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Happy List



  • scarfs/scarves are like elfs/elves?
  • Is "elfs" acceptable?
  • - Boat rides
    - Flirty old Italian men with completely stereotypical Italian names
    - Chicken fingers
  • QUOTE (nostabenitsirhc @ Aug 12 2007, 10:23 AM)
    Is "elfs" acceptable?

    I'm pretty sure there's an author out there that insists upon it in his own mythical language or something, idk. lol.
  • Haha smile.gif

    You know what makes me happy? The fact that I have succesfully gotten over my Sunkist addiction (It use to be all I drank, and I always felt like I needed one. When I didn't have one, I felt sick)
  • You had an addiction to sunkist? lmao I had no idea it was even addictive.
  • Haha, apparently it is. I know you can get addicted to caffeine, but it wasn't that, because I could have other things with caffeine, and it wouldn't help. Even other sodas didn't help.
    It's kind of sad really, and I have thought that I was over it, but then went right back to Sunkist, but I'm pretty sure this time is the winner.
  • - Listening to Rufus Wainwright's Want One commentaries

    I've only listened to two so far...
    "This song, I wrote when I was on a train from Paris... to London. And there was a very good-looking guy... who wasn't paying any attention to me. [laughs] So, um, I guess he must have been straight."
    "This is a completely true story. There was some guy that I liked, and uh, he... um... ... just never called me. And I put my phone on vibrate, and go out to bars, and, you know, wait for my pants to move."

    He's so cute~~~
  • Ugh, it drives me insane that J0rge still hasn't posted the Rufus podcast. I mean, it'll be two years old this fall!
  • Hey, what?! Rufus podcast?
  • Yeah, from when they toured with him. Lucky sluts who got to see those shows...
  • WHAT

    When was this?! I need a time machine!
  • Yeah, I remember insane amounts of jealously surging through me when Katy got to see them together at some college. Blogs from November '05:

    Chapter Fifty: I Quit
    Ladies and gentlemen, I have decided to quit rockandroll, music, and performance for life.

    I'll explain. We've just seen (and played) two shows with Rufus Wainwright. I don't know where to begin. His songs are incredible, his voice other-worldly and his band... good lord, his band. Every single member of his band plays nineteen instruments and sings pitch-perfectly. As the show goes on, each band member comes forward and throws a fistful of amazement, jealousy, and depression into my simmering emotional broth until the cauldron boils over and I run from the venue screaming to holy heaven, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF SANITY, PLAY ONE BAD NOTE!"

    OK, I've calmed down. Damian bought me a pumpkin-spice doughnut (damnit!) and convinced me not to quit. He said it would be way too hard to find another guitarist/computer programmer/nerd named Andy before our Fuse appearance. I understand... it's in about twenty minutes. Go find a television, people!


    Chapter Fifty-Two: The Bullets Bite Back
    It's been a little while since my last post and much has happened, so I'm going to have to rock this post list-style. Nah, check that: I'm taking this jam bullet-list-style. Deal with it.

    Rufus Wainwright hit on me. Swear to God. After telling him that the quality of his music and talent of his band was depressing me, he simply replied with, "Oh sweetie, I can make you happy." While he and I don't play on the same team, I can't help but think that getting hit on by a guy NME calls "one of, if not the best, songwriters of his generation" is a victory for Ol' Rusty. Rufus wins, too, because everyone knows that getting turned down by a member of OK Go is an honor in itself.

    Not only did my parents and sister come to the Northampton show, they also brought grandmother, who enjoyed her first OK Go experience. (I considered using de-virginizing just now, but "de-virginizing" and "grandmother" in the same sentence made me barf seven times.) My grandmother loved both our and Rufus' set, but she gave me a funny look when Rufus said from stage that OK Go had "cute butts." I know how you feel, Grandma.

    Thanks to the Toronto message board crew who brought eleventeen tons of pumpkin-related products. Our evening of intense pumpkin snackery culminated in the carving of Tim into a jack-o-lantern.

    Speaking of Toronto, we're playing an XBOX 360 launch party in Toronto on November 21. If you want to come you have to sign-up to win tickets. Click here, to sign up.

    In recent days, I've taken to tossing the tambourine over my head to our guitar tech during "Don't Ask Me." It just feels like the right thing to do. The one kink in that plan: ceiling beams. When I tried throwing it to him in St. Louis, the damn thing bounced off a ceiling beam and flew back into the crowd, nailing a girl in the front row. It's amazing how "cool" goes to "pathetic" in a heartbeat. To that unfortunate fan, I have two things to say: A belated "heads up!" and I'm really, really sorry.

  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Aug 11 2007, 09:46 PM)
    His songs are incredible, his voice other-worldly and his band... good lord, his band. Every single member of his band plays nineteen instruments and sings pitch-perfectly. As the show goes on, each band member comes forward and throws a fistful of amazement, jealousy, and depression into my simmering emotional broth until the cauldron boils over and I run from the venue screaming to holy heaven, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF SANITY, PLAY ONE BAD NOTE!"
    biggrin.gif I can only imagine how that feels. Good for Andy, getting hit on by the most amazing person ever... lucky bastard
  • hahaha awww Andy's so cute!!!

    ya he got hit on by Rufus haha lucky haha

    I was talking to my friend a while ago and she's a big Rufus fan. She was telling me about the concert and said that the opening act was 'OK Go'. She didn't somehow know my love of the boys and I like flipped out! I was like you got to see Rufus AND OK Go?!?!?! I was so jealous!
  • Something that makes me happy is a video I just posted in the Random Stuff thread, and then realized I should have posted it here, so here it is again:
  • polka dancing in the rain with friends ^^
  • What exactly does polka dancing entail?
  • alot of jumping to the side and spinning
    this is exactly it polka dancing
    lol yep
    we were taught how do polka dance in 9th grade in gym
    because we live in wisconsin damnit and on sundays we eat cheese, drink beer and polka dance
  • QUOTE (mixtape @ Aug 12 2007, 01:19 AM)
    Ugh, it drives me insane that J0rge still hasn't posted the Rufus podcast. I mean, it'll be two years old this fall!

    Or the Ira Glass one. Srsly.

    -Playing with kittens late at night
    -ice cream places that stay open until 10 so we can eat ice cream and wander through town
    -jumping fountains
    -car hop service
    -old cars
    -the 50s
    -being too tired to actually form complete sentences
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