i dont like the hulk in general though so to me theyll always suck.
Yeah, the last Hulk was out in like '04 and was the Worst. Movie. EVER. I fell asleep. Shit was blowing up, and I was SLEEPING THROUGH IT BECAUSE IT WAS SO FREAKING BORING.
I'm sure SLJ will say Mother Fucker at least 3 or 4 times in the sequel.
Although I totally embarrassed myself after he appeared, because I said rather loudly "OMG It's Samuel L. Badass Jackson" and this other group of people started laughing at my fangirl self. Then they called me on it outside the theatre on the way back outside the building, so I just started geeking out and talking about Mace Windu and Snakes on a Plane. I think I at least amused them.
it was way better than i expected. No over acting, and it wasnt as extreme and corney like usual SNL related movies. There was real acting in it, not just lame string along jokes or one liners
Although I totally embarrassed myself after he appeared, because I said rather loudly "OMG It's Samuel L. Badass Jackson" and this other group of people started laughing at my fangirl self. Then they called me on it outside the theatre on the way back outside the building, so I just started geeking out and talking about Mace Windu and Snakes on a Plane. I think I at least amused them.
Oh see, I'm more a fan of the Jackie Brown version of Samuel L. Jackson. Why? Two words: chin braid.
im pretty sure "hold on to your butts" is one of the greatest things ever said in a movie... for that alone Samuel L. Badass Jackson is one rad mother shut your mouth.
i was hoping it would be rad... the last movie was sooo good... i guess the suckyness of the last seasons were a marker of how shitty it was going to be...
stupid mulder.
I'm not an X-Files fan but I have heard nothing but negativity about that movie. Sorry it fell short of expectations Mel!
Has anyone seen the new Harry Potter trailer? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBGbKCm_pQQ It looks good except they have a different actor playing the teenage Tom Riddle and that is totally lame. I loved Christian Coulson who played him in the second film. I thought he was brilliant.
Has anyone seen the new Harry Potter trailer? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBGbKCm_pQQ It looks good except they have a different actor playing the teenage Tom Riddle and that is totally lame. I loved Christian Coulson who played him in the second film. I thought he was brilliant.
I still can't stand that guy who plays Dumbledore. Ooo, I hope it does focus more on the parent years like it should. My friend is already leering of it. She doesn't like the things she's heard that are being left out of it.
Edit: Moving this post from Random Discussion to here because it's more appropriate here.
'The Little Mermaid" is my favorite movie. I had very very....very low expectations of the sequel "TLM Return to the Sea." So when I found it posted on youtube, I decided to be completely open minded and give it a shot at watching. Wow, I was blown away. Disney managed to lower my expectations so deeply, that I can't even begin to comprehend it. I want to wretch. I am so dissapointed. Yes, I expected this, but as a huge fan of TLM franchise, I feel betrayed and hurt in a way. So now I'm about to go on a long tirade point by point about why this lame sequel sucked and made me cry.
The major thing going on: poor character developement, rushed plotline, characters who are 12 years older but don't look it except for Flounder! Sebastian saying "I'm old" is about the only other reference to the fact time has passed. The film might have had some drama and interest if it started with Melody discovering her past and then having to explain backward rather than a rushed chronologic opening. If they thought a kid would be too dumb to follow a plot that's not chronological, fine. But they didn't have to rush an already weak predicatble opening. If the film is aimed at tweeners, credit them with some intelligence. Ursula's sister is too cartoonishly villanous. Her Baby Jane Hudson jealousy of her sister is the only interesting plot point.
Worst yet!!!: "Mr. Opportunity" (of the Honda car commercials) is the voice of Eric!
Why does Sebastian never talk to Ariel about what's going on? He's supposed to be the go between of the sea and the land. Gee, Melody looks exactly like Ariel but with Eric's haircolor and big bushy eyebrows. How about some creative art? The kids make fun of Melody for talking to fish, but the town doesn't seem to care that the Prince's wife and future queen was a mermaid before she was married. Also, if the entire town is aware that Ariel was once a mermaid, how is it possible to keep this a secret from Ariel's own daughter?
