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Happy List



  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 12 2007, 09:43 AM)
    Or the Ira Glass one. Srsly.

    I was actually just thinking about those! The podcasts that have been posted bring so much joy and happiness into my life... and since I love Rufus and Ira, it would be just all the awesomer. We should start a "PLZ-POST-THEM!" petition thread. Or something.

    - waking up earlier than anyone in the house
    - walking around on tiptoes
    - last hoorahs
    - The Office (British version) on DVD. I actually like the US version a lot more, but I don't own that.
    - wearing earrings for the first time in months
    - the way the sun finds its way through my shut blinds and makes pretty patterns on the floor
  • QUOTE (Shalu-lah @ Aug 12 2007, 01:53 PM)
    I was actually just thinking about those! The podcasts that have been posted bring so much joy and happiness into my life... and since I love Rufus and Ira, it would be just all the awesomer. We should start a "PLZ-POST-THEM!" petition thread. Or something.

    We have! I shall see if I can find it and bump it.
  • Disneyland.
    My favorite place on earth.
  • I saw Muse last night.
    They were effing awesome.
  • My brother saw Muse in concert recently. He won the tickets from a radio station smile.gif
  • gettin' me some band boys makes me happy.

  • QUOTE (Tabetha @ Aug 12 2007, 03:15 PM)
    I saw Muse last night.
    They were effing awesome.

    Sally, did you meet them on your street? Did the plan work??
  • sorry i missed the scarves talk..
    scarves & coats.. aw i love them.. too bad it doesn't get too cold here.
    God, you seem cool.. you like scarves, and in the random stuff thread you referred to three inanimate objects with names.. thats awesome.. because i love naming inanimate objects!!

    QUOTE (Electra @ Aug 12 2007, 07:01 AM)
    My favorite place on earth.

    i'm going on thursday! yaay.
  • QUOTE (amberdino @ Aug 13 2007, 01:58 AM)
    sorry i missed the scarves talk..
    scarves & coats.. aw i love them.. too bad it doesn't get too cold here.
    God, you seem cool.. you like scarves, and in the random stuff thread you referred to three inanimate objects with names.. thats awesome.. because i love naming inanimate objects!!
    i'm going on thursday! yaay.

    Aww yay! Have fun!
    I like naming things too :)Actually, alot of people I know do. My friend's ipod is named guam, and her brother named one of their old computer chaz, and so much more.

  • i was really pissed earlier but i put on some shins and now i feel alot better and more optimistic ^^
    ooo and girl sailor and red rabbits are good songs to listen to when ur pissed or sad
  • smile.gif glad to hear it!
  • QUOTE (Electra @ Aug 12 2007, 01:30 PM)
    Sally, did you meet them on your street? Did the plan work??

    I'll tell you all about it on msn b/c it's a long, silly story, but in the end it was a whole "Mel! You're not supposed to be he-ah" situation. Oh, yes, a perfect Flight of the Conchords reference.

    So I'll cut to the end of my 2 hour adventure.

    There I was, walking around the VIP back entrance (I hadn't intended to go there; it just so happened that if you keep walking, that's where you end up). And it was a curiouser and curiouser sight! It was just past the HUGEST, biggest, longest, widest trucks I'd ever seen in my life- they could have been buildings! They were shiny and cool looking and said Blah Lighting and Staging Blah on them, cept not those exact words. And then came the Muse trailers. They were quite something! And a few yards away was their VIP entrance to the arena; on the door was a sign that said "MUSE" and an arrow, as if really they couldn't find the door from their trailers a few steps away. No, I rather think that sign was put there to mean, "Muse is here and you can't come in! Go away!"

    Here's the problem: the place was seeping with policemen. They were all over the place! And as I approached, their eyes turned squarely toward me. What to do? I immediately began to pretend to be a jogger. I waved my arms around, showed my ipod and smiled a hello-I'm-just-passing-through-on-my-way-to-fitness-and-health smile. I thought I saw a glimpse of Dom but with the police watching, I couldn't look twice. So I just jogged on through.

