't you hang out with Shaffer as well? he rocks!
  • I know, I love him, but they won't let me into any of the cool stuff because I'm under 19!!

    Why do old people suck like that?
  • just be glad its not 21 like in the states! They suck like that because some kiddies (not you of course) would try and sneak drinks even though they are under age.

    Q: is being a pacifist a bad thing?
  • its not good or bad, it just is.

    will you join my fanclub?
  • umm sure... is it a club for sweetness fans... or whos fan would I have to be?

    Q: whats your favourite disney movie?
  • The Little Mermaid!!!!

    What's your favorite disney ride?
  • I've not been to Disney, so who knows.

    What makes you grim?
  • Troubles with friends, it always makes me gloomy.

    What was your first pet?
  • Personally, my dog Cinnamon.

    I liked your question Karleigh, so I'll post it again smile.gif

    What was your first pet? AND, what other types of pets have you had?
  • Probably a budgie...
    I've only had birds and fish...

    Q:what was your favourite game to play as a kid at recess?
  • recess is for chavs.

    cheesecake or pie?
  • Cheescake, derr.

    Q: whats the best way to scare someone?
  • by coming up behind them and punching them in the face!

    wouldnt that scare you?
  • yes, it certainly would.

    Q: do you think the earth is under going global warming?
  • probably, but its not my fault

    did you recently eat ice cream?
  • yess sir ee bob... chocolate fudge brownie... or something like that... ummm

    Q: whats your favourite ice cream flavour?
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