If this is meant to be a tale outside of Ariel's point of view, there are so many plots that could have been worked on rather than a reverse Little Mermaid stoyline. Instead of a lame reversed Little Mermaid plot, Melody is, afterall, part human and part mermaid. Some sort of story about that would have been a much better use of ink and voices. Eric could've had a much stronger role. Seeing Ariel and Eric as a married couple rather than one that occasionally stops to stare and smile at each other would have been interesting, esp for fans of the franchise. The only times this comes close to happening is in a scene with Ariel combing her daughter's hair while Eric tells them to hurry up because a party is starting, and in the final scene with Eric jumping into the water with his wife and kissing her happily. Eric could've been the one to say his daughter can know nothing of the sea instead of Ariel. Ariel could've showed a struggle to please her father and her husband. Apparently, being a grown-up, a human grown-up, killed the Little Mermaid's spirit: Ariel has always been good with young people, but she can't handle her own daughter. It annoys me, although if they tried harder it could have been interesting and realistic.
Ariel's seperation from her father and his separation from her could've been better described. Why is Ariel, the youngest in the family, having babies and adventures, but her sisters never do? Lol, that's always been my gripe with the Little Mermaid, I always wanted more of the sisters.
At least the story isn't bogged down even further with too much lame singing. The music score overall is weak. The original had haunting songs, this one is so very very forced. Instead of being cartoony, Ursula's sister could have really been a strong evil character. Ursula was cartoony but she was villanouse in a deceptive deep way.
WTF with the idiot penguin/walrus adventure, how off topic can you get? You could've developed a real plot rather than waste time with a stupid sidetrack. And oh god a lame sing-along with the stupid walrus and penguin. Why, why?! The time wasted writing lame songs and creating art for it could've been used for a real story *cries.* When Melody gets to Atlantic, since she always thought the place was a myth, the time could've been better spent with her exploring the place instead of singing a stupid irrelevant song with the walrus and penguin!
Oh and come on a terribly lame love story almost develops between Melody and a merman? Please, stop with Little Mermaid in reverse! Even an adventure with the merkids would have been better played than the waste of time that actually takes place on the screen. And how did Melody sneak into the palace so easily?! They really could have taken the part where Melody meets her grandfather but doesn't know it's her grandfather and elaborated on it! Give us some sort of emotional connection to the film instead of this forced dribble. And Ariel having become a mermaid again after all these years, she doesn't seemed too surprised or upset to have a tail again. Even someone who posted fanfiction on youtube came up with a more interesting idea of Eric having to become a merman. Hell, it's a much more creative, romantic idea than what Disney came up with.
"Tell me, Melody, was being a mermaid everything you dreamed? Was it worth it?" Is about the only interesting thought provoking line in the whole film.
Scuttle conveniently flies down out of nowhere in the middle of the Arctic?! Little Mermaid Marvel comic stories I used to read as a kid where a million times more creative. Gah, just a horrible waste of a plot line developing that stupid penguin and walrus instead of Ariel and her grown-up life. Oh the humanity! OMG, Eric's lame attempt to reinact his heroic rescue of Ariel. Boo. You call this a climax to a movie? I am so not impressed or at the edge of my seat. There's absolutely no suspense. This is so fucking predicatble it's sad.
Is there a reason, why Ariel is powerless at fighting Ursula's sister? I mean come on, this climax is not in the least bit interesting! It seems as though Ariel is quick to save Eric, but not her useless daughter. I could almost understand too. When Melody appears safely on land, it's almost as if Ariel as an afterthought remembers she has a daughter. Ariel's face has a look like, "I'll just sit her and hold my precious Eric. Oh, Melody, you're here too?" And where the fuck is King Triton during this big final battle? The Walrus who conveniently saves Melody seems to love her more than Eric, Ariel, or Triton.