    I realize now that the persona of an innocent jogger was not my idea. It's what Mrs. Bucket did when she stalked the captain of her cruise ship in Keeping Up Appearances: "Richard! Swing your arms like a jogger! Everyone finds them friendly and harmless!"
  • -sally's "ok go and avas" thread
    -shalu's livejournal picture search thread
    -70 degree weather (we get it this week after it being 90 for the last two!)
    -wakig up and NOT being in a pool of sweat, but instead under a blanket with a breeze rolling over me
    -my sega genesis
  • -the local car hop. Yes, we have a car hop. And it is local. The cheeseburgers cost $3 and the waiters/waitresses are sassy and sarcastic and they have a Mrs. Pac-Man inside.

    -Finding a free Ouija board at a tag sale and then teetering on the fence of adult nonbelieving ("it's a board game for god's sake and it's been proven wrong") and childhood excitement ("OH MY GOD IT MOVES").

    -Not really getting any spirits from the Ouija board, except a sarcastic one named J who only responded to one question "is there anyone there?" by saying "no."

    -wearing a shirt inside-out to my work and not realizing and having a friend point it out and responding by saying it was a new fashion statement.

    -new This American Life episode

    -making up songs in the car with my boyfriend as he drove me home after an evening of lounging at his apartment, listening to Harry Potter and his heartbeat.
  • QUOTE (tonetoile @ Aug 13 2007, 04:33 PM)
    -Finding a free Ouija board at a tag sale and then teetering on the fence of adult nonbelieving ("it's a board game for god's sake and it's been proven wrong") and childhood excitement ("OH MY GOD IT MOVES").

    -Not really getting any spirits from the Ouija board, except a sarcastic one named J who only responded to one question "is there anyone there?" by saying "no."

    I 'got' Freddie Mercury once.
    And a girl I was with believed in it, and thought he was my Uncle.
    I wish. laugh.gif
  • HAHAHA. Oh my god I love Ouija boards.

    Tonight I think we're reading Tarot, which I actually believe in. My friend's mom read my cards one Halloween and it was so accurate it was unbelievable. The funny thing was, it wasn't just me; I was talking to my friends last night and we talked about how everyone's cards were eerily true. My friend's mom is a really good reader. She refused to read one of our friend's cards because she had read his twice in the same night once (which you're not supposed to do) and he kept getting the same cards and it freaked her out.

    So, yeah, I want to learn how to read Tarot well. That's my new goal. Why am I such a geek?
  • you aren't a geek! i've never had my cards read, but i know people who have and they are also eerily accurate... i think its cool!!!
  • It's not geeky Amy!

    I tried to learn how to read palms once, but I wasn't very good at it. And a very religious catholic girl got pissed off at me because I read her palm and told her she'd get divorced. Eeeekk tongue.gif
  • Oh I am proud to be a geek.

    I know that Tarot are meant to be broad enough to cover most any situation, but I swear mine were dead on, not like when I had my cards read before. It was super creepy.

    I used to pretend to be able to read minds when I was little at Girl Scout camp. I would section off an area with a blanket and invite people in to read their minds. I think part of me thought I could do it too. I remember telling lots of girls that I could see their future boyfriends. One of mt friends, who I now know likes girls, came in and I said the same thing: "he's tall and has dark hair" blah blah blah. I remember her saying, "no. That's not true." She was awesome. I'm not sure what happened to her, but I wish I had stayed in touch. She was sarcastic before any of us knew what sarcasm was.
  • Do you guy's believe in Ouija boards?
    I was playing with my friend, and we got some really creepy things. they named her grandmother's name when we asked it to prove I wasn't moving it (I don't know any of her grandparent's names) but when I asked it my grandmother's name, some were calling her "bitch", which she was possibly the nicest person you ever would have known, and some called her "love" and some spelt out my mom's name.
    Then we were talking to a guy named Greg, who's friend, JD, was in jail for 4 more eyard for killing him over money. I don't think my friend was doing it, because we both forgot his name, asked again, and then he spelt out Greg again.
    We stopped playing for a while, then we started later, and they all kept saying goodbye. We asked one if the spirits were mad at us, and they said yes...needless to say, we stopped for a while.
    Then we played again later, and I asked where the one we were talking to was, and they spelt out "behind", and I freaked out, and said goodbye.

    Haha sorry that was so long. If you read it all, you deserve a hug.
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