instead of questions i need something else from anyone who reads this:
alright, so im in the armpit of life right now and need some distraction. so id like to ask you the reader of this to send me a message on here, or on the facebook,. just to give me something to read you know? tell me about your day! what are your plans? what kind of ice cream is your favorite? do you like lions or tigers better? anything really, i would greatly appreciate it. i promise ill write back!
i imagine his commercial breaks involve him drinking tea and being offered sugar and him replying 'no thanks, im sweet enough as it is' as bricktop from snatch said to turkish
Would this be an appropriately educational enough video to show in Health class? Or would this cause me to get fired?
Teacher Who Can't Seem to Get Fired
Dear Joe,
Who would win a fight between a dinosaur and a monkey?
Don King
do everyone a favor and show that in class. maybe then the kids will stop getting pregnant
don king,
dinosaur, especially fire breathing godzillas
why do you think i show you nothing but hate? sure, i tease and belittle you
yours lovingly,
the one who always brings you down
tonez hilton: the polar bear from lost was behind the door, it was sad cause of billy corgan.
instead of questions i need something else from anyone who reads this:
alright, so im in the armpit of life right now and need some distraction. so id like to ask you the reader of this to send me a message on here, or on the facebook,. just to give me something to read you know? tell me about your day! what are your plans? what kind of ice cream is your favorite? do you like lions or tigers better? anything really, i would greatly appreciate it. i promise ill write back!
love, joe
you should finish watching Death Note
whatever happened to the scene? I sometimes think back to those days and sigh. you guys were ontop of the world!
Why do those women tell me to shut my mouth? I'm just talkin' bout Shaft!
half our band died in a horrible freak gasoline fight accident it hurts to think back of the halcyon days
in 1956 various states signed onto a government proposition to ban the use of expletives when talkin' bout shaft.
half our band died in a horrible freak gasoline fight accident it hurts to think back of the halcyon days
sounds too much like zoolander to be true...
can animals be nearsighted?
did you miss me while I was gone?
will you buy me a cup of sugar?
okay, bye bye
'zona, animals like to read far side. and that sounds like farsighted... so the answer is... yes?
yes i missed you, we all missed you.
what kind of sugar?
all kinds, I'm sorta stock piling it.
Am I drunk? I feel like I can't type right.
maybe youre drunk on sugar?
maybe youre drunk on sugar?
can Craig Ferguson count as sugar?
who is the legend of the seeker?