Oh and the scene where all is calm again and it's time to apologize to each other. Ha, suddenly Ariel has fins and she's become so wise again. Melody is so willing to suddenly have a grandfather, but that's Disney for you. I can tolerate that. Gosh this ending is so contrived. If you looked up "contrived" in my imaginary on-dictionary, a clip of the last ten minutes of this film would come up.
I know in all of this that I'm speaking as a grown-up. But I also know as a child I would have had similar concerns about this film. There is nothing in it that makes you feel for any characters or share in their emotions. I used to want to be a mermaid as a kid. You people should have used Melody as a way to make me feel like my little dream could be a reality. Instead, I'm just so sad. A sequel like this should've been a long awaited joy with expectation of suckiness that is denied. You shouldn't have gone above and beyond to take me to a whole new level of sucktastic. For shame. Oh for shame!
My friend LOOOOOVES the Little Mermaid and was naturally thrilled about the "sequel."
I agree with everything you said but also add: they were literally too lazy to make new scenes but instead DREW OVER some of the originals. Granted, I don't remember much of the movie now (I kind of blocked it out), but I remember watching it and thinking that Ursula's sister's movements were suspiciously similar (nay, identical) to those of Ursula's in the original.
Way to go Disney. This is partially why I only go for either 1) Pixar or 2) Hayao Miyazaki films (Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, etc.). For reasons entirely unknown (lies, I like them because they're actually thoughtful while also being visually stunning), I especially enjoy the latter.
My friend LOOOOOVES the Little Mermaid and was naturally thrilled about the "sequel."
I agree with everything you said but also add: they were literally too lazy to make new scenes but instead DREW OVER some of the originals. Granted, I don't remember much of the movie now (I kind of blocked it out), but I remember watching it and thinking that Ursula's sister's movements were suspiciously similar (nay, identical) to those of Ursula's in the original.
Way to go Disney. This is partially why I only go for either 1) Pixar or 2) Hayao Miyazaki films (Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, etc.). For reasons entirely unknown (lies, I like them because they're actually thoughtful while also being visually stunning), I especially enjoy the latter.
You are kidding! I was wondering why the art wasn't up to snuff. Grrr! I thought the third Little Mermaid movie now coming out on dvd might be ok. But then I read the story out of a coloring book in the grocery store and saw that it sounds sorta meh. I do hope they at least try to tell a good tale this time though.
I did see Cinderella III and was hugely and pleasantly surprised! It actually had suspense and told a good story and stayed true to the original. Toward the end, Cinderella became a little too much like an action-figure Aladdin type character. But I really enjoyed the prince and having him have more of a say. All the voices were marvelous and very similar to the originals. I'm still realing from the fact that Mr. Honda Opportunity played Eric in the Little Mermaid II. Oh the shame! BTW, the dude who plays Mr. Opportunity was also the voice of Yakko on the Anamaniacs. His voice is so much better as Yakko.
Also, I just saw "You Don't Mess with the Zohan" recently. Anyone else see it and your thoughts?
i usually like adam sandler, but i think that hes been going down hill since around 2000! also, from the preview it looked really crap, and on eof those movies that is just everything that you see in the preview!
saw Tropic Thunder last night. BRILLIANT. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT.
I absolutely loved this movie. I saw it yesterday with my mom and I found myself crying from laughter for most of the entire movie. I think it was cast PERFECTLY. I love Ben Stiller, Jack Black and OBVIOUSLY Robert Downey Jr. (hot)
I've been on a whole John Cameron Mitchell spree. (He directed "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" and "Shortbus." The former is him playing a transgender person and the latter was criticized/lauded for using nonsimulated sex scenes.)
But I find something so simple in his work; I find his ability to show love and relationships on screen pretty unparalleled.
Also: "Gonzo: the Life and Work of Hunter S. Thompson" finally came out in Canada and is it so bad that I'm dropping most everything this evening to go see it? I just finished "Hell's Angels" (and now need to go onto "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72"). There's something about Thompson's writing that just drives me wild. I know he was a loon and slightly unhinged, but he founded a style of journalism that I think is completely necessary: you need people to be completely subjective in order to form your own opinions; when journalists are too scared to move away from objectivity in interviews, people get watered-down stories. You need the lunatics (on BOTH sides) to even things out.
AND, next week: "Man on Wire" about Philipe Petit's "heist" of stringing a tightrope between the top of the Twin Towers and then just hanging out up there for almost an hour. It's apparently amazing and I am so psyched to see it.
i dont like the hulk in general though so to me theyll always suck.
Besides, there's only one Hulk and that's Lou Ferrigno.
i dont like the hulk in general though so to me theyll always suck.
Yeah, the last Hulk was out in like '04 and was the Worst. Movie. EVER. I fell asleep. Shit was blowing up, and I was SLEEPING THROUGH IT BECAUSE IT WAS SO FREAKING BORING.
I'm sure SLJ will say Mother Fucker at least 3 or 4 times in the sequel.
Although I totally embarrassed myself after he appeared, because I said rather loudly "OMG It's Samuel L. Badass Jackson" and this other group of people started laughing at my fangirl self. Then they called me on it outside the theatre on the way back outside the building, so I just started geeking out and talking about Mace Windu and Snakes on a Plane. I think I at least amused them.
it was way better than i expected. No over acting, and it wasnt as extreme and corney like usual SNL related movies. There was real acting in it, not just lame string along jokes or one liners
but was a good movie.
amys not being all snl annoying in it if thats what you mean.
Oh see, I'm more a fan of the Jackie Brown version of Samuel L. Jackson. Why? Two words: chin braid.
i was hoping it would be rad... the last movie was sooo good... i guess the suckyness of the last seasons were a marker of how shitty it was going to be...
stupid mulder.
heres a spoiler:
Has anyone seen the new Harry Potter trailer?
It looks good except they have a different actor playing the teenage Tom Riddle and that is totally lame. I loved Christian Coulson who played him in the second film. I thought he was brilliant.
It looks good except they have a different actor playing the teenage Tom Riddle and that is totally lame. I loved Christian Coulson who played him in the second film. I thought he was brilliant.
I still can't stand that guy who plays Dumbledore. Ooo, I hope it does focus more on the parent years like it should. My friend is already leering of it. She doesn't like the things she's heard that are being left out of it.
'The Little Mermaid" is my favorite movie. I had very very....very low expectations of the sequel "TLM Return to the Sea." So when I found it posted on youtube, I decided to be completely open minded and give it a shot at watching. Wow, I was blown away. Disney managed to lower my expectations so deeply, that I can't even begin to comprehend it. I want to wretch. I am so dissapointed. Yes, I expected this, but as a huge fan of TLM franchise, I feel betrayed and hurt in a way. So now I'm about to go on a long tirade point by point about why this lame sequel sucked and made me cry.
The major thing going on: poor character developement, rushed plotline, characters who are 12 years older but don't look it except for Flounder! Sebastian saying "I'm old" is about the only other reference to the fact time has passed. The film might have had some drama and interest if it started with Melody discovering her past and then having to explain backward rather than a rushed chronologic opening. If they thought a kid would be too dumb to follow a plot that's not chronological, fine. But they didn't have to rush an already weak predicatble opening. If the film is aimed at tweeners, credit them with some intelligence. Ursula's sister is too cartoonishly villanous. Her Baby Jane Hudson jealousy of her sister is the only interesting plot point.
Worst yet!!!: "Mr. Opportunity" (of the Honda car commercials) is the voice of Eric!
Why does Sebastian never talk to Ariel about what's going on? He's supposed to be the go between of the sea and the land. Gee, Melody looks exactly like Ariel but with Eric's haircolor and big bushy eyebrows. How about some creative art? The kids make fun of Melody for talking to fish, but the town doesn't seem to care that the Prince's wife and future queen was a mermaid before she was married. Also, if the entire town is aware that Ariel was once a mermaid, how is it possible to keep this a secret from Ariel's own daughter?
If this is meant to be a tale outside of Ariel's point of view, there are so many plots that could have been worked on rather than a reverse Little Mermaid stoyline. Instead of a lame reversed Little Mermaid plot, Melody is, afterall, part human and part mermaid. Some sort of story about that would have been a much better use of ink and voices. Eric could've had a much stronger role. Seeing Ariel and Eric as a married couple rather than one that occasionally stops to stare and smile at each other would have been interesting, esp for fans of the franchise. The only times this comes close to happening is in a scene with Ariel combing her daughter's hair while Eric tells them to hurry up because a party is starting, and in the final scene with Eric jumping into the water with his wife and kissing her happily. Eric could've been the one to say his daughter can know nothing of the sea instead of Ariel. Ariel could've showed a struggle to please her father and her husband. Apparently, being a grown-up, a human grown-up, killed the Little Mermaid's spirit: Ariel has always been good with young people, but she can't handle her own daughter. It annoys me, although if they tried harder it could have been interesting and realistic.
Ariel's seperation from her father and his separation from her could've been better described. Why is Ariel, the youngest in the family, having babies and adventures, but her sisters never do? Lol, that's always been my gripe with the Little Mermaid, I always wanted more of the sisters.
At least the story isn't bogged down even further with too much lame singing. The music score overall is weak. The original had haunting songs, this one is so very very forced. Instead of being cartoony, Ursula's sister could have really been a strong evil character. Ursula was cartoony but she was villanouse in a deceptive deep way.
WTF with the idiot penguin/walrus adventure, how off topic can you get? You could've developed a real plot rather than waste time with a stupid sidetrack. And oh god a lame sing-along with the stupid walrus and penguin. Why, why?! The time wasted writing lame songs and creating art for it could've been used for a real story *cries.* When Melody gets to Atlantic, since she always thought the place was a myth, the time could've been better spent with her exploring the place instead of singing a stupid irrelevant song with the walrus and penguin!
Oh and come on a terribly lame love story almost develops between Melody and a merman? Please, stop with Little Mermaid in reverse! Even an adventure with the merkids would have been better played than the waste of time that actually takes place on the screen. And how did Melody sneak into the palace so easily?! They really could have taken the part where Melody meets her grandfather but doesn't know it's her grandfather and elaborated on it! Give us some sort of emotional connection to the film instead of this forced dribble. And Ariel having become a mermaid again after all these years, she doesn't seemed too surprised or upset to have a tail again. Even someone who posted fanfiction on youtube came up with a more interesting idea of Eric having to become a merman. Hell, it's a much more creative, romantic idea than what Disney came up with.
"Tell me, Melody, was being a mermaid everything you dreamed? Was it worth it?" Is about the only interesting thought provoking line in the whole film.
Scuttle conveniently flies down out of nowhere in the middle of the Arctic?! Little Mermaid Marvel comic stories I used to read as a kid where a million times more creative. Gah, just a horrible waste of a plot line developing that stupid penguin and walrus instead of Ariel and her grown-up life. Oh the humanity! OMG, Eric's lame attempt to reinact his heroic rescue of Ariel. Boo. You call this a climax to a movie? I am so not impressed or at the edge of my seat. There's absolutely no suspense. This is so fucking predicatble it's sad.
Is there a reason, why Ariel is powerless at fighting Ursula's sister? I mean come on, this climax is not in the least bit interesting! It seems as though Ariel is quick to save Eric, but not her useless daughter. I could almost understand too. When Melody appears safely on land, it's almost as if Ariel as an afterthought remembers she has a daughter. Ariel's face has a look like, "I'll just sit her and hold my precious Eric. Oh, Melody, you're here too?" And where the fuck is King Triton during this big final battle? The Walrus who conveniently saves Melody seems to love her more than Eric, Ariel, or Triton.
Oh and the scene where all is calm again and it's time to apologize to each other. Ha, suddenly Ariel has fins and she's become so wise again. Melody is so willing to suddenly have a grandfather, but that's Disney for you. I can tolerate that. Gosh this ending is so contrived. If you looked up "contrived" in my imaginary on-dictionary, a clip of the last ten minutes of this film would come up.
I know in all of this that I'm speaking as a grown-up. But I also know as a child I would have had similar concerns about this film. There is nothing in it that makes you feel for any characters or share in their emotions. I used to want to be a mermaid as a kid. You people should have used Melody as a way to make me feel like my little dream could be a reality. Instead, I'm just so sad. A sequel like this should've been a long awaited joy with expectation of suckiness that is denied. You shouldn't have gone above and beyond to take me to a whole new level of sucktastic. For shame. Oh for shame!
The best satire of Hollywood ever made. I think it's my new fav movie.
Tempe- I agree with everything you just said, except that I also hated the first LM, lol.
I agree with everything you said but also add: they were literally too lazy to make new scenes but instead DREW OVER some of the originals. Granted, I don't remember much of the movie now (I kind of blocked it out), but I remember watching it and thinking that Ursula's sister's movements were suspiciously similar (nay, identical) to those of Ursula's in the original.
Way to go Disney. This is partially why I only go for either 1) Pixar or 2) Hayao Miyazaki films (Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, etc.). For reasons entirely unknown (lies, I like them because they're actually thoughtful while also being visually stunning), I especially enjoy the latter.
I agree with everything you said but also add: they were literally too lazy to make new scenes but instead DREW OVER some of the originals. Granted, I don't remember much of the movie now (I kind of blocked it out), but I remember watching it and thinking that Ursula's sister's movements were suspiciously similar (nay, identical) to those of Ursula's in the original.
Way to go Disney. This is partially why I only go for either 1) Pixar or 2) Hayao Miyazaki films (Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, etc.). For reasons entirely unknown (lies, I like them because they're actually thoughtful while also being visually stunning), I especially enjoy the latter.
You are kidding! I was wondering why the art wasn't up to snuff. Grrr! I thought the third Little Mermaid movie now coming out on dvd might be ok. But then I read the story out of a coloring book in the grocery store and saw that it sounds sorta meh. I do hope they at least try to tell a good tale this time though.
I did see Cinderella III and was hugely and pleasantly surprised! It actually had suspense and told a good story and stayed true to the original. Toward the end, Cinderella became a little too much like an action-figure Aladdin type character. But I really enjoyed the prince and having him have more of a say. All the voices were marvelous and very similar to the originals. I'm still realing from the fact that Mr. Honda Opportunity played Eric in the Little Mermaid II. Oh the shame! BTW, the dude who plays Mr. Opportunity was also the voice of Yakko on the Anamaniacs. His voice is so much better as Yakko.
Also, I just saw "You Don't Mess with the Zohan" recently. Anyone else see it and your thoughts?
I saw it- was reeeeeally disappointed. It was stupid, imo, and not funny. There's only so many phallic jokes a person can take.
also, from the preview it looked really crap, and on eof those movies that is just everything that you see in the preview!
I absolutely loved this movie. I saw it yesterday with my mom and I found myself crying from laughter for most of the entire movie. I think it was cast PERFECTLY. I love Ben Stiller, Jack Black and OBVIOUSLY Robert Downey Jr. (hot)
But I find something so simple in his work; I find his ability to show love and relationships on screen pretty unparalleled.
I must admit though, I am a bit jealous that he looks better in a dress than I ever will.
"Wig in a Box" from Hedwig
His video for Bright Eyes' "First Day of My Life"
Also: "Gonzo: the Life and Work of Hunter S. Thompson" finally came out in Canada and is it so bad that I'm dropping most everything this evening to go see it? I just finished "Hell's Angels" (and now need to go onto "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72"). There's something about Thompson's writing that just drives me wild. I know he was a loon and slightly unhinged, but he founded a style of journalism that I think is completely necessary: you need people to be completely subjective in order to form your own opinions; when journalists are too scared to move away from objectivity in interviews, people get watered-down stories.
You need the lunatics (on BOTH sides) to even things out.
AND, next week: "Man on Wire" about Philipe Petit's "heist" of stringing a tightrope between the top of the Twin Towers and then just hanging out up there for almost an hour. It's apparently amazing and I am so psyched to see